It’s (almost) Historic! Obama Has Already Killed 2 National Christmas Trees!

Carter = Two dead national Christmas trees.  (Near as I can tell).
Reagan = Zero dead national Christmas trees.
Bush Sr. = Zero dead national Christmas trees.
Clinton = Zero dead national Christmas trees.
Bush Jr. = Zero dead national Christmas trees.
Obama = Two dead national Christmas trees.  (And, a par-tri-i-i-dge in a pear treeeeee).

Somewhere, there’s a trenchant metaphor in all of this:

National Christmas Tree in Washington dies after just 14 months
via FoxNews

WASHINGTON –  Just 14 months after it was planted in front of the White House, the National Christmas Tree has died.

The tree, a Colorado blue spruce, died from “complications resulting from transplant shock,” the National Park Service said, according to

It was planted on the Ellipse near the president’s residence a little over a year ago — having been grown in New Jersey — to replace a tree that had served as America’s Christmas tree for 33 years before succumbing to a storm.

Another Colorado blue spruce will replace the tree.


And, I’m sure Bo will keep it well “hydrated.”

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