Pakistan kite festival ‘kills 10’

Only a Muslim could turn a simple object like a kite into a weapon. Are you ready for Kite Jihad? Using sharp twine is not an accident. They probably used it to cut other kite flyers line and didn’t mean it to be a weapon but then again this was identified as dangerous and given the Muslim tendency toward violence it does make you wonder. I have run across “celebratory fire” a few times. Here is a hint-if it goes up it will come down. Kite flying is an old custom among Muslims. Probably because looking up to the heavens is as close as they will ever get to a visit.

26 February, 2007 BBC
At least 10 people, a number of them children, have been killed during a kite-flying festival in the Pakistani province of Punjab, police say.

Stray bullets and sharp twine were among the causes of the deaths during the annual Basant festival.
The Pakistan Supreme Court banned kite-flying in 2005 after nine people were killed during festivities in 2004.
But the ban was lifted for 15 days in 2007 after the Punjab government promised to take preventive measures.
More than 700 people were arrested over the past two days for using illegal weapons and sharpened twine during the festival, police officials in Lahore told the Associated Press news agency.
While the Supreme Court had lifted the ban between 24 February and 10 March, the Punjab government only allowed the festival to be celebrated on 24 and 25 February.
Lahore Mayor Mian Aamer Mahmoud told AP that permission ended on Sunday and the ban would then be reapplied.
Despite this, there were numerous incidents in which people were killed or injured during the two-day long celebrations.
Dozens of people had been hurt in addition to at least 10 people killed, Lahore’s police chief Malik Iqbal told the BBC.
Fatalities included an 11-year-old boy, who had his throat slashed by sharpened twine, Pakistan’s leading English newspaper, Dawn reported.
A 16-year-old girl also suffered a similar fate, AP reported.
The youngest victim was a six-year-old boy who was struck in the head by celebratory gunfire outside his home in Lahore, the Dawn newspaper said.
Celebratory firing and use of sharpened twine had been strictly prohibited by the Supreme court in its conditional repeal of the ban on the festival.
They remained the principal cause of the deaths and injuries, which were also caused by electrocution and falls.
Police chief Iqbal said deaths caused by gunshots would be treated as murder.
Basant, which means saffron, is usually celebrated on rooftops and the fierce competition has led to the use of twine with metal and glass to have the extra edge.
The festival, an annual low-key tradition to herald the approach of spring in the Punjab, has become a high-profile money spinner involving celebrities, corporate sponsorships and much media attention.

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9 Comments on “Pakistan kite festival ‘kills 10’”

  1. Leatherneck Says:

    Son, why are you upset? Dad, Sayeed laughed at my kite. He said it looked like a girls kite with that pink color. Son, be sure and shoot Sayeed with your AK this afternoon at the contest. If he is killed by a good muslime like you, he will go stright to heaven. OK Dad.

    allah akbar!

  2. Ronin Says:

    Rumor is: The Pakistani military has an elite killer kite brigade and an all female Special Forces unit skilled in kite warfare-They are called “Pretty in Pink Hijab’s” reportedly they can kill silently by kite or by underarm hair. Several have been trained to disguise themselves as men, Easily done with the unit’s policy of never letting a woman shave her mustache.


    Now I see why the Taliban banned kites. They are hazardous to Muslims’ health.

  4. Ronin Says:

    Well that and the Taliban wouldn’t let go of small boys long enough to learn to fly a kite.

  5. Leatherneck Says:


  6. cavmom Says:

    I had a coment….. but read those posted and lost my train of thought.

    Ya’ll are just too funny!


    Anything to discredit Satan Khomeini’s dictum that there’s no humor in Islam. May he rot in hell!

  8. Fredex Says:

    When you see these stupid statistics like ‘x amount of people are killed every year by a tea cosy’ this is where they come from, stupid things like this. Did they not think to themselves that perhaps firing into the air and using kites covered in glass might cause a problem?

    I can imagine the follow up event, the annual diving competition where the contestants dive into pools covered in faulty electrical items and wrapped in live wires, whilst the aim is to be the first one to swim towards the swirling blades in the middle of the pool, additional points are awarded for every wire you manage to cut from your fellow contestants….

  9. Ronin Says:

    I was actually impressed- any culture that can turn something as harmless as kite flying into a combat sport will really have a grand time once bungee jumping reaches them.

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