Nigerian Army Kills 25 Islamonazis

Who says that the Taliban are only a local problem???

Some 25 Islamist militants killed in Nigerian military offensive
Monsters and

Abuja/Nairobi – The Nigerian army said it has killed some 25 Islamic militants in the northern city of Kano, in response to the slaying of 12 police officers, reports said Wednesday.

Members of an Islamist group known as the ‘Taliban’ stormed a police station in the Panshekara area of the city on Tuesday, burning cars and buildings in their way and killing 12 officers and one of their wives.

Nine of the militants had been captured by the army, according to the British broadcaster BBC.

Throughout the morning, militants and police had been exchanging gunfire in an offensive that came on the heels of landmark presidential elections on April 21 that are set to be the first transfer of power from one civilian government to another.

It was not clear if the attack had any political motives, but the two-day violence added to the rising tensions in the country where 18 opposition parties have threaten to boycott the polls.

Nigerian authorities deployed the troops and police to Kano on Tuesday and reports Wednesday said hundreds of people were fleeing the violence.

The attack came four days after a prominent Islamic cleric in the state, Sheik Ja’afar Mahmood Adam, was assassinated by unidentified assailants.

Explore posts in the same categories: Africa, Body Count, Taliban

One Comment on “Nigerian Army Kills 25 Islamonazis”


    No prisoners? Good. This is the way jihadist scum needs to be dealt with.

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