Mullah Hassani Claims His Wife is an Ass…

I take a keen interest in Mullah Hojatolislam Hassani, as he is the Iranian Islamonazi that called for the arrest of all dog owners and their dogs!!! Now, he is taking a page from the playbook of his Australian buddy, Sheik “uncovered meat” Al-Hilali, and comparing uncovered Muslim women to buses…

mullah-hassani.jpgStraight from the Mullah’s Mouth: Unveiled Women Are like Buses — “Anyone Can Ride”

By Kimberly West
Published April 23, 2007

Associated Content

As Iran has just begun it’s warm-weather crackdown on women’s dress in the regime with the Iranian Fashion Police out in full force, it might (or it just might not) bring up the age-old theological question-

What do women and mass transit have in common?

Quite a lot, according to Iranian Mullah Hojatolislam Hassani. In last Friday’s sermon (Friday is the Islamic Holy day), Gateway Pundit reports that the Islamic hardliner divided women into three groups–

The first group… he said are the women who are badly veiled who are like buses who everyone and anyone can ride.

The second group… are women who are wearing scarves without the Islamic overcoats; they are like taxis who only pick up certain passengers.

And finally, in the third group… there are women like my wife who are like donkeys who let only one person ride them!

According to the New York Times, Mullah Hassani is the most conservative voice of Islam in Iran-

Each Friday, the Muslim holy day, he thunders from his pulpit in the Masjid-e-Jam� mosque against everything he views as threatening to Islam and its rule in Iran.

The New York Post reports that Iranian Mullah Hojatolislam Hassani — the title places him in the second rank of mullahs, just beneath the ayatollah level in the Islamic religious heirarchy — ” is wedded to the social and political precepts that have been imposed on Iranians since the Islamic revolution in 1979.” In fact, Mullah Hassani refers sarcastically to the 20th century as “the American century.” He see what many westerners would call progress as nothing more than decadence and decay.

To underscore Hassani’s devotion to Islamic law, the New York Post reports that Mullah Hassani even had his own son, a Marxist, executed for the sake of the Iranian regime. In the interview, Mullah Hassani sees himself on par with Abraham because he “sacrificed” his own son for the regime–

After years as a political prisoner under the shah, Mr. Hassani became an acolyte of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran’s absolute ruler for 10 years until his death in 1989. In 1983, at the height of antileftist purges, Mr. Hassani led Islamic guards to the hiding place of his eldest son, Rashid, a 25-year-old Marxist, and assented eagerly as a firing squad executed him. It was an event, he says, that proved his loyalty to Islam.

The execution tied the mullah, at least in his own mind, to the beginning of biblical time, when God challenged Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. “Abraham didn’t sacrifice his son, but I did,” Mr. Hassani said with a quick chuckle. “Even today, I don’t regret it.” And what of the reaction of Rashid’s mother, one of two living wives who have borne the cleric five sons and seven daughters? “I really don’t know,” he said. “If she has any thoughts about it, she has kept them to herself, and I haven’t asked.”

The Iranian mullah’s Friday sermon statements about Mass Transit follow on statements recently made by an Australian mullah comparing unveiled women to uncovered meat. The Australian mullah’s statements caused outrage throughout Australia. Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, one of Australia’s most senior Muslim clerics, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not cover themselves with the Islamic veil with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.

He asked another age-old theological question — “If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it..whose fault is it — the cats or the uncovered meat?”

His answer– “The uncovered meat is the problem.”

The Australian cleric continued: “If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred.”

“Women,” the Australian Muslim cleric said, were ‘weapons’ used by Satan to control men.

It appears that, while each uses a different analogy, Mass Transit Mullah Hassani and Uncovered Meat Mullah Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali–both mullahs in high ranking places within the Islamic religious hierarchy in their respective countries–are preaching the same message of contempt for half of the human race.

To be fair–yes, some western Christians quote Bible verses about women and modesty. But currently, Christian women are not veiled through fear and intimidation and there are no Christian Fashion Police scouring the countryside giving out tickets for immodest dress. Women in the West are not currently being imprisoned or lashed for wearing their hair uncovered or for wearing clothing deemed immoral by a religious law enforcement agency. Since 10AM on Saturday in Iran, though, almost 200 women have been warned, nearly 60 have stood trial, and 1,347 women have been given “Islamic guidance” about their dress under Sharia law.

What might ideas like these expressed by an Iranian and an Australian mullah, both of high rank within their religious heirarchy, portend for the human race overall if they spread? In the Muslim faith, dawa means spreading the message of Islam and inviting non-Muslims to accept the truth of Islam. What might life be like under Sharia law should dawa succeed? (A recent survey shows many Muslims in the UK expressing a desire for Sharia in the UK, for example.)

During a 2002 meeting of the Irish House of Parliament General Affairs and External Relations Council and a discussion of the deterioration of human rights in Iran, Mr. J. O’Keeffe made a comment that leaves a chilling question mark in the reader’s mind–

Mr. J. O’Keeffe: I noted in this morning’s Irish Examiner that a Mullah Hassani in the city of Urumiyeh at Friday prayers last week called for the arrest of all long-legged, medium-legged and short-legged dogs and their long-legged owners. I suppose in a way it is a joke, but it shows the extent to which these mad Mullahs will go. If that is their attitude in regard to dogs, God help the poor humans who come under their control.


Mullah Compares Unveiled Women to Buses: “Anyone Can Ride Them”, Gateway Pundit,

Explore posts in the same categories: Insanity, Iran, Islamic Law

4 Comments on “Mullah Hassani Claims His Wife is an Ass…”


    It is truly frightening that someone with this sort of insane mindset is one of the bigshots in a nation seeking nuclear weapons. We have plenty to worry about because obviously Iran’s mad dog president has a lot of company.

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  3. Making A Mockery Of Jihad

    In Shariah law, jihad can be declared only by the state or those empowered by it. Terror attacks, on the other hand, are planned and executed by a few individuals unrepresentative of any state or state institution. So their attacks cannot be legitimate by any Islamic or Shariah law. That is nothing but committing murder of innocent people. Also, according to Islamic laws, in jihad no non-combatant can be attacked, much less women, children and old persons and no civilian property can be destroyed unless it is being used for military purposes or for purposes of combat, says Asghar Ali Engineer an acknowledged authority on Islam based in Mumbai.
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  4. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    * Making A Mockery Of Jihad

    Take it up with satan. When he gets bored with islam, he’ll discard it, and try
    another trick. Islam wants jihad, God will accommodate it and its evil followers,
    and destroy them.

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