Apparent Suicide at Guantanamo

Perhaps the humiliation he felt for failing to accomplish his task of killing all the infidels while dying in a glorious explosion was just too much for this Moon god worshiping Jihadist to live with. Those much touted 72 virgins will definitely not be awaiting his cowardly entrance into the afterlife. But, on the bright side, Guantanamo now has another vacancy. Any takers?

Saudi prisoner kills self at Guantanamo, U.S. says
Wed May 30, 2007
By Jane Sutton

MIAMI (Reuters) – A Saudi Arabian prisoner died of an apparent suicide at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on Wednesday, the U.S. military said.

“The detainee was found unresponsive and not breathing in his cell by guards. The detainee was pronounced dead by a physician after all lifesaving measures had been exhausted,” the U.S. Southern Command in Miami said in a statement.

The military did not indicate how the prisoner died.

He is the fourth detainee to die of apparent suicide at the detention camp, which opened in January 2002 and holds about 380 foreign terrorist suspects on the U.S. naval base in southeastern Cuba.

Three others hanged themselves in their cells last summer, deaths that are still under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

“The remains of the deceased detainee are being treated with the utmost respect. A cultural advisor is assisting the Joint Task Force to ensure that the remains are handled in a culturally sensitive and religiously appropriate manner,” the Southern Command said.

It said the Naval Criminal Investigative Service had begun an investigation.

Explore posts in the same categories: Body Count, Guantanamo Bay, Muslim Honor, Saudi Arabia

4 Comments on “Apparent Suicide at Guantanamo”


    LNN (Lefty News Network) will say this poor victim of imperialism was ruthlessly murdered in cold blood and made to look like a suicide. Or, an alternative version will say the poor guy was subjected to so many inhuman tortures that he had no choice but to kill himself.

    But I am pleased to hear that his remains were treated with the utmost respect. Somehow, I doubt he would have been as considerate to any victims he would have created had he gotten the chance. Personally, I would have thrown the body into the trash chute with plenty of pig guts.


    Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention this-

    Good riddance! Less tax money being wasted on this loser.

  3. Leatherneck Says:

    Yeah, good riddance you moon god worshipping POS!

  4. Blackdog Says:

    That is only cool for rock stars.
    Doesn’t islam say that suicide is bad, if you don’t take innocent women and children into the afterlife with you?

    Did he choke on his own hypocracy?

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