Hezbollah Commander Killed, No One Wants to Claim Responsibility

Usually, Israel is more than willing to come out and admit when they’ve killed a terrorist. Their silence on this is interesting and leads me to suspect that the U.S. might have had a hand in all of this… It’s just a silly hunch, but check out the following statements by State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack:

World a ‘better place’ without Hezbollah leader: US spokesman


WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States said Wednesday the “world is a better place” without a top commander of the Lebanese Shiite Muslim militia Hezbollah, who was assassinated in a car bombing in Damascus.

Analysts and others, however, warned of the high likelihood of retaliation against Israel, which Hezbollah immediately blamed for the killing of Imad Mughnieh, a central figure in terrorist attacks by Shiite extremists since the 1980s.

US intelligence threat assessments have routinely underscored that Hezbollah is the only group besides al-Qaeda with the reach and capability to strike targets in the United States.

But the United States grimly welcomed the death of a man that is belived to have been behind kidnappings of westerners, assassinations of US officials and devastating bombings of US military installations in the region.

“The world is a better place without this man in it,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.

“He was a cold-blooded killer, a mass murderer and terrorist responsible for countless innocent lives lost.”

“One way or another he was brought to justice,” McCormack said.

A US intelligence official said, “This is someone who has caused the United States considerable pain over probably a quarter of a century. This should indicate that terrorists can run but they can’t hide.”

Mughnieh died in a car bombing in a residential neighbourhood of the Syrian capital late on Tuesday, Hezbollah officials said.

Western intelligence services suspected him of working directly for Iranian intelligence and he was on State Department and FBI most wanted lists.

“Imad Mughnieh is one of the most accomplisheed terrorist of our time,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer and expert on Mideast terrorism at the Brookings Institution.

He said Mughnieh was a founding architect of Hezbollah and chief of its terrorist wing since the militias birth in the mid-1980s during the Lebanese war with Iranian backing.

According to Riedel, Mughnieh was responsible for hostage-takings of westerners in Lebanon in the 1980s and the hijacking of a TWA aircraft in 1980 in which a US navy diver was killed.

After the TWA hijacking, the United States offered a reward of up to five million dollars for information leading to Mughnieh’s arrest.

“Prior to September 11 he was probably the most wanted on the (US) most wanted list,” Riedel said.

He was linked to the murder of kidnapped CIA station chief William Buckley in Beirut in 1985; and the killing of Marine Colonel Rich Higgins who was kidnapped, tortured and killed in 1988.

He was wanted for the 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed 29 people, and the 1994 bombing of a Jewish Cultral Center in the same city that killed 86 people.

And Hezbollah was linked to the 1996 truck bombing of a US residential complex called Khobar Towers near Dahran, Saudi Arabia that killed 19 US servicemembers and a Saudi.

“We are pretty certain that the bombmaker who built the bomb that was used against the US Air Force barracks at Khobar Towers was a member of Hezbollah, in which case Mughnieh would have been very much involved,” Riedel said.

Riedel said the United States mounted an operation to snatch Mughnieh in the 1990s after receiving information that a flight he was on would make a transit in Jeddah. But they were unable to move quickly enough.

“His death will be a signficant blow both for Hezbollah and the Iranian intelligence service with whom he worked very, very closely,” he said.

“He was the principal liaison between the Iranian intelligence service and Hezbollah, very much involved in the trafficking of arms from Iran to Hezbollah, since the summer war in 2006 between Israel and Lebanon.

“He’s probably on the most wanted list of the Mossad; he had to have been not just in the top ten, but probably in the top five.”

The car-bombing that killed Mughnieh fit the style of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, according to Riedel.

“They have a history of carrying out operations in downtown Damascus. They have been tracing this man for years and years,” he said.

But he caustioned “it is clear from the reaction of Hezbollah, and the Iranians and the Syrians today, but especially from Hezbollah, that there will be very significant retaliation against an Israeli target for this.

“It may not be immediate, it may take them a while to get something organized. But the history of this struggle between Israel and Hezbollah is that Hezbollah will strike back in a major way.”

Explore posts in the same categories: Body Count, Good News, Hezbollah, War on Terror

7 Comments on “Hezbollah Commander Killed, No One Wants to Claim Responsibility”

  1. Leatherneck Says:

    I would like to have seen his face after he made it in front of the Yaweh, and found out allah was not real. I bet his murdered victims sang a song as follows:

    Who ate all the pies?
    Who ate all the pies,?

    That fat bastard.
    That fat bastard.

    He ate all the pies!


    Thank you to the killer of such scum. If the US did it I’m surprised it has such people in a place like Syria. I doubt Israel did it-Olmert is too spineless despite the recent statement on targeted hits. In any event, good riddance.

  3. reformislam Says:

    Muslims Against Sharia congratulate the organization responsible for elimination of terrorist Imad Mugniyeh on a job well done!


  4. Warner Says:

    The interesting feature of this ‘hit’ is that it was done on the anniversary of the assasination, by the Syrians, of Rafiq Hariri.
    The Arabs are very fond of the commemorative revenge strike, so maybe it was the anti-Syrian Lebanese faction who pulled it off. Hariri’s murder sure pissed them off in no uncertain terms.

    On the other hand; it may have been a cunning bit of deflection work to make it look like it was the work of avenging Lebs……hmmmm!…….the 4 by 2’s didn’t get all those Nobel prizes by being as thick as two bricks.

    Either way….Mr. Mughniyeh, I hope you didn’t let the buckled and burnt bits of car door hit you on the pulped fragments of your ass as you exited the wreckage at the speed of sound……too late to warn you now I suppose; but you shoulda checked for a little package between the front seats.

    Message to Allah: try not to get all the bits mixed up as you try to piece the mincemeat back together….the celestial virgins get V. annoyed when there’s a little toe where the shlong oughta be.

  5. DORORO Says:

    According to reports, it seems in Israel an act which we International Community call assassination isn’t called “assassination”.
    Israel calls it as follow.
    “Targeted Killings”

    There is a similarity example in Japan.
    It is Aum Shinrikyo.
    Aum Shinrikyo called “Phowa” murder.
    Aum Shinrikyo said murder in other word.
    It seems Aum Shinrikyo felt murder guiltily.

    I think the reason which Israel say assassination in other word is that Israel has done assassination guiltily too.
    I wonder Israel recognizes itself assassination is a weak point of Israel.
    Isn’t it good point?

    By the way, Isn’t it refer to solve Middle East Problem how Japan Government treated Aum Shinrikyo?
    There is a similarity between Israel and Aum Shinrikyo, on the points which established state frame and plot takeover.
    May be, Palestine would future Japan which if Japan Government didn’t take any action against Aum Shinrikyo.

    So, there is an idea.
    Isn’t it possible to seek solution of Middle East Problem, by compare Israel and Aum Shinrikyo?
    That is to say, until now antisocial behavior and crimes against humanity by Israel are seen as tyrannies by a Non-humanitarian State.
    Therefore, Palestine has treat Israel as a sovereign state, hasn’t it?
    However, isn’t it a good idea to recognize Israel as a Cult, and tackle with Middle East Problem as a kind of Cult Problem?
    In that case, isn’t it referring to solve Middle East Problem how Japan Government treated Aum Shinrikyo?

    Japan gratify if Japanese bitter past experience help with Middle East Peace.

  6. Ronin Says:

    Are you really attempting to make a moral comparison between Israel and Palestine?

    The same Palestine that marches armed children down the street shoots rockets indiscriminately and calls for the complete destruction of its neighbors – that Palestine?

    Dude lay off the drugs.

  7. tnr Says:

    German report: Assad’s brother-in-law, Shawkat, attempted coup…. intelligence sources postulated that the targeted killing of Mugniyah had been planned by Shawkat’s associates, as retaliation for the disclosure of the planned rebellion.


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