The Runaway Maid

Warner emailed us the following article:

Repatriated Lankan Maid Claims Torture, Nonpayment of Wages
Mohammed Rasooldeen, Arab News
RIYADH, 3 March 2008 – A Sri Lankan maid, who was tortured brutally by her employer’s wife, has been forcibly sent home without being paid a year’s salary.

“I was tortured severely. The sponsor’s wife burned me with an iron rod, poured disinfectant and gasoline on me and threatened to burn me alive; she also said she would cut my hair to make me ugly,” said Madhuwanthie, the 28-year-old Sri Lankan woman.

Anyone want to place a bet as to what religion the “sponsor” and his wife practice???

Madhuwanthie has – through the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) – sought the intervention of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Riyadh to contact her sponsor and get her salary dues.

Madhuwanthie, who worked for the household for 21 months, has only received pay for the first nine months of her employment. “Every time I asked for my salary, they would beat me and threaten to hand me over to the police on false charges,” she said in a letter to SLBFE. “I did not have the opportunity to contact the embassy since the telephone was out of my reach.”

According to a Sri Lankan Embassy official, the mission needs to come up with a system whereby it is informed when a domestic worker is sent on final exit.

“This is a clear case of sponsor deserting worker. The sponsor sent the maid home stealthily without anyone’s knowledge fearing he would be questioned for torture and nonpayment of salaries,” said the official.

He added that it would be better if the mission could tackle problems in the presence of both the employer and the employee. Third party inquiries are ineffective since both sides cannot be heard together and a firm commitment from the sponsor cannot be obtained. However, he said the mission would take up the matter with the relevant authorities.

The Sri Lankan Embassy in Riyadh receives an average of nine cases of runaway maids each day.

Uhm…  That sounds an awful lot like a slave term to me…

The mission has opened a 24-hour cell to accommodate such cases and report them to the proper authorities. The country’s missions in Jeddah and Riyadh also run safe houses for such workers till problems are resolved. Common complaints by the maids include nonpayment of salaries, harassment and being forced to continue work beyond contract periods.

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15 Comments on “The Runaway Maid”

  1. tnr Says:

    Man Butchers 15-Month-Old Nephew in Jeddah Supermarket:

  2. TNR,

    Warner had emailed me with that story, but I declined to post it as the moon god worshipers would just say I was blaming Islam when clearly this is a case of a lunatic snapping…

    But, your posting of the link solved my dilemma. Thanks!


  3. Leatherneck Says:

    “lunatic snapping…”

    Moon snapping? AKA moon god worshipers doing what moon god worshipers do?

    Of course, I agree.

  4. Leatherneck,

    Your quick! That pun would’ve slipped by most…


  5. velvethammer Says:

    Domestic help in Saudi is slavery plain and simple. IMO

    Check this quote out. It is from a Muslim blogger who lives in Saudi. Formerly an American. The title itself blew me away.

    Day 1 : The Slave Trade

    The man we got her from did not inform her that he was getting rid of her until we came to pick her up! I felt terrible, because I had no idea that one could just transfer an iqama of a person without them having any knowledge or given consent.

    Is it ok to buy and sell humans like chattel once one becomes a Muslim in Saudi? Apparently so.

  6. “…chattel”

    Nice usage. It kind of has a double-meaning the way you used it… I like it!


  7. velvethammer Says:


    Did I mention the blogger is or rather was an African American?
    Imagine if it were the other way around. For example. If white American Christians were to purchase contracts of Muslims or Africans from outside the US. Or let’s go a step further and say (what if ) white American Christians were to purchase contracts of black muslims.

    Now read this quote as if the above was a common practice among white Christian Americans.

    The man we got her from did not inform her that he was getting rid of her until we came to pick her up! I felt terrible, because I had no idea that one could just transfer an iqama of a person without them having any knowledge or given consent.

    Can you even dare to imagine that white Christian Americans would get away with such a thing? Not on your life!

    As if we would ever consider it. Which goes without saying.

  8. tnr Says:

    completely OT

    The historical concert of the New York Philharmonic in Pyongyang :

    click on the “i” on the green circle at the right for information about the program

  9. ciccio Says:

    I read the official Saudi Gov. webpage on a regular basis, I skip the international and go to the local news, readers letters and so on, it gives a wonderful insight into the land and its people. There are many complaints about the iniquities of the servant class, knowing full well that a SAUDI cannot be expected to drive himself, those miserable servants make their lives hell. In the womans pages a
    wife boasted of her acumen in dealing with her philandering husband. It appeared he was f******
    the maid, of course she could not do or say anything about it to him, but waited until he went on a
    business trip, called her brother in some ministry or the other and had her deported. This is about on par with the justice system of the great American allly. On his return when he asked the whereabouts of the maid, she told him she had been deported because she was diagnosed with aids. She was very pleased with herself.

  10. velvethammer Says:


    “I read the official Saudi Gov. webpage”

    Link please.

  11. tnr Says:

    Velvethammer, here are 2 links for Saudi official webpages:

    and then this one for the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affair website… if you explore it carefully you might find the pages where they explain how to exterminate the Jews and how to kill the apostates:

    but I cant find the pages ciccio is talking about

  12. velvethammer Says:

    Thanks tnr

    Appreciate it.

  13. oziz Says:

    I’m a Muslim, but not in Saudi, a more moderate Muslim country, sad to say what happened in Saudi, or what is being done by the her people do not reflex Islam teaching at all. And as fellow Muslim, i am ashamed of what they’re doing. To all blogger, please, be objective and do not judge Islam as what being practiced by certain people in certain country.
    I have a lady friend, her father is a Saudi and her mom is a my fellow countryman. My friend herself is also born and raised in my country by her adopted parents. At the age of 20, she was asked to live with her natural parents as agreed by both parties. Since then her life has been in hell. Constant beating, mental torture and starvation has been her usual meal. Her father is trying real hard to change her into conservative, yes-man, obedient Muslim girl. As a result, she had broken her arm once, gone into coma for cerebral concussion once and multiple ribs fracture. She even tried to take her own life once but god still loves her. Even with that, her father still do the same thing to her.
    She wanted to run away but couldn’t do it in Saudi as all her documents are with her father and the price she’s gonna pay if caught, she hope to make it when she is in oversea with her parents. Any help? Any idea? Greatly appreciated.

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