Israel Still Paying for Losing the Media War In Europe Long Ago

Here’s an excellent transcript on antisemitism from CBN reporter Dale Hurd.  If you’re short on time and a slow reader, I encourage you to click on the link below and watch the report in full.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Europe
By Dale Hurd
CBN News Sr. Reporter
March 6, 2008 – If you don’t think anti-Semitism is rising in Europe, look at the political cartoons.

A Greek cartoon suggests Israelis kill Christians on Easter.

Woman: “Why did the Jewish Government kill a religious leader?” Man: “They are practicing for Easter.”

An Italian cartoon shows the baby Jesus worried that the Israelis are going to kill him again.


And then there are the cartoons that compare the Jews to the Nazis.

“We are NOT killers…  We are Nazis!”

It reminds Jews of another period: the 1930s, the time before the Holocaust.

In Europe today, most Jews are at least anxious. Some are scared, and many have already left for Israel or the United States. Because even though many European governments have condemned the new rise in anti-Semitism, there is a clear perception among many Jews that Europe’s terrible history is somehow coming back to life.

“Jewish communities around the world are under more pressure now than at any time since 1945,” says Robert Wistrich of Hebrew University in Israel. Wistrich is the son of Polish Jews who fled the Holocaust. “Here we are 60 years after that and what lessons have been learned? Not enough.”

A survey last year by the Anti-Defamation League of five European countries found that half of those questioned believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than the countries in which they live. That was what the Nazis believed.

And almost half of Europeans surveyed also said Jews “probably” have too much control of international finance. That was another Nazi view.

Almost half also believe that Jews control U.S. Middle East policy. The Nazis would have agreed.

The editor of Der Sturmer, Julius Streicher wrote in 1944: “The Jews have made America what it is today: a nation…forced into helping the Jews achieve world domination!”

Manfred Gerstenfeld, a leading Holocaust expert, says the constant demonization of Israel by the European media and the European left has helped create what he calls a “new anti-Semitism” against the “collective Jew”; that is, Israel and Zionism.

“All studies show that Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism almost entirely overlap,” he said. “Now, of course, it is very bad to say you are against the Jews after the Holocaust, so you have a found an escape clause to be against the Jews without saying you are against the Jews. And you say I am against Israel, applying standards to Israel that you do not apply to any other nation.”

University of Michigan Professor Andrei Markovits, author of Uncouth Nation adds: “Criticizing Israel, Israeli policy, certainly is not Anti-Semitic. Criticizing Israel the State is not Anti-Semitic. But when you bring in old anti-Semitic tropes to criticize Israel or to depict Israel as the murderer of God, as the blood libel, showing them as Nazis; that is anti-Semitic.”

And Markovits, a self-described progressive or leftist, says hatred of Israel is now a core principle for many on the Left. At anti-Israel protests, you’ll see radical Muslims and Leftists both expressing, not only anti-Israel messages, but anti-Semitic messages, too.

This political cartoon from the London Independent newspaper, showing what Jews claimed was an imitation of the ancient blood libel, won best political cartoon award in Britain:


The same cartoon later showed up in a rally by radical Muslims in the Middle East.

“The terrorists have allies in European society,” Gerstenfeld said. “In the media. In the NGO’s, on academia, among leftwing politicians.”

The leftist mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said he’s against anti-Semitism. But he has also said that anyone who goes to kill Israeli soldiers is not a terrorist. And a onetime member of the British parliament, Jenny Tonge, said if she were a Palestinian, she would consider being a suicide bomber.

Distorted Media Coverage

Throughout Europe, distorted and one-sided news coverage has created an Israel that is aggressive and evil.

“It’s a demonization based on a radical detextualization, de-legitimization that’s been going on,” Melanie Phillips, a British conservative, says. “And if you’re the averagely ignorant Brit, watching your TV, listening to your radio, you believe it. That’s your world view.”

In France, a court is deciding whether a government TV channel, France2, showed faked footage of the supposed death of a Palestinian boy, Mohammed al-Durah, during the second intifada in 2000, to make it look like he was killed by Israeli solders. When the judge ordered France2 to turn over all of its footage of the incident, it also showed the boy moving his arms and peering through his fingers after he was supposed to be dead.

But Muslim rage at the original France2 news story led to countless reprisals against Jews around the world. It was even mentioned by terrorists as a reason for the beheading Daniel Pearl.

Scott Jacobs at says the France2 story “globally defames the Jewish nation, Israel, with a fabricated icon of hypocritical brutality and immorality; and criminalizes Jews and their State to justify pariah-punishment.”

The EU says Muslims are responsible for half of all attacks on Jews in Europe. In France, Muslims outnumber Jews 10 to 1. Nidra Poller, an American writer and commentator in Paris, says the government and media are afraid of the Muslims.

“The French are using the Muslims, allowing the Muslims, to express this vicious and violent, murderous Jews hatred, and they get a free ride on their old fashioned anti-Semitism,” Poller said. “The whole Lebanon war was shown from the Hezbollah point of view. Israel was the villain. And Hezbollah were the innocents who were suffering. So all the Muslims in France got another dose of Jew hatred.”

And when Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006, anti-Semitic violence in Europe surged.

Surpising, But Not Unique

Anti-Semitism is by no means just a European phenomenon. But it is in Europe, the place of the Holocaust, where the return of anti-semitism is so surprising.

As a boy in the Netherlands, Manfred Gerstenfeld hid from the Nazis in an upstairs apartment. He may have never believed it could happen again. But he now believes Europe is re-living the 1930s.

“A senior Dutch politician told me a few months ago, ‘Look, the Jews have to understand that in the Netherlands, they have no future,’ he said.

In large part because Israel lost the media war in Europe long ago, and the Jews are still paying for it.

Explore posts in the same categories: Antisemitism, Europe, Political Cartoons

17 Comments on “Israel Still Paying for Losing the Media War In Europe Long Ago”

  1. Ezra Says:

    What a lot of people don’t understand is that this whole Anti-Israel/Jew thing is spiritual. We all know that left wingers are Godless and that muslims worship the wrong god. We all also know that Jesus Christ was a Jew, who incidently is coming back. Although these anti Jewish people would love to see the destruction of the Jews and Israel they are traveling down the wrong track, Israel will never be destroyed, and neither will the Jews be moved again. They are not perfect people but give me a Jewish person anytime over an idiot lefty or crazy muslim. I could express this in much stronger terms but will hold my peace.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    “and that muslims worship the wrong god.”

    No sir, allah does not exist. It is not the wrong god, it is a false god. Just as Luscifer is not a god, but is worshiped in many religions as G-d.


    If Jews control the media then why all the anti-Israel sentiment?

  4. Ezra Says:

    Leatherneck-I stand corrected, he is a false god, my words were poorly chosen. ps. you make great comments. Ezra

  5. Ronin Says:

    This hatred of the Jews reminds me of elementary schools. Everyone attacks the victim because they fear the bully.

    Common sense should make people wonder how a few million Jews keep picking on a billion muslims.

  6. Gramfan Says:

    correct. It is amazing isn’t it. About 14 million Jews worldwide, who happily assimilate and just like to be left in peace.

    Israel – a sliver of land the size of a square inch in a football field of islam. Geeez!
    How many terrorist attacks have they committed in the world?

    Then the furphy of “The Chosen People” jealousy bit. How many times have you seen that? Who would want a history like this? (the old Jewish joke: Please God, chose someone else!”

    just a tidbit here. Is this what one would expect in the 21st century?

    “Last night I attended the annual dinner of the Community Security Trust, the organisation that provides the astounding degree of security now needed to help protect Britain’s tiny Jewish population against attack. Sitting there listening to the appeal for money to finance this organisation, and watching the video of what it does and why it is needed, I was struck afresh by the shocking nature of this situation. The video showed Jewish schools in Britain being fitted with bomb-proof windows, Jewish children in Britain being taught how to fend off attack. Jews in Britain are now attacked more frequently than any other minority group.”

    Many years ago I taught at Jewish schools. During the Yom Kippor war we had bomb drills, later in the 80’s parents had to pay extra security levies for guards and fences. And I live Downunder, not in Eurabia, not in the ME.

    All Jewish schools and synagogues have guards here. I saw guards outside the synagogue in Florence, Italy years ago.

    What the F*** is going on? It’s 2008 not 1939.

  7. theseeker Says:

    many have have not realised that the isreal-palastinean war is aspiritual and religious war.europeans may think that they are innitiatng apact with moslems by siding with them agaist israel,hellfuck are they damm wrong madrid bombings is agood example of what lies in basket of goodies for eurobia sill to come. Should isreal fall islam will turn west to begin with ,spain the fomer moslem land and then………,God bless America and isreal

  8. graby Says:

    lets all drop this boring crap and think of solutions so that Europeans may like Israel.I suggest we declare France as the new holy land and Joan of arc as the messiah to be plus anew bible that includes biography of saints from the French,Italian,Spanish,…….and so on(only from the E.U,this would appease the hypocrites,if not then they all convert to Islam.let Germans claim the land they lost to the Poles during world war 2, i mean they had been living there for years before that,they should launch suicide attacks on polish intreasts, EU should severe economic ties with poles and…,does it sound familiar.

  9. zemane Says:

    Jews and Israel are not victims, zionazis are killers.
    In Israel there`s no God, the jewish god is satan.
    Jews stop moaning, poor me poor me…holocaust is a FREAK HOAX.
    Jews control all the media brainwashing non jews with a garbage culture using TV, newspapers, magazines and Hollyjewish movies.
    Zionists are Nazis! Down Israel…
    A good zionist is a dead one.

    • Ronin Says:

      LMAO do you actually believe any of the Bullshit you wrote?

      I have a few issues with your rant:

      If Jews have no God then how can their god be satan?

      Senior muslim clerics are always quick to claim the Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Is allah satan?

      If the holocaust was a hoax who benefited from the deception?

      If the Jews control the media then why does the media always condemn israel and side with the muslims?

      Ever seen a single zionist call for the deaths of mulsims? Because I have not, they are much more tolerant of you than you are of them. While islam condemns and attacks out of fear, they show restraint out of strength.

      The Jews are Nazis crack is to stupid to comment on. Your ignorance is matched only by your stupidity.

      1.5 billion muslims and they still fear a few million Jews, muslims are the worst cowards.

    • “Jews and Israel are not victims, zionazis are killers.”

      Yeah, that’s why Islamic Squatters make it a point to target Israeli citizens with suicide bombers and unguided missiles, while Israel makes it a point to only target military targets.

      “In Israel there`s no God, the jewish god is satan.”

      That’s interesting… If the Jewish God is Satan, then the Islamic God is Satan, also. Read your Qur’an:

      Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. S. 2:62 Shakir

      Say (unto the People of the Scripture): Dispute ye with us concerning Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? Ours are our works and yours your works. We look to Him alone. S. 2:139 Pickthall

      And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender. S. 29:46 Pickthall

      “Jews stop moaning, poor me poor me…holocaust is a FREAK HOAX”

      Really? That’s odd, because an official 1942 report from Himmler to Hitler says otherwise:

      Pay particular attention to the “Juden exekutiert” (Jews Executed) heading. Himmler lists 363,211 Jews exterminated—that’s more Jews killed than any other group of people on the list. That was in 1942 and only covered 4 months. Seems to me that Hitler was singling out the Jews for execution…

      “Jews control all the media brainwashing non jews with a garbage culture using TV, newspapers, magazines and Hollyjewish movies.”

      If that were true, then why does the Main Stream Media continue to bash Israel whenever Israel defends herself? Wouldn’t it make more sense for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, etc. to support Israel if they were in fact controlled by the Jews? Obviously, the Jews are not in control.

      “Zionists are Nazis! Down Israel…”

      Reductio Ad Hitlerum, eh? Funny, I don’t recall the Nazis giving freedoms to the Jews, but I have noticed that Israelis give more freedoms to “palestinians” than any of the neighboring Islamic countries. You do realize that Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon don’t want the Islamic squatters in their countries, don’t you? Yet, Israel has gone out of her way to accommodate the very people who wish to destroy her…

      If anything, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon are the Nazis for expelling the “palestinians.”

      “A good zionist is a dead one.”

      What can I say? Spoken like a true racist…

  10. will the islamaphobe Says:


    And muslims are no better…

  11. […] “Israel – a sliver of land the size of a square inch in a football field of islam. Geeez! How many terrorist attacks have they committed in the world?” “I taught at Jewish schools. During the Yom Kippor war we had bomb drills, later in […]

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