Afghani Protesters: “Death to George W. Bush. Death to the Jews and Christians!”

Ah yes… It’s Friday. Time for the Religion of Peace to flood out of their mosques with nothing but love in their hearts…

I’m still trying to figure out how the Mullahs crafted their sermons in such a way as to link the Danish Geert Wilders’ film with American President George W. Bush… Sheesh… What a bunch of retards…


Thousands protest cartoons, film in Afghan capital: police

KABUL (AFP) — Thousands of demonstrators torched Dutch and Danish flags in the Afghan capital Kabul Friday in the latest of a wave of protests against cartoons and a film said to insult Islam, police said.

The demonstrators gathered following Friday prayers from various mosques chanting “Death to George W. Bush. Death to the Jews and Christians. This is a plot against Islam,” an AFP reporter at the scene said.

There have been protests in most of Afghanistan’s main cities against the reprinting of Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed as well as an anti-Koran film set to be released this month by a far-right Dutch lawmaker.

The protesters set fire to flags and an effigy of the Dutch film maker.

Anti-riot police were stationed outside the Danish embassy and at main intersections in the city.

“Police have taken necessary precautions. They provided security for the protest. It is peaceful so far,” Interior Ministry spokesman Zemarai Bashary told AFP.

A religious cleric making heated statements to the crowd through a loudspeaker called for Danish and Dutch troops in a NATO alliance fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan to leave.

“If they don’t leave, killing them is allowed,” said the bearded mullah.

[I smell a Talibani… Take him out, NATO !]

The Netherlands has about 1,500 troops deployed in Afghanistan as part of a NATO-led peacekeeping mission, while Denmark has more than 600.

In early March, about 5,000 people protested in the western city of Herat.

The first printing of the Danish cartoons caused days of protests worldwide in early 2006, including in Afghanistan, where 11 people were killed.

Explore posts in the same categories: Afghanistan, Denmark, muslim Intolerance, Religiocide

4 Comments on “Afghani Protesters: “Death to George W. Bush. Death to the Jews and Christians!””


    These idiots are so preoccupied with death it’s no wonder that their lives are so crappy. I may have to agree with the death to Bush sentiment. Something should happen to him for wasting American lives and money on such ungrateful and worthless losers.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    I never would have thought the moon god worshipers would be shouting happy Easter to us Christians. Wow, OK, I love you too, and I am glad Christ died for all our sins.

    Have a great Easter everyone!

  3. Blackdog Says:

    Man, you’re really insulting the retards, comparing them with islamos!

    Everything is our fault

  4. Yeah, you’re right. My bad… I didn’t mean to infer that retarded people have IQ’s as low as Muslitards… Someone needs to come up with a term for negative IQ….


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