Israeli Ex-Security Guard Solves the “Road Coloring Problem”

Those of you who have been visiting this site regularly, know that I am a sucker for theoretical physics and mathematics. So, I couldn’t help but notice that it was an Evil Zionist Jooooo who cracked an almost 40 year old math problem that was first posited by, what else but, another Evil Zionist Jooooo… So… Where are all these much touted Great Islamic Mathematicians we hear so much about? I think we can safely put those reports in the same category as “Bat Boy…”

Israeli ex-security guard solves 38-year-old math problem
By The Associated Press
via Haaretz

A mathematical mystery that has baffled top minds in the field of symbolic dynamics for nearly four decades was cracked last year by a 63-year-old former Israeli security guard.

Avraham Trakhtman, a mathematician who worked as a laborer after immigrating to Israel from Russia, succeeded in solving the elusive Road Coloring Problem. The conjecture assumes that it is possible to create a universal map that would direct people to arrive at a certain destination, at the same time, regardless of their original location. Experts say this proposition, which seems to defy logic, could actually have real-life applications in the fields of mapping and computer science.

“In math circles, we talk about beautiful results. This is beautiful and it is unexpected. Even in layman’s terms it is completely counterintuitive, but somehow it works,” said Stuart Margolis, a colleague who recruited Trakhtman to Bar Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

“The first time I met him he was wearing a night watchman’s uniform,” said Margolis.

The Road Coloring Problem was first posed in 1970 by Benjamin Weiss, an Israeli-American mathematician, and a colleague, Roy Adler, who worked at IBM at the time.

Weiss said he believed that given a finite number of roads, one should be able to draw up a map, coded in various colors, that would lead to a certain destination regardless of the point of origin.

For eight years, he tried to prove his theory. Over the next 30 years, some 100 other scientists attempted to as well. All failed, until Trakhtman jotted solved it in eight pages in pencil last year after working on it for twelve months.

Originally from Yekaterinburg, Russia, Trakhtman was already an accomplished mathematician before he came to Israel in 1992, at the age of 48. But like many immigrants in the wave that followed the breakup of the former Soviet Union, he struggled to find work and ended up employed in maintenance and security before landing a teaching position at Bar Ilan in 1995.

Trakhtman says he was lucky to be recognized, but plays down his recent achievement.

“The solution is not that complicated. It’s hard, but it is not that complicated,” he said. “Some people think they need to be complicated. I think they need to be nice and simple.”

Trakhtman’s solution is available for viewing on the Internet and will soon be published in the Israel Journal of Mathematics.

Weiss said it gave him great joy to see someone solve his problem.

Joel Friedman, a math professor at the University of British Columbia, said probably everyone in the field of symbolic dynamics has tried to solve the Roadmap Coloring Problem at some point, as well as experts in related disciplines graph theory, discrete math and theoretical computer science.

Trakhtman’s achievement is not the longest open problem ever solved. In 1994, British mathematician Andrew Wiles solved Fermat’s last theorem, which had been open for more than 300 years.

Margolis says the solution could have many applications.

“Say you’ve lost an e-mail and you want to get it back – it would be guaranteed,” he said. “Let’s say you are lost in a town you have never been in before and you have to get to a friend’s house and there are no street signs – the directions will work no matter what,” he said.

Explore posts in the same categories: academia, Israel

12 Comments on “Israeli Ex-Security Guard Solves the “Road Coloring Problem””


    Coming soon to al-Jazeera:

    “Muhammed Abdullah Husseini Achmed Omar Muhammed solved the Road Coloring Problem in the year 1387. Now the Zionists claim one of their own has just solved this problem. As always, they steal our history and our greatness. We did it first as usual!We demand justice! Go kill some Jews-if you can’t find some, ask the rocks for they will tell you where they are as says the glorious Koran. Let there be Road Coloring Problem Rage. Illahu akbar”!

  2. 😯
    Closer to the truth than one might think…


    Precisely. After all, Koranists have invented everything by their reckoning.

    I forgot to list the man’s title as doctor. Such a brilliant mind should have its proper title.

  4. Edmund Says:

    The man is Russian. Its like the US claiming success for the work of a visiting Korean professor. Lets not make things more important than they appear.

  5. The man is Jewish and an Israeli citizen:

    He was one of the many Jews who immigrated to Israel after the breakup of the old Soviet Union.

    By your logic, even though Albert Einstein was Jewish and became a U.S. Citizen, we would have to label him as just a visiting German and all subsequent work done by Einstein should be credited to Germany… Give me a break…

    Nice try, Edmund.


  6. Edmund Says:

    And I’m a citizen of the vatican.

  7. Edmund,

    Get over it. He was born Jewish.

    Too bad for you… I’m so sad for you… Boo hooo…


  8. Furthermore, if I may, by your twisted logic, 6 million + Jews didn’t die under Hitler’s rule… They were Germans, Pols, etc. etc. but, not Jews….

    And, it wasn’t the Jews that immigrated to Israel in 1948, then…

    So, what’s all the commotion about? Where are all the Jews? Do you consider only those born in Israel to be Jews?

    That’s just nonsense.

  9. Blackdog Says:

    Think of the implications for road side bombing…

    Oh wait, we’re talking about mo’s chosen…

  10. Edmund Says:

    Religion =/= Nationality, I guess bulldog’s can’t comprehend that.

  11. Edmund,

    Duh! That’s what I’ve been saying, dingleberry!

    If you’re trying to impress us with your stupidity, you’ve succeeded, because quite honestly, you have abrogated your first comment via your last comment… And, if don’t see that, you’re REALLY slow…

  12. Blackdog Says:

    Edmund, I just read several posts on your blog, and you appear to be very anti-semitic, to paraphrase Dershowitz.

    And, just so you can get your blogging correct, =/= is “equal divided by equal”
    != is “not equal” (from C/C++ syntax)

    But, you obviously don’t know much about your Jewish nemesis if you can’t figure out that with Israel, religion and nationality are tightly bound together. If you are a citizen of “The Vatican” then there should be plenty of Bibles laying around. Just read the first 5 books, and you should be able to see forthright why Israel is a Jewish nation.

    God, (the same one that the Koranists *say* they worship), gave the land to the Jews when they fled Egypt. (I’m sure that “The 10 Commandments” is one where you live , too, this weekend). That was a few THOUSAND years before Mohammad was born. That land did not fall under Islamic rule until the 8th century AD, and did so with military conquest. So, the Mohammedians are in fact squatters that are complaining about the fact that the owners of the land (as set forth by the SAME GOD the Koranists *supposedly* worship) came back and wanted to live there, after being forced from their homeland by the “peaceful ones” and then persecuted across Europe (Holocaust – you do believe that happened, right?).

    “Palestinians” as an organized political entity only happened in 1948, when they refused to live side by side with Israelis, but were screwed over by all the other local Arabs who refused to let them enter into their states and live, and instead used them as pawns. In the process, Syria got to get a foothold in Lebanon, which was a prosperous country (note that non-koranist Lebanese trace themselves as Phonecians, not muslims). They (Arabs) thought they would push the Jews into the sea. So much for that plan.

    Anyway, rambling…

    The long and short of that is Jews are a nation – Israel. If you are Jewish, you have a home.

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