Major Operation Underway Against Mehdi Army in Basra

Yeah, it’s always a good thing when you get to kick some of Muqtada al Sadr’s followers in the butt…

P.S. – Of course, since this article came from Toby Harnden (the Telegraph’s main man in D.C.), it has his usual earmarks of a bleeding heart leftist liberal “journalist” putting a spin on things…


Heavy fighting breaks out in Basra

By Toby Harnden in Washington and agencies
25/03/2008 –

Heavy fighting has erupted Basra where Iraqi authorities have clashed with members of the Mehdi Army militia.

Rival factions from Iraq’s Shia Muslim majority and criminal gangs have been competing for control of Basra.

An Iraqi military official said Iraqi forces had launched operations to “cleanse” the southern Iraqi city of armed groups. The country’s prime minister Nuri al-Maliki is personally overseeing the operation. British troops are not participating in the crackdown.

Witnesses described columns of black smoke and the sound of explosions and machinegun fire.

The operation was launched after Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki visited Basra on Monday and vowed to reimpose his government’s control over the city, whose oil fields are the source of most of Iraq’s revenues.

There were no immediate reports of work stopping in the oil fields.

“Basra is half empty. There are no vehicles and no one is going to work. People are afraid to go out,” said a military official in the city, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The fighting comes as the United States passed the grim milestone of 4,000 military deaths at the weekend after a roadside bombing in Iraq claimed the lives of four soldiers.

[Aaaw geez… Here comes all the bleeding heart liberal crap I warned you about]

There were no ceremonies to mark what the White House described as a “sober moment” or formal minutes of silence in memory of the fallen in a war that passed the five-year mark last week and remains deeply unpopular.

Iraq Body Count, which collects figures based mainly on press reports, estimates that between 82,349 and 89,867 Iraqi civilians have lost their lives in the conflict.

Some 97 per cent of the US casualties have occurred since President George W Bush declared that “major combat operations” were over on May 1 2003.

A recent CBS poll found that 59 per cent thought the invasion was a mistake while 65 per cent disapproved of Mr Bush’s handling of the war. Both Democratic presidential candidates have promised to withdraw troops from Iraq.

An initial drawdown from 158,000 to 140,000 troops following last year’s “surge”, which successfully brought down levels of violence, is planned to be completed in July. But an increase in attacks by insurgents in recent weeks, combined with a lack of political progress, has heightened concern in the White House.

Robert Gates, the defence secretary, and General David Petraeus, the commander of troops in Iraq, have called for a pause in the troop reductions to consolidate the security gains.

Mr Bush appears likely to accede, despite the misgivings of other generals who fear that US forces are being stretched closer to breaking point. Dana Perino, his spokesman, said: “The president thinks that there’s some merit in that recommendation.”

She said that Mr Bush was keenly aware of the pain brought by the death toll. “President Bush believes that every life is precious, and he spends time every day thinking about those who’ve lost their lives on the battlefield. He grieves for the families who have lost loved ones, and he is constantly concerned about their well-being.”

“The president has said the hardest thing a commander-in-chief will do is send young men and women into combat, and he’s grieved for every lost American life, from the very first several years ago to those lost today,”

The rate of the 4,000 American casualties, which includes eight civilians working for the US military, has slowed markedly since the “surge” of 28,000 troops was completed last June.

Total military deaths reached 1,000 in September 2004, 2,000 in October 2005 and 3,000 in December 2006. Last year was the deadliest with 901 deaths, 51 more than 2004. Nearly 30,000 have been wounded. Some 175 British troops have been killed since 2003.

Mouwaffak al-Rubaie, Iraq’s National Security Adviser, said at the weekend that he sympathised with American losses but warned against pulling out US troops before Iraqi forces were are ready to take over the security burden.

“This war is well worth fighting,” he told CNN. “This is global terrorism hitting everywhere and they have chosen Iraq to be a battlefield.” He added: “The Iraqis have invested three times the blood than the Americans in the way of casualties, in the way of spending their treasure and money.

Vice-President Dick Cheney, visiting Jerusalem, said that the 4,000th American death in Iraq might have a psychological impact on US public opinion.

“You regret every casualty, every loss,” he said. “The president is the one that has to make that decision to send young men and women into harm’s way. It never gets any easier.”

But Mr Cheney was unrepentant about the decision to invade and blamed Iran and Syria for sowing instability in the Middle East.

Tehran and Damascus were blocking progress between Israel and the Palestinians, he said.

“It is clearly a difficult situation, in part, because I think it’s true, there’s evidence, that Hamas is supported by Iran and Syria and that they’re doing everything they can to torpedo the peace process.”

Explore posts in the same categories: Iraq, War on Terror

One Comment on “Major Operation Underway Against Mehdi Army in Basra”

  1. Leatherneck Says:

    G-d’s speed to our troops in the field.

    I understand Iraq’s military is fighting Hizbolla to the north. Hizbolla got their butts kicked.

    It appears it was the will of allah their false god that Hizbolla now wishes they had stayed home, and made fake photos with the koran placed in just the right spot.

    BTW, this web site appears to be under attack by moon god worshiping POS every day now. I quess, this means Dr., and Ronin are doing an outstanding job.

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