Muslim Cleric: Wearing Shorts With the Union Jack, “a Sin”

Really? Gee, I must have missed that one in my copy of the Qur’an… 

— On a side note, Warner sent us an interesting email concerning new regulations for flying the Union Jack (probably paving the way for the flying the EU flag) with the following comment:  “Gordon Brown and co. pull off a clever distraction as they prepare to sell the British  people down the drain


Union Jack boxing shorts ‘a sin’

By Duncan Hooper and agencies
25/03/2008 –

British boxer Amir Khan is setting a bad example to Muslims by wearing the Union Flag with pride, radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammad has told the Sun.

“Amir Khan is not a good example for Muslims. He wears shorts with the Union Jack. That is a sin,” he told newspaper.

“He should not be wearing the flag because sovereignty is for God. His only allegiance should be to the Prophet Mohammed.

“The ideal situation would be to have a Muslim team not registered to any state so he can represent the Islamic community.”

The Commonwealth lightweight title-holder, who is from Bolton, Lancashire, is draped with the Union Flag in photos on his official website and often wears shorts featuring the emblem.

Bakri has mentored a number of young Muslims who were later convicted of involvement in terror plots.

Omar Khyam, the leader of a gang who plotted to blow up a nightclub, shopping centres and utilities with home-made fertiliser bombs, first came into contact with radical Islam at a meeting held by Bakri in a scout hut on forestry land in Crawley, West Sussex.

Bakri encouraged his followers to train in boxing in order to help turn their ideological zeal towards violence.

The cleric now lives in the Lebanon and has been banned from returning to Britain, although his wife and seven children still live in Edmonton..

Explore posts in the same categories: Overreaction, Stupidity, United Kingdom

19 Comments on “Muslim Cleric: Wearing Shorts With the Union Jack, “a Sin””

  1. shaitan Says:

    ‘“He should not be wearing the flag because sovereignty is for God. His only allegiance should be to the Prophet Mohammed…’

    Yep it just goes to show ya that Nationality doesnt mean jack to the muzzies…

    Sovereignity for ilah – allah alone… YEAH RIGHT… allah doesnt exsist! it was a figment of muhammads hateful brain…

  2. Dana Says:

    Just because one Muslim makes a bizarre statement doesn’t make it true. We definitely don’t conclude that all Caucasians are white-supremests by the actions of the klu klux klan. Plus, Amir himself is a Muslim and he proudly wears the British flag, proving that “muzzies” actually can care about their countries.
    Shaitan, or whoever the hell you really are; your stereotypical and racist vies make you just as narrow minded as the crazy mullah who made those statements.

  3. Ronin Says:

    Dana we are already familiar with the moral equivalency argument. Your comparison is ridiculous. The KKK lost its power when Whites stood up and said no, not in my name. I have yet to see a single muslim in any country islamic or not turn in a single terrorist. If that doesn’t prove muslim racism what does? How many have you turned in?

  4. will Says:

    dana sez…

    Shaitan, or whoever the hell you really are; your stereotypical and racist vies make you just as narrow minded as the crazy mullah who made those statements.

    narrow minded? sure I’ll accept that….


    How is islam a race dummy?

    I takes MANY races to make up religions like islam….

  5. al' Says:

    I am 100% sure if Hatton or Calzaghe were muslim none of you white people would say the things you are saying. Being Racist and leaving negative comments about the way he box’s are just a few. Khan has said over and over again that he is proud to a British. Not being white does not seperate him from the others just like us all. Most British citizens are moving to Dubai (an Islamic state) but none have been given any racist comments or similar .
    So please just try to get along and bring peace.

  6. mark Says:

    I totally agree with you man, well said man
    PS. ” Dubai a lovely city “

  7. al,

    1 – As Will said, Islam is not a race, it’s a religion. So, how can the folks commenting here be racist? If you are going to call them names, at least get your categories right.

    2 – I noticed that you took the time out to disagree with the folks commenting here, but you had NOTHING to say about Omar Bakri Mohammad slamming Amir Khan; practically calling him an apostate for wearing the Union Jack on his shorts.

    That tells me a lot about where your priorities are – slam the kuffar while ignoring all the violence and crap spilling out from the IslamoNazis.

    BTW – I don’t recall anyone here leaving a comment about the way Amir Khan boxes. Perhaps you could point that one out for me.

    P.S. – EVERYONE here can tell that “al'” and “mark” are one and the same person. So, try not to embarrass yourself next time.


  8. Al & Mark

    Even if it were ‘white’ people that were muslim making dumb comments we still would question them.

    Trying to use the ‘race’ card here is pretty boring.

    No muslim or leftist has made a good enough claim that ‘islamaphobia’ is racist.

    If you’d bother to check the definition of racist is… you’d find us ‘white’ people aren’t here spewing ‘white pride’ BS instead we are comemnting on the faults of hte islamic system that in many cases is racist agianst Jews, Blacks and others.

    No white person here or any other race who comments on this blog is a ‘racist’ we don’t think our race is better than anyone else.

  9. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    * P.S. – EVERYONE here can tell that “al’” and “mark” are one and the same person.

    You’ve tumbled them! I would never have guessed, even with the same avatar 🙂
    I love it when the sockpuppets start talking, like Punch & Judy (or al and mark).

  10. Akira Says:

    Re: ““The ideal situation would be to have a Muslim team not registered to any state so he can represent the Islamic community.”


  11. The Educator Says:

    will, even if islam is a religion not a race the comment was very offensive but what this extremist is saying is totally wrong.
    and ronin maybe it’s because we don’t know anyone who is a terrorist, we shouldn’t judge a race or religion on the actions of a few. i mean i don’t think all irish are bad because of the IRA and some people who have a religion or a holy book i’m pretty sure it says the same thing as the qur’an does. respect all race and religion. Amir should wear his flag with pride we were born here and we should show we are proud to be british and NON-extremist MUSLIMS.

  12. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    “i’m pretty sure it says the same thing as the
    qur’an does”

    What, like this: “The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary,
    was no more than allah’s apostle and his word which
    he cast to Mary, a spirit from him. So believe in allah and his apostles and do not say ‘three’. Forbear, and it shall be better for you. allah is
    but one god. allah forbid that he should have a son! (c Sura 4:171)

    The Bible, God’s holy word, says no such thing.
    Only a blasphemous false god (one of satan’s many sockpuppets) could assert such a thing, and only
    a false prophet like Mo (Permanently Bound Unto
    Hell) could “recite” it, and deceive his followers.

    The koran, “allah”, Mo and all those who go to their
    deaths following them will fade away, but the words
    of Jesus Christ will never fade away.

  13. Ed

    My comments offensive?

    Probably… But I have taken the time to find many online islamic teachings that indicate a muslims ‘Nationality’ is to allah alone and not a Western country that he or she is born in.

    You as a muslim that choose your National pride over allah could be killed by the jihadists.

    As for islam being a mere ‘religion’ you should know that islam is considered by many muslims a ‘complete system’ that guides thier lives and the lives of the populations they take control over.

  14. Ronin Says:

    “ronin maybe it’s because we don’t know anyone who is a terrorist, we shouldn’t judge a race or religion on the actions of a few”.

    Any muslim who supports the koran supports terror. Even if they do not practice it. Old mohammed ordered muslims to bring terror and to force conversion. Failure to obey=apostate=death. You are not an educator; you are a fool that refuses to research for yourself.

    BTW which one of the almost 13000 recorded terrorist actions since 9/11 was conducted by a “few extremists”? More importantly; name one attack that was stopped by a muslim coming forward in the same time frame.

    Unlike you, I see the truth and will only fall after one hell of a fight. I would gladly die before worshiping a criminal pedophile or his current flock of losers.

  15. Akira Says:

    Re: “i don’t think all irish are bad because of the IRA”

    What kind of logic is that?

    1. All IRA are bad.

    2. The IRA don’t represent all Irish people. In fact they are enemies of both Ulster Unionists and of The Republic of Ireland.

    On the other hand, the filthy Koran and the disgusting Mohammad do represent all Muslims.

    Anyway, I’ve found a reasonable compromise for the typical Muslim “Brit”:

  16. The Educator Says:

    “i agree with your name mullah but i was referring to respect otherm people’s religion” if you think the bible is god’s holy word then that is your opinion and following but don’t go slagging off people’s leaders i didn’t even mention the no son bit even if i believe in it, because it is my choice. will, these people who use the word jihad don’t know what it means

  17. waris Says:

    Can i use this picture to make a guide book for your match


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