60 Percent of Global Aid Goes to the Islamic World

Yup, whether the west wants to admit it or not, WE are still paying the jizya:

H/T – Warner

60pc of global aid goes to Islamic world
Web posted at: 4/11/2008
Source ::: The Peninsula

DOHA • About 60 per cent of all the humanitarian aid distributed by the UN goes to crisis-hit regions in the Islamic world, according to John Holmes, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

Three of the four largest annual appeals issued by the UN seeking aid were concerning Islamic countries- Darfur (Sudan), Palestine and Somalia. The fourth was Congo, which is a non-Muslim African country, said Holmes addressing a press conference yesterday.

He said international response to UN appeals to assist the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank was low due to resistance from the US and the European Union.

“We have issued appeals for $400m to support the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank but less than 60 per cent of the targeted amount was raised. This is disappointing,” said Holmes. He added this was the third largest annual appeal of the UN seeking aid.

He said the humanitarian crisis in Darfur has been deteriorating as the fighting goes on and the peace process is moving in a slow pace.

” Of the six million people in Darfur, four million need international help to survive. About 2.4 million people were displaced and are living in refugee camps in other countries. About 13,000 humanitarian workers are involved in relief efforts. The situation is dangerous and calls for a political solution,” he added.

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4 Comments on “60 Percent of Global Aid Goes to the Islamic World”

  1. Blackdog Says:

    “goes to crisis-hit regions in the Islamic world”

    Since when is stupidity and self destructive behavior a “crisis” ?

  2. Matamoros Says:

    …….and do they hate us any the less for it all?

  3. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Down the gurgler …

  4. Mother Ecclesiastica Says:

    All that free money, materials, and Aid workers by the thousands and they are still the world’s most backward countries and the world’s most backward people.

    That’s Islam.

    Useless retards, all.

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