Father Kills Daughter Who Fell in Love with British Soldier

Matamoros alerted us to the following story:

Soldier in ‘honour killing’ tragedy

UK Press

A 17-year-old girl in Iraq has been murdered by her father in an ‘honour killing’ after she fell in love with a British soldier, it is reported.

Rand Abdel-Qader, from Basra, was killed after her family found out she had formed a friendship with a 22-year-old infantryman she knew as Paul.

The Ministry of Defence said it could not confirm the story, and did not know who the soldier was, but was trying to find him.

A spokesman said: “Service personnel deployed on operations are given cultural awareness training to help them understand the environment and society they are operating in. However, they are not told, ‘don’t go and fall in love’.”

The Observer newspaper said the girl, a student of English at Basra University, met the soldier while working on an aid project for displaced families.

The relationship was innocent, but that did not help her. She had not seen the soldier since January, but on March 16 her father learned of the friendship, the newspaper said.

He stamped on her and suffocated her, then hacked at her with a knife, calling out all the time that his honour was being cleansed, the report said.

When she was being put into the ground, her uncles spat on her covered corpse, the newspaper added.

The father was arrested, held for two hours, then released without charge, it said.

The newspaper quoted Sgt Ali Jabbar, of Basra police, who said: “Not much can be done when we have an ‘honour killing’. You are in a Muslim society and women should live under religious laws.”

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4 Comments on “Father Kills Daughter Who Fell in Love with British Soldier”

  1. yonason Says:

    …and that is why American can’t “win” in Iraq, at least not any time in the forseable future. Unfortunately, the other side of that coin is that losing is uttrerly unthinkable. Talk about being caught between Iraq and a hard place!

    • anonymous Says:

      no america won already… they can pacify a nation… thing is … americans are not barbarians… if they are then they could wipe out the entire nation without a problem… and fr that they wont lose… they could nuke the whole iraq but yeah theyre not barbarians like al qaeda

  2. ERS Says:

    Here are a couple ideas:

    1. Why don’t we start economically boycotting countries that continue to treat their women like this and the companies that do business with them? We could do for women what the boycott of South Africa did for blacks when they were living under apartheid.

    2. Why don’t we write to our representatives and leaders and demand that they withhold some meaningful portion of our aid to these countries unless and until they materially, measurably, sustainably improve their human rights track records?

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    “Reclaiming Honor in Jordan”

  3. Matamoros Says:

    ERS, as for your first suggestion; in fifteen years, with the exception of petroleum I haven’t spent a dollar on any product originating from a Muslim country, I don’t deal wth Muslim businesses or shopkeepers either.
    On the contrary, I do however buy Israelly, Danish and Dutch products at every opportunity.

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