Napolitano vetoes bill on immigration enforcement

Yet another weak democrat caving to illegals and their supporters. You can never depend on weak politicians to do the right thing, build the damn fence.

by Matthew Benson, April 28, 2008, The Arizona Republic

Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed a measure Monday that would have required local law enforcement to work with federal authorities on immigration enforcement.
-Heaven forbid a governor encourages law enforcement in her own state. Remember this folks and vote her out the next chance you get.

Napolitano, a Democrat, had been urged to reject House Bill 2807 by Latino activists who feared the measure would lead to racial profiling and further alienate the Latino community. But Napolitano cited neither of those issues in vetoing the measure. Instead, she relied on fiscal concerns, noting a provision that would have required the state to pay for the training of local officers in immigration enforcement if federal funds were unavailable.
-A convenient excuse but we aren’t buying it.

In a letter accompanying her veto, Napolitano speculated that the tab could have reached as much as $100 million.
“House Bill 2807 is simply an unnecessary, unfunded mandate to law enforcement,” Napolitano wrote.
-I’d like to see the costs of allowing illegals and do a comparison. Higher crime, additional police, prosecutors and court costs, increased taxes to pay for that plus subsidized housing, schools, infrastructure, aid and the list goes on.

The measure would have directed local police and county sheriffs to implement a program to address immigration violations. That provision would have been satisfied in any of three ways: by having a portion of the police force undergo immigration training through an agreement with the federal government, embedding Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers within the local agency or “establishing operational relationships” with ICE .
-We can’t have different agencies working together can we? (sarc)

Bill sponsor Rep. John Nelson, R-Glendale, has said the bill’s intent was simply to standardize and set guidelines for local government interaction with ICE and immigration law.
-I have one word for the Gov – WEAK!

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