Man Who Advocates an Intifada in U.S. to Teleconference with Muslim Students Association

Even ‘moderate’ Muslim groups seem to add credibility to Islamonazis…

Attention News Editors:
Jewish Defence League of Canada exposes intifada plot in Canada and the U.S.A.

TORONTO, April 29 /CNW/ – It has recently come to the attention of the Jewish Defence League of Canada that the Muslim Students Association, the largest and most respectable Muslim Student group in Canada and the USA will be having a Teleconference on Wednesday, April 30th, with a man who advocates an INTIFADA in North America. This is from the Muslim Students Association web site.

This man, Dr. Hatem Bazian, recently stated during a speech to students, “Are you angry? (Yeah!) Are you angry? (Yeah) Are you angry? (Yeah). Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change(s) fundamentally the political dynamics here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinians are being too radical – well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet!”

We have witnessed a rise in anti-semitism and violence against Jewish students on many campuses in Canada and any person who calls for an Intifada in our country only serves to fuel the flames of hatred and violence directed toward our community.

On May 30th, 2008 Dr. Jamal Badawi, Senior Board Member of the Council of American Islamic Relations – Canada (CAIR-Canada), will be the Keynote Speaker for the Muslim Student Association Conference in Canada. We call upon Dr. Jamal Badawi to denounce any calls for an intifada in Canada and the U.S.A.
We also call upon the Solicitor General of Canada and the RCMP to monitor hate speech by Dr. Hatem Bazian.

For further information: please contact the Jewish Defence League of Canada at (905) 474-0555

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2 Comments on “Man Who Advocates an Intifada in U.S. to Teleconference with Muslim Students Association”


    What’s this clown complaining about? Thje political dynamics have changed. Since 9/11 virtually every demand made by Koranists have been caved into. But I suppose nothing short of a Holocaust for infidels will do for the likes of this guy.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    I say bring it on.

    Thank you State Department for allowing Islam into this country, now the problems are mounting. Change through Chaos for the New World Order.

    I suppose riding in the back of the bus has caused Condi to really have it in for America. You stupid cow, and to hell with the rest of you CFR members at State. You Globalist POS.

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