Saudi governor orders haircuts for men who hit on women

Of course, there is no real punishment for men who hit women…

Apr 29 2008
via Breitbart

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Local media reports say a governor in northern Saudi Arabia has ordered authorities to punish men who flirt with women in public places by cutting their hair.

Several Saudi newspapers, including Al Hayat, say Prince Fahd bin Badr ordered police Sunday to carry out the punishment after seeing a group of men with long hair pestering female students as they left school in the town of Skaka.

Many clergymen in this conservative Gulf country say men should not have long hair because Islam prohibits the sexes from emulating each other.

Saudi Arabia has long enforced a strict Islamic lifestyle in which men and women are segregated in public.

Tuesday’s newspaper reports identified Fahd as the governor of the northern region of al-Jof.

Explore posts in the same categories: Religion, Saudi Arabia

2 Comments on “Saudi governor orders haircuts for men who hit on women”


    Next thing you know they’ll be forcing people to bathe for such an offense.

  2. Ronin Says:

    Those sluts will head straight at the bald guys (I may cut my hair and get in on the action, next trip).

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