Scotland: Prominent Muslim Community Leader Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Young Girls

Of course, he is a “good” Muslim and was just following the pedophile false prophet Muhammad’s perverse example.

Muslim leader found guilty of sexually abusing girls
Published Date: 11 July 2008
By Gordon Currie –

ONE of Scotland’s most prominent Muslim community leaders is facing jail after being found guilty of sexually abusing girls.

Farooq Hussain’s reputation lay in tatters last night, after a jury found him guilty of a catalogue of abuse over five years.

The 56-year-old businessman, who owned a string of restaurants and held high-profile charity events, was found guilty of three charges after a week-long trial at Perth Sheriff Court.

Outside court, the mother of one victim said: “This has been absolutely horrific for my daughter. I don’t even think he is human. He showed no emotion in court.

“He tried to tarnish my daughter’s name. Maybe now she can stop having nightmares about him. The main thing for us was that the girls got justice and they have. I just hope that they can move on now with the right help.”

Hussain, of Perth, sexually abused a 15-year-old girl at the Al Farooq restaurant he owned in Perth city centre in November, 2002.

In July last year, he indecently assaulted a 14-year-old girl at an address in Perth, and then attacked her again in Perth in August.

Sentence was deferred for reports and Hussain’s details were added to the sex offenders’ register.

Explore posts in the same categories: Justice System, Pedophilia, Religion, Scotland

5 Comments on “Scotland: Prominent Muslim Community Leader Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Young Girls”

  1. Ronin Says:

    “ONE of Scotland’s most prominent Muslim community leaders”

    What the hell does the lower echelon of the muslim community act like?

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    The Koran writes it is OK to bugger children, and murder your daughter.

    Ronin, it appears you are not being very understanding of the religion of peace. You should be getting a death threat soon for insulting Islam.

    BTW, where have all the attacking moon god worshipers gone? I enjoyed them.

  3. Ronin Says:

    mohammed has insulted the world by inventing islam. I just expose his madness.

    I do have a entire folder of the best of the death threats. I like to re-read them occasionally, it reminds me to keep up the posts.

    As far as our missing minions, we had to block a few of the more radical minions, they were just here to make threats and offered nothing of value. Come to think about it that is exactly what mohammed did.

  4. shaitan Says:

    What a perverted, sick system islam is…

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