Egyptian Muzzies Don’t Want their Organs in or from Filthy Christians

H/T – ChangedForever

Muslims crack down on transplants for Christians
Report cites plan to ban cross-religion organ donations
August 22, 2008

A report from the U.S. Copts Association reveals that the Muslim Brotherhood-influenced Egyptian Medical Association is trying to prohibit any organ transplants that would involve a Muslim donor and Christian recipient or vice versa.

“This is to protect poor Muslims from rich Christians who buy their organs and vice versa,” Hamdi Al Sayed, medical association director, said in the report. The association’s plan now has been assembled as a bill before the Egyptian parliament, where it is pending.

Physicians who are involved in cases where the proposal would be violated would be subject to sanctions, officials said.

A spokesman for the Coptic Christian community, Bishop Marcos, said the explanation doesn’t support the proposal, since a rich Christian could seek to buy organs from a poor Christian, or a rich Muslim from a poor one.

“We all have the same Egyptian blood, but if the reason for the measure is to end organ trafficking, we rejected it because it may also occur between believers of the same religion,” he said in the report.

He warned the proposal is troubling because it could lead to a prohibition on blood donations across religious boundaries, and even result in physicians being prevented from examining and helping patients of religions other than their own.

In Egypt, such measures would put Christians at a disadvantage, since they make up only about 10 percent of the 76 million population.

“We are afraid that in the future there will be hospitals for Christians and hospitals for Muslims,” said the bishop in the report.

Al Sayed rejected worries about sectarianism in the proposed law, because Muslims are not angered by the plan.

[Gee, there’s a first…]

“It is not about trying to promote differences between religions but it’s just to minimize the trade of organs as much as we can,” he said.

Some Muslims, however, have opposed the move. Abel Mati Bayumi of the Al Azhar Center for Islamic Studies said the plan could result in discrimination against Christians or Muslims inside Egypt.

The agenda is being targeted with a court action by the Egyptian Human Rights Union, whose spokesman, Maguib Gibrael, said it “violates human rights, the constitution and national unity.”

“If the Medical Association does not annull the measure, there will be more conflict between Muslims and Christians,” he warned.

The Muslim Brotherhood, a primary opposition party in Egypt that has been linked to Islamist movements around the world, is supporting the proposal.

Officials do confirm that Egypt has a lively black market for human organs, and during the 1990s there was an effort to limit kidney transplants for non-citizens because of the number of foreigners visiting Egypt seeking transplants.

About the same time, a wave of anti-Christian and anti-Western violence was led by several Islamist organizations including Islamic Jihad, authorities said. The death toll, which is ongoing and mostly involves Coptic Christians as victims, has reached 1,300.

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2 Comments on “Egyptian Muzzies Don’t Want their Organs in or from Filthy Christians”

  1. kaafir Says:

    Wow another first in stupidity from the Egyptian moslem community…

    Since my own father is a organ transplant patient it doesnt matter to those of us in my family what the donators reliigions was.

    Its a pity that Egypt will be responsible for the deaths of many Egyptians both Moslems & Christian Coptic because they cant see that they are all of the same ‘race’…


    It’s just as well that these transplants are frowned upon. Putting a Koranic organ into an infidel body most likely will lead to a literal “inner struggle” ending with that organ exploding in jihadist style.

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