Judge Rules that Syed Haris Ahmed’s “Jihad” Statements will be Allowed as Evidence in Court

Of course, his lawyer will attempt to portray all of this as an, “inner spiritual struggle.”

This updates our previous coverage HERE

‘Jihad’ suspect’s statements to be allowed
‘My intentions were to do something in America’
August 22, 2008

A judge has ruled that statements from terror suspect Syed Haris Ahmed about his planned “jihad” will be allowed at his trial.

The decision from U.S. Magistrate Gerrilyn Brill was considered a victory for prosecutors in the case that accuses the former Georgia Tech student, along with co-defendant Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

The 64-page ruling from Brill this week said Ahmed was “deeply religious” but he also was 21 years old, intelligent and there was no reason to believe his statements had been coerced, according to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“We are very pleased with the court’s thorough and well-reasoned opinion rejecting defendant Ahmed’s motion to suppress the highly incriminating statements he made to the FBI,” U.S. Attorney David Nahmias told the paper.

Ahmed was born in Pakistan but is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He and Sadequee were suspected of being behind videos of various Washington-area buildings found on the computer of Younis Tsouli, who called himself “Terrorist 007” and is in prison for terror-related acts in the United Kingdom.

Under questioning from the FBI, Ahmed ultimately took the investigators to his parents’ home where he retrieved a camera used to make the videos, and admitted they could be used for “some kind of terrorist act,” the paper reported.

“We could be spies for the people over there,” Ahmed told the agents, the paper said.

He also referred to “jihadi brothers” and told investigators he hoped to be recruited into a jihadi camp for training to fight oppressors. He reported to the agents he took a trip to Canada to meet with “brothers” and talk about attacks on oil refineries, satellites, and the military.

In one exchange, the newspaper said, Ahmed told agents he had thought about committing a terrorist act in America.

“My intentions were to do something in America,” he said.”Yes, attack.”

Both defendants in the case have pleaded innocent and are being held without bond for trials that have yet to be scheduled.

Explore posts in the same categories: Justice System, Muslims in The USA

One Comment on “Judge Rules that Syed Haris Ahmed’s “Jihad” Statements will be Allowed as Evidence in Court”

  1. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    Throw him in Gitmo and throw away the key. A pity he was taken alive.

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