Press Release from Americans Against Hate (AAH)


Anti-hate group calls Democrats to disinvite radical Muslim leader from convention
Saturday, August 23, 2008

(Denver, CO) Americans Against Hate (AAH) is calling on the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) to disinvite Ingrid Mattson, the National President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), from speaking at its Denver convention. Mattson is scheduled to help lead a convention interfaith forum tomorrow, Sunday, August 24th.

ISNA, a group related to the violent Muslim Brotherhood, was named by the U.S. government a co-conspirator for a 2007 federal trial which dealt with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas.

Also, as recently as last month, under Mattson’s watch, ISNA propagated material on its national website calling for the murder of Jews and the waging of war against Jews and Christians. The violent ISNA documents can be viewed here.

AAH Chairman Joe Kaufman stated, “It is unconscionable for the Democratic leadership to allow the head of a group that is connected to terrorism and that spreads hate against others to participate in a political convention. We demand that Mattson be disinvited from speaking at the Democratic Convention immediately. ISNA and Mattson should be condemned for their actions.”

AAH encourages everyone concerned to respectfully express his/her feelings on this matter, by contacting the DNCC at (720) 362-2008.

Joe Kaufman is available for interview. E-mail:

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2 Comments on “Press Release from Americans Against Hate (AAH)”

  1. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    She’s not likely to be disinvited. In fact, she’ll probably have lots of company as more cretins of her ilk get invitations.

    Interesting how a woman with a name like that is president of such an organization. This must prove that Koranists are progressive (so they’d like us to think).

  2. bob Says:

    A little research turn this up on Ingrid Mattson:

    Dr. Ingrid Mattson is Director of the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Director of Islamic Chaplaincy and Professor at the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, CT.
    Dr. Mattson earned her Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Chicago in 1999. Her research is focused on Islamic law and society; among her articles are studies on slavery, poverty and Islamic legal theory.
    Dr. Mattson was born in Canada, where she studied Philosophy at the University of Waterloo, Ontario (B.A. ’87). From 1987-1988 she lived in Pakistan where she worked with Afghan refugee women. In 2001 she was elected Vice-President of ISNA and in 2006 she was elected President of the organization. Dr. Mattson is the first convert to Islam and the first female to lead the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
    Typical liberal arts major (no offence to atypical LAM’s) I otherwise can’t see why anyone with Dr. pasted to the front of their name would buy into this nonsense.

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