A Jihad for Love: Gay imams find Intolerance in islam, too

One of the sad truths of islam is most muslim men had their first sexual experience with a male. The logic escapes me but young boys are favored over females. At some point they are supposed to stop with the boys and switch to girls and eventually women. We have plenty of proof the progression is not always successful.

Mohammed was a notorious pedophile and liked a little male on male himself. The fact that they were young boys and not older men does not make him straight IMHO.

By Jim Ridley, 3 September, 2008, Seattle Weekly
Muslims, Jews, and Christians may have their, oh, occasional differences, but as an Islamic scholar observes in Parvez Sharma’s documentary, there is one point on which the religions agree: Homosexuality is a crime. In his fine Trembling Before G_d, Sandi DuBowski tackled the conflict in the Orthodox Jewish community between religious stricture and sexual orientation; this DuBowski-produced doc addresses the same subject through the veil of Islam, following gay, lesbian, and transvestite Muslims abroad who hew to their faith in the face of hostile, even murderous dogma.
-All muslim face oppression as it is the foundation of islamic doctrine but a gay muslim is asking for trouble. In truth the openly gay are the bravest of all muslims they know the penalty is death and yet still practice a lifestyle in direct conflict with their belief system. The vast majority of gay muslims hide the lifestyle with minors. Both of these groups face the same penalty if caught.

Sharma’s subjects—an Egyptian man imprisoned and brutalized essentially for the crime of attending a disco; a gay imam whose attempts to find some lenience in the Quran are fiercely rebuffed—share a perhaps puzzling devotion to a religion that, under sharia interpretation, regards their expression of love as a death-penalty offense. And yet the movie leaves open a provocative question: If you pick and choose which of a religion’s tenets apply to you, is it still a religion?
-Of course we all know islam is not a religion; it is a controlling cult that oppresses its members and forces submission to a very rigid set of rules designed to imprison members and silence critics.

The conflict seems most deeply felt by Maryam, a Parisian lesbian who cherishes both women and Islam but confesses that she still considers her sexuality haraam—forbidden.
-I see a movie of the week in here somewhere.

The imam clarifies that his is a “jihad” for love in the sense of struggle, not holy war. Considering the hateful rhetoric he faces on a radio call-in show, however, he may be mistaken.
-Not as much as mistaken as typical. An imam knows the rules and penility for violations of them. He also is schooled in the art of misdirection and has the same do as I say and not as I do attitude the pedophile mohammed did. Old mo had two sets of rules when it suited him. If anything islam is consistent.

Explore posts in the same categories: cover-up, muslim Intolerance

2 Comments on “A Jihad for Love: Gay imams find Intolerance in islam, too”

  1. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    Gay Muslims are deluding themselves. You can be one or the other but not both and expect to live a long life. Better to give up the krazy Koran before it kills them all.

  2. kaafir Says:

    Ive heard of this before…

    The moslems who enjoy gay sodomy suddenly want to use the liberal freedoms that we use in the West to propigate thier sexual choices and then wonder why other moslems want them all dead…

    Of course this is another weird islamic subject…

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