Shots Fired at PM’s Motorcade in Pakistan – Taliban Claim Responsibility

Gee, and here I thought Musharraf’s resignation would have turned Pakistan into a land of milk and honey…  Not!

Shots fired at Pakistan PM’s convoy

Top_news – 9/3/08
By Agencies – mwcnews

Yousuf Gilani, Pakistan’s prime minister, has escaped an apparent assassination attempt after shots were fired at his motorcade in Rawalpindi, officials said.

Kamal Shah, Pakistan’s interior secretary, said Gilani and his staff were not in the car when the shots were fired at the bullet-proof car.

Reports have suggested Gilani’s son, Moosa, and Qamar Zaman Kaira, the federal minister for Kashmir and Northern affairs, were in the motorcade going to Islamabad’s international airport to pick up the prime minister.

Gilani’s spokesman Zahid Bashir said two bullets hit the reinforced glass window.

“By the grace of Allah the prime minister is safe,” he said.

[Allah had nothing to do with it, it was a thick chunk of good ole fashioned bullet proof glass!  He should be saying, “By the grace of that infidel French Chemist Edouard Benedictus…”]

Rehman Malik, an adviser to the prime minister said investigations into the incident had begun and a preliminary report would be presented within 24 hours.

Tariq Khosa, a senior law enforcement official, is to lead the government investigation team.

Taliban claim attack

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying Gilani was responsible for offensives against their fighters in the northwest.

“We will continue such attacks on government officials and installations,” said Muslim Khan, a spokesman for the group.

Hundreds of people have so far been killed in bomb attacks by the Pakistani Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters.

Gilani remains a potential, high-profile target even though he is protected by a massive security cover.

Gilani’s Pakistan People’s Party leader,  Asif Ali Zardari, is standing for president in elections scheduled for September 6.

Explore posts in the same categories: pakistan, politics, Religion, Taliban

One Comment on “Shots Fired at PM’s Motorcade in Pakistan – Taliban Claim Responsibility”

  1. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    Mushy Raff should have exterminated every last Taliban when he had the chance rather than suck up to them while playing games. Now his own country is in a heap of trouble. Nice legacy to leave behind.

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