Democrats Have “Air Dropped a Mini-Army” of 30 Investigators into Alaska to Dig Up Dirt on Sarah Palin

Wow!  I think we actually have found a war that Democrats can really support! – The War against Palin!

Sure, they oppose any military actions against our enemies who want to kill us, but when it comes to assassinating Sarah Palin’s character, they are more than willing to invade Alaska “Commando Style” to win the battle for the White House!

The Hunt for Sarah October;  City slickers invade Wasilla
September 9, 2008 – The Wall Street Journal

Democrats understand Sarah Palin is a formidable political force who has upset the Obama victory plan. The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women, a reversal of Mr. Obama’s eight-point lead last month.

It’s no surprise, then, that Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin’s hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. My sources report the first wave arrived in Anchorage less than 24 hours after John McCain selected her on August 29.

The main area of interest to the Democratic SWAT team is Mrs. Palin’s dismissal in July of her public safety commissioner. Mrs. Palin says he was fired for cause. Her critics claim he was fired because he wouldn’t bend to pressure to get rid of a state trooper, Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a bitter divorce battle with Mrs. Palin’s sister. Mr. Wooten is certainly a colorful character. He served a five-day suspension after the Palin family filed a complaint against him alleging he had threatened Mrs. Palin’s father. They also accused him of using a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson, drinking in his patrol car and illegally shooting a moose.

Mrs. Palin will return to Alaska for the first time in nearly two weeks on Wednesday night, when she is scheduled to arrive in Fairbanks. Local Republicans will hold a “Welcome Home” rally for her. You can bet some of the Democratic opposition research contingent will be in the audience taking notes. They’ll be the ones arriving in rental cars and wearing fancy dress shoes from back east.

— John Fund

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12 Comments on “Democrats Have “Air Dropped a Mini-Army” of 30 Investigators into Alaska to Dig Up Dirt on Sarah Palin”

  1. Leatherneck Says:

    Let’s hope they stumble onto private property own by an Honorable discharged Marine.

    One can hope you know.

  2. tgusa Says:

    I find similarities in this article with this movie.

  3. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    The chicanery that the Opramists are plotting will make 2000 look like a picnic by comparison. We could be seeing lots of corpses and pets voting with all kinds of ballots come November.

  4. Irish Says:

    They soon will be singing: “Show me the way to go home..I’m tired and I want to go to bed. ” I’ve seen too much about Sarah Pa-lin and I’ve decided to vote for her. She has surely done no wrong. Obama can go to _____. God knows we have looked and looked and looked. Just show me the way to go home.

  5. Leatherneck: That would be great if they did. The Marine would know just what to do with them.

    With his and Oprah’s buddy buddy relationship I wonder why he didn’t chose her to be his V.P.? Would have made sense.

    Irish: He will go there. if he continues to refuse to become a true Christian. That will be his final destination after his life is over here on earth.

  6. tnr,


    Thanks for the link. The “wolves” analogy was extremely apropos!!!


  7. birds have landed Says:

    How very, very funny. Keep digging! I just e-mailed the Obama campaign and said that this white woman is now with them 100%. Unfortunately, nobody bothered to poll me.

  8. birds,

    That’s okay. My wife, my mother, my grandmother, two of my sisters, my niece, and just about ALL of my near and distant female relatives are voting for McCain / Palin…

    So, I figure, all in all, that’s about 30 or 40 women in my family taking up the slack for your short-sightedness…

    Enjoy the Kool-Aid, Товарищ

  9. Allen Says:

    Hey there! Your page has been linked on Check it out.

  10. Allen,

    Thanks for the info.

    I emailed the owner of to let him know that KMOV has re-edited the video that he linked in an effort to make this look less serious than what it really is.

    Bunch of MSM sycophants at it again! Mustn’t make the dark Overlord look bad!

    And I sent him a link to a copy of the original on youtube.


  11. teach5 Says:

    We don’t have to dig very far. And even then, we’re doing more ‘digging’ than NBC,CBS,ABC, NYT, and all the Oprah-fied media darlings. Bill Ayers, Sol Alinsky, and Tony Rezko aren’t hard to uncover in Obama’s cast of thugs. And no, it’s not very funny at all. It’s astounding that anyone would support someone who respects Chavez and campaigns in Germany. Go figure.

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