Obama Lies to the Public. So, what else is new???

Today, I am told, Obama is blaming McCain for the economic hiccups and the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac fiasco.

What Obama is not telling the public is that he, himself received campaign money from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac‘s Political Action Committee (PAC) (a special interest group) – $6,000.

McCain, not so much…  McCain got a whopping $0.00 from Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac’s PAC.

Nor did Obama mention that McCain was looking out for us Americans over two years ago when he co-sponsored a bill that would have put some oversight on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, warning, “if Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”

Unfortunately, the bill was shot down by most of the Democrats and a few Republicans…

I would have to say that McCain’s judgment is a Hell of a lot better than the Obamessiah’s.

Here is the transcript from the Congressional record:

H/T – MeMaw


May 25, 2006

Sen. John McCain [R-AZ]:

“Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae’s regulator reported that the company’s quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were “illusions deliberately and systematically created” by the company’s senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.

“The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight’s report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae’s former chief executive officer, OFHEO’s report shows that over half of Mr. Raines’ compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.

“The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator’s examination of the company’s accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.

“For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs–and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO’s report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO’s report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.

“I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.

“I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation.”

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5 Comments on “Obama Lies to the Public. So, what else is new???”

  1. notalldum Says:

    This NEEDS to get to the public NOW!! How did MeMaw find it? McCains’s campaign manager needs to publish it to let Americans realize McCain IS THE RIGHT CHOICE.

  2. yonason Says:

    But, if you look at the grand total from individuals plus PACs, you find that over his roughly 30 years McCain got $21,550 (less than $1 000/year), while in 3 years O’Bundler got $126,349 which is about $42,000 per year.

    Kerry and Dodd are right up there with Obama, though even their yearly averages are far less than his.

    And as to the Democrats having any other unsavory involvement in this…?

    Fannie and Freddie have been creations of the Congressional Democrats and the Clinton White House, designed to make mortgages available to more people, and as it turned out, some people who couldn’t afford them. Fannie and Freddie have also been places for big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions. The Clinton administration’s White House budget director Franklin Raines ran Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick, Clinton Justice Department official, worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama’s VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae C.E.O. job.

    Nope, nothing to see here folks, move along move along.

  3. yonason Says:

    (Correction – since F&F haven’t been around for 30 years, such a yearly avg for McCain isn’t realistic, and would be somewhat higer, though still FAR LESS than Obama’s. And still, Obama has received almost 6 times as much as McCain, and over a much shorter time.

  4. Yonason,


    Yup… Move along… Nothin’ to see here, folks….


  5. memaw Says:

    A note to Notalldum:

    I heard about this on Hannity and Colmes Fox News. Hannity read it on air and I phoned Dr. Bulldog and asked him if he could look it up and post it. Thank God for FoxNews!!!! Thank God for a son who knows how to check all sources to find and verify what I hear a tidbit of so we can know the truth.

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