The Obamessiah Muzzles Media

If you think Obama won’t limit Free Speech in America if elected, think again!

EDITORIAL: The new ‘digital brownshirts’
Washington Times
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Where is Al Gore when you need him? Three years ago, the former vice president blasted “digital brownshirts” who “harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the president.” He meant the mortal threat to the Republic of bloggers and angry Republican e-mailers. But times change, and the digital legions are greater nowadays on Mr. Gore’s side. Thus we don’t hear much fretting at all about the Obama Action Wire, which, unlike the brownshirts of yore, is actually managed by Barack Obama’s campaign to muzzle critical media.

Here’s how it works. A message goes out over Barack Obama’s Web site with the names, phone numbers and e-mails of editors and producers foolish enough to host Obama critics. With Mr. Obama’s extensive digital following, and his extensive fund-raising and contact lists, shutting up the Democratic nominee’s critics with a fraction of Mr. Obama’s millions of supporters is relatively simple. The digital legions plug phone lines, crash servers and intimidate the advertisers of these media outlets. This must be another instance of the “new” politics that Mr. Obama frequently talks about.

The latest incident, reported in the Chicago Tribune, “orchestrated a massive stream of complaints on the phone lines of Tribune Co.-owned WGN-AM in Chicago. “The offense: The station hosted National Review’s David Freddoso, author of ‘The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate,’ a fair and rigorous but adversarial examination of Mr. Obama’s record. Surely, we can’t have any of that.

“The Action Wire serves as a means of arming our supporters with the facts to take on those who spread lies about Barack Obama and respond forcefully with the truth, whether it’s an author passing off fiction as biography, a Web site spreading baseless conspiracy theories or a TV station airing an ad that makes demonstrably false claims,” Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt told the Tribune.

How Orwellian. Mr. LaBolt defends the very actions that prevent WGN-AM and others from airing the facts, as though obstructionism is an “airing of facts.”

Note to the Obama campaign: Informed observers don’t get “the facts” only from a political campaign. They read and listen to the independent media outlets – the same outlets the thin-skinned Mr. Obama is currently trying to quash.

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8 Comments on “The Obamessiah Muzzles Media”

  1. From the Washington Post Comments section for this article:

    By: TheEnigma47

    As each day passes, we see more and more ways in which “The Anointed One” resembles Hitler.

    How soon before, Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, Jews and any other group that dares to disagree with “The Anointed One” will be required to wear some form of outer identification, making it easy for those of the lunatic left to spot, ridicule, attempt to intimidate? We have seen the attempts by groups like “code pink” in their efforts to block access to recruiting offices of the US military. “The Anointed One” will only need to say that a certain group is “bothering” him and his mindless minions will fall into line and begin a campaign of harassment.

    Another comparison of the vile activity of those who worship “The Anointed One” is the members of the islamic CULT. We have seen how most of Europe has bowed before their barbaric behavior. Will “The Anointed One” and his worshipers attempt the same in our great nation?

    Should the American people be so asinine as to allow “The Anointed One” to occupy the Oval Office, do not be shocked to see more Hitler like actions including but not limited to concentration camps, especially for the Jews. The one difference might be the lack of gas chambers. “The Anointed One” and an administration of American haters would want to get all of the physical activity out of them as possible.

    I do not make such comments as a joke. The fear I have for this nation, should that boy occupy the White House is far greater than any joke, it is very real. The “brownshirt” actions speak far louder than any words ever could, and this is only during an election period. What could follow, with him in the Oval Office is simply too frightening to consider.

    When you step into that voting booth, PLEASE think and consider the far reaching consequences. Make certain that you have given sufficient thought to what can happen, and based upon the activity of those who support the candidates today tell you about the future under such a president. When you vote, it will not be just for the next four years, it could very well determine if our nation is to survive.

  2. From TheEnigma47’s comments:

    “The one difference might be the lack of gas chambers.”

    Obama has already shown his willingness to support the killing of innocent babies, so it’s not a leap of faith to think that he might just be willing to “gas” the elderly and handicapped….


  3. notalldum Says:

    Only two weeks ago I spoke, in separate converations, with two Obama women supporters. Both brainwashed into believing McCain is “another Bush” and Palin not experienced. One argued women have right to choose abortion – “it’s their bodies”.
    Told them I’d never been more frightened for America than now – communism is direction Obama appears to be taking us. So happy I’m not alone thinking this.
    Will “Freedom of Speech” be taken from the Constitution now? Will Christians have to gather secretly to worship the ONLY TRue GOD – JESUS CHRIST? Will homes be invaded to take Bibles and Christian literature to the burning site? It CAN happen if Americans fail to educate themselves on past history.

    On economy: Only few suffering. Obama still collecting millions of dollars. Or who is really financing his campaign? Lots of rich foreigners in America.

  4. notalldum,

    “it’s their bodies”.

    Next time, ask them if they have a penis.

    Obviously, if they are female, they don’t.

    However their baby can have a penis. So, it isn’t “their bodies,” it’s their child’s body – they are choosing to kill another human being and just trying to rationalize it with speciousness…


  5. Bob Says:

    As each day passes, we see more and more ways in which “The Anointed One” resembles Hitler.

    How about the Antichrist?

  6. Ronin Says:


    My understanding was there are many “anti Christ’s” he may just be a major one. Doc, help me out here.

  7. Ronin,

    John talks about the antichrists in 1 John 2:18

    “…even now, there are many antichrists…”

    1 John 4:3

    “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world”

    2 John 7

    For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

    Barack Obama on the question of “who is Jesus to you?”;

    “Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he’s also a bridge between God and man…”

    Barack Obama does not see Jesus as God made flesh. He views him as just an “historical figure” and a “bridge” between God and man, just as Muslims believe Muhammad is a “bridge” between Allah and man…

    Christians view Jesus as MUCH more than that…

    Obama also said, “I believe there are many paths to the same place…”

    And further elucidated, “I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity”

    This is a cultish philosophy consistent with the New Age cult and is not at all consistent with what Jesus Christ taught. Consider this:

    John 14:6

    “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

    Jesus Christ said that, not man…

    But, the most telling thing about Obama is his definition of sin:

    “Being out of alignment with MY values.”

    ALL REAL Christians know that sin is actually disobeying God’s will and His Commandments.

    Obama’s definition of sin shows that he thinks he is better than God and is the one who should be determining what is and is not a sin based on his own personal values. This again is the cultish beliefs of New Age adherents and is based mostly on Hinduism and Buddhism…

    When asked for an example of a role model who combined everything he (Obama) believes in and wishes to accomplish, Obama answered:

    “I think Gandhi is a great example of a profoundly spiritual man who acted and risked everything on behalf of those values but never slipped into intolerance or dogma…”

    Interesting that he, again, would use a Hindu as a reference point. But, the real problem here is that Christians always strive to be more “Christ-like.” Obama is only striving to be more “Gandhi-like.”

    Any real Christian would have answered that question with Jesus Christ!

    So, to answer your question; yes, there are many antichrists and Obama is one of them.

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