An American Carol

Mrs. Bulldog and I are eagerly awaiting this film’s release on October 3rd.  But, until then these brief glimpses will have to suffice:

And, a bonus compilation of clips from the movie:

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7 Comments on “An American Carol”

  1. dm60462 Says:

    Oh dang! HItler singing Kumbaya???? ACLU zombies??? I can’t wait!!

  2. kaafir Says:

    Big Fat liar…


    That made my day!

    Oh wait… Im big & fat…

    Oh well at least Im not a liar…

  3. Gramfan Says:

    Thanks for posting this, Doc.
    I can hardly wait till it gets released here.It loos like it’s going to be hilarious.
    Let’s hope it’s a box office smash as all the other movies giving a different message have tanked.

  4. letterstoadyingdream Says:

    “Their not people their the ACLU”.

    I have to see this movie.

  5. letterstoadyingdream Says:

    sorry I meant “They are”. eh it’s still funny though.

  6. Mullah Lodabullah Says:

    Gramfan, I can’t find any Oz release dates, but I will be at the first screening, & get
    the dvd. It will be a classic!

  7. letterstoadyingdream Says:

    October 3rd

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