Muslim perverts beaten up by female victims

It is not often I complement Muslims but this is tooooooooo funny.

(ANSAmed) – DUBAI, 23 SEPTEMBER – A pair of peeping-Toms hoping to get an illicit look at a group of women at a mosque in Saudi Arabia got a beating instead, reports today.
-I have to admit I never even considered a mosque would be on a peeping Toms radar.

A group of Saudi women beat two young men who sneaked into a mosque in the northwestern city of Hail to watch women praying during the taraweeh, a nightly prayer recited during Ramadan, the Saudi newspaper al-Riyadh reported on Sunday.
-I’m thinking these two are not the best and brightest of allahs minions.

A woman noticed that two men had sneaked into the women’s section of the mosque and were peaking at the women. She called other women praying in the mosque and they pounced on the intruders. The women beat them with their shoes and water bottles.
-Good for the ladies that will learn um to be “sneaked into a mosque” again.

The women said they did not report the male intruders to the mosqués imam because they did not want to interrupt the prayers. The girls then called security. The two men tried to run away but failed and were interrogated. (ANSAmed).
-I’m betting the interrogation was very painful.

Explore posts in the same categories: criminal activity, Fighting Back, Muslim on Muslim Violence, Saudi Arabia

6 Comments on “Muslim perverts beaten up by female victims”

  1. Sheesh! You would think they had just snuck into the women’s shower room at the Gym!

  2. To quote the immortal ‘cyborg’ from the Teen Titans tv cartoon serial….



    Never miss with a menstruating muslima….


  3. notalldum Says:

    Wonder if those were “CORRECTIVE” shoes the women used?

  4. I HOPE they were Steel toe… 🙂

  5. Bob Says:

    Whaaat! Praying women are HOT!!

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