Sarah Palin Visits WTC Site

Compare Sarah Palin’s reaction to Ground Zero with Obama’s.

While Obama was obviously just trying to score political points and then get the heck out of dodge – as was evidenced in his cursory attentiveness, pretentious attitude,  and flippancy; especially in throwing his rose instead placing it gently at Ground Zero – Sarah Palin actually cared and took time to get to know the stories behind the folks who were showing her around.  Not only that, but she *gasp* showed REAL emotion…

September 26, 2008 — via

Sarah Palin yesterday made an unscheduled tour of a visitors center at Ground Zero dedicated to those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Republican vice-presidential nominee nodded her head several times and said, “Oh, my goodness,” while a retired firefighter showed her pictures of the burning World Trade Center and exhibits that highlighted the moments the hijacked planes struck each tower.

Her tour guide was Lee Ielpi, whose son Jonathan, a firefighter, died at the World Trade Center.

Palin told Ielpi, “My parents came after the cleanup,” and Ielpi replied, “The whole country did.” She repeated his words, “The whole country did.”

Palin’s parents went to New York as part-time contract workers in January 2002 to help control the rat population in the Fresh Kills landfill, which was filling up with WTC debris.

After more than a half-hour at the Tribute WTC Visitor Center, the Alaska governor walked past a bronze memorial built into the wall of Ladder Co. 10’s firehouse, which commemorates the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11. She touched it several times.

“She was very personable. She was actually a little emotional because of the firefighters memorial wall,” said firefighter John Morabito, who walked with her.

Palin told reporters, “To come here and see these good New Yorkers who are not only rebuilding this area but rebuilding America, it’s very inspiring.”


The rest of this article soon digressed into the usual fatuous hit piece against Sarah Palin.  So, I have deleted it.  Yup, just doing my part to help Obama’s “Truth Squads.”

Salami, Komrade !!!

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