Obama Supporters Bailing Out Over ACORN Scandals

What?  You mean to tell me that his membership in the communist Socialist Party wasn’t enough?  His searching out and allying himself with Communists, Leftists, Islamic radicals, and Terrorists didn’t phase his supporters.  His illegal immigrant status in violation of the Constitution’s rules for the Presidency didn’t budge them one bit.  His 20 year attendance at a Black Supremist Church that hates America and whites didn’t bother them, etc., etc…?

But his support of ACORN does?

Aaaaghhh!   These Libtards make my head spin!!!

Read all about this HERE at Israpundit

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4 Comments on “Obama Supporters Bailing Out Over ACORN Scandals”

  1. Gramfan Says:

    Ooops I think I messed up my post on the Berg thread.

    Anyway, here’s a good piece about ACORN:

  2. Akira Says:

    I saved screenshots here, in case the originals fade into the internet ether:


  3. az_conservative Says:

    Maybe his connections to ACORN are so concrete even retarded, blind libs can no longer ignore it. I guess they still hold a high opinion of the election process. At this point, I don’t care what makes them bail on him, as long as they do. First hurdle is to make sure that man NEVER sits in the Oval Office. After that, we’ve all got to get busy fixing this mess with our elections (first priority?), axe some more of the America-hating treachers in Congress (2010), deal with the stealth jihad, start reversing indoctrination in our schools, etc.

  4. yonason Says:

    I’ll take what I can get. Bailing is bailing, even if the fools didn’t have sense to do it before. Hopefully it will continue, and be sufficient.

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