US student knifed by Arabs in Jerusalem

One American attacked overseas that doesn’t seem unique to me. Americans are increasingly attacked, robbed, kidnapped and threatened. It is easy to blame American policies for this but placing the blame does nothing to protect anyone. In this story racism was the cause; the muslims saw an opportunity to attack an American and took it, that doesn’t mean the same group would not have attacked a Jew given the chance.

I do not use my real name on this site or in emails because I do travel in and out of muslim controlled areas. This story hits home with me. At home I am armed, traveling my weapons are limited to things I can explain away. One obvious but oft ignored survival tip: you should learn to blend in and not attract attention before you travel. If I had a dollar for every American I saw wearing Patriotic and sports shirts, hats, etc (idiots). It should not surprise any of you that we are targets.

We are going to skip the cause and effect and focus on how you can protect yourself overseas. Many of us take business trips and vacation overseas, let’s do it smartly.

Three men attacked an American college student in Jerusalem on Sunday after he asked them for directions, according to police reports released Sunday morning.
-Your first source of directions is your hotel desk but if that is not possible. Only ask directions inside of a well lit business. Odds are the owner doesn’t want a ruckus inside. Go into a second business and ask again if the location you are looking for is far away or sends you through alleys or other isolated areas.

Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said the 19-year-old student told police he was on his way to the city’s Hebrew University when he got lost and stopped the men for directions. The student identified the men as Arabs and said they attacked him with a knife, slashing his face and neck.
-Approaching a group increases your risk; he should have looked for an authority figure or a single male, smaller in stature. You should also always travel with a buddy. If you are drinking the buddy should not. A simple rule but one ignored by Americans all over the world.

Rosenfeld said the student was being treated at a nearby hospital. Police were searching for the assailants.
Rosenfeld did not give the student’s name, and it was not immediately clear if he attended Hebrew University. The university had no immediate comment.

Also on Sunday morning, large numbers of Tel Aviv police officers scoured Jaffa on Sunday morning after a 20-year-old soldier reported being assaulted by a knifeman on his way to his army base on Shivtei Yisrael Street.

The soldier, who was uninjured in the incident, said he was able to fight off the attacker, adding that the assailant then escaped.
-Then his defense sucked, your defense should injure your attacker. This is risky in may countries as some just toss Americans into jail and forget about them. When travelling Americans have no rights and the US Embassy will probably send someone to politely explain that you are screwed. If possible stay out of muslim countries and muslim enclaves inside of non muslim countries also steer clear of Mexican border towns. To be fair Mexican border towns are usually safe for quick shopping trips if you are in a group and leave before night fall. If you get sloppy drunk and isolated at night in a border town then you are an idiot and someone will prove it to you.

Police said the background into the incident was being checked.

A Tel Aviv police spokesman told The Jerusalem Post that “the incident is under investigation,” adding that no further details could be added at this stage.
-This part is key – you should not concern yourself with investigation. Rarely will the country involved pay for your return just for a trial. Local thugs are known to police and they know how far they can push them before making their radar.

-My last tip: If you make yourself an easy victim then you will be one. Now, feel free to share your own safe travel tips.

Explore posts in the same categories: Anti-Americanism, criminal activity, Israel

2 Comments on “US student knifed by Arabs in Jerusalem”

  1. Appalled By The World Says:

    One of Israel’s biggest mistakes was in not annexing all areas captured in 1967 and basically dhimmifying Jerusalem’s Koranists. Over 40 years of history has proven how bad that mistake was.

  2. HasItBeen4YearsYet? Says:

    When I was in the Navy, we made port in Jamaica. One fool bought some pot from a local, and was immediately arrested. Apparently the drug dealers have a deal with the police, and when they tell them about selling drugs to foreigners, the police arrest the foreigners and give the dealer back his dope, which leaves the “customer” SOL. I don’t know what happened later, but I think he was stuck in jail there for a while.

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