Stick-u-lus Package Broken Down

It looks like a socialist’s dream come true:

Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package

The centerpiece of President Obama’s domestic agenda is an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. The Senate will consider the measure this week, with an eye toward the amount of tax cuts and spending. Republicans and Democrats spar over what to consider a tax cut. An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office tallies the tax-cut portion to be significantly less than the one-third Democrats claim it to be.

[Click on Image to Enlarge]


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9 Comments on “Stick-u-lus Package Broken Down”

  1. Akira Says:

    Jim Cramer says Obama’s package is too small.

    + + +

    Has anyone else noticed this habit of Obamites to write “Open Letters to the President”?

    They seem to imagine that Obama and Rahm Emanuel get up and have their morning cofee and then Obama says:

    “Well, I guess we should read our love letters now and find out what fabulous ideas the great unwashed have for us.”

    Emanuel: “Ha ha. Good one! As if anyone dumb enough to get fooled by us could possibly have anything intelligent to say!”

    Here’s one nutjob’s “Open Letter to the President”:

    “Dear Mr. President,

    First I want to congratulate you on your historical victory and to thank you for [blah blah blah] Unfortunately, the Republican Party through its Emperor of Evil, John Boehner, again displayed its contempt for the American people by not giving one single vote in support of your Stimulus Package. [blah blah blah] We all agree that you are facing a monumental task, one that perhaps exceed that which any President ever faced. Most people say you need a Miracle. [blah blah blah] A Miracle is Needed. A man is lying in the street barely breathing … The paramedics arrive… We need our own Needle, NOW … The question is, Mr. President, do YOU have the courage to use it? If you do, I promise you that you will brought about the Miracle we needed to not only turn around, but make our economy surge. LEGALIZE INDUSTRIAL HEMP”

    I’m sorry to say I couldn’t make this up:

    The same guy describes Obama as, “A man of INFINITE WISDOM.”

  2. “A Miracle is Needed.”

    Sheesh! Why doesn’t the Obamessiah just rub some of his spit into the dirt and perform a miracle? – You know, make those poor blind Republicans see what he wants them to see….

  3. tgusa Says:

    Obama sat around in an Africa centric church for 20 years as Africa was overrun by muslims as genocidal maniacs roamed the continent kidnapping kids and turning them in to killers. Meanwhile right under his nose in Chicago criminal gangs were multiplying and taking over whole neighborhoods. Infinite wisdom, I don’t think the world can afford much of his wisdom. One of the many reasons I don’t support Obama is I have seen that he will believe anything, he’s a sucker, and I just don’t go along with suckers. Is Barry going to do for America what he and his cronies have done for Chicago? Miracle indeed.

  4. tgusa Says:

    The point is Americans are not spending money they are saving so Barry and the dems are forcing us to spend the money we would like to have saved. I suspect this is part of a push back from the 50 million that don’t want socialism and are fed up with just about everything DC has been doing. DC appears to be as clueless to this movement as they are to the doctrine behind the global jihad. No surprise there. They need this money to try to bail out failed dem cities. The only difference between New Orleans and any other dem city is its below sea level and bracketed on three sides by water. An earthquake in LA would yield similar results, if it didn’t that would be a miracle.

  5. CavMom Says:

    Can I post my letter of admiration to the Pres?

  6. irishoaks Says:

    One of the least amounts is defense at $4.8 B. And according to your chart for the enslaving farce, it is for: FACILITY REPAIR AND ENERGY PROJECTS. That, friends, is no defense.
    According to the Constitution of the United States of America, “We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,….”
    I believe Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are not knowledgeable in the Constitution or are blatently giving it and the people the finger.

  7. Appalled By The World Says:

    The only stimulus an Obaman (MCF) plan will bring is a stimulus into a Depression. On that score calling this nonsense a stimulus plan is indeed correct.

  8. az_conservative Says:

    I’d like to direct everyone to a great short story. The premise is interesting to contemplate…hypothetically, of course.

  9. […] Stimulus fantasy is passed, like the turd that it […]

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