Gun show visitors angry over federal firearms bill

Some of you might have noticed my brief absence. I was buying weapons, we will not get into what I bought, that is not important. What is important was the hour long chat I had with the officers earning extra money to guard the show. Interesting enough the police officers admitted to stock piling ammunition and buying themselves a few more weapons. When police officers become concerned with the possibility that weapon confiscation will soon happen all of us should be concerned.

We discussed a number of issues, breeching techniques, standoff distances and other pesky subjects that would have to be worked out before a team could enter and seize weapons. These officers openly admitted they will never seize weapons from a citizen just because some DC bureaucrat outlaws them. From their perspective guns have saved far more people than they have hurt. First responders would much rather see a dead criminal upon arrival than a dead family.

We parted friends and when I explained my plan to stop, limit and retaliate against traditional breaching techniques should the gun grabbers enter my home they gave me a few ideas of their own. Needless to say, I think the bureaucrats have severely underestimated the average Americans determination to remain free and armed.

Here is one possible scenario should gun confiscation become a reality. With fresh contacts inside the police forces warning armed Americans that they are next on the list, the first teams to enforce any ban will soon be eliminated. A quick refusal by other officers to attempt it and the walking off the job by most of our law enforcement will quickly result in anarchy in the streets. There are not enough police and military forces inside the US to stop the chaos, control will only be regained by gun owners, protecting themselves, neighbors and restoring order one foot of earth at a time. Once again proving that freedom requires an armed civilian force. Not a pretty picture is it?

By Jimmy Isaac, Cox East Texas, 15 February, 2009
Visitors and vendors at a Longview gun show Saturday were in unison against a federal bill aimed to prohibit users and sellers of firearms.
-This will never happen, in fifty years our war on drugs has not stemmed the flow. Make us all outlaws and guess what we will do, get worse, much worse. Not me; I am a pacifist and would never harm anyone (ignore giggling sounds) but others might.

“I think it’s absurd,” said Daniel Childress of Winona. “If you have a firearm, whether it be a shotgun or a pistol, every person in that household should be trained how to use it to protect themselves.”
-Preach it brother-preach it. I have never in my entire life read a single story where anyone facing an emergency situation was saved by an unarmed liberal.

On Jan. 6, U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois introduced federal legislation aimed at increasing license requirements and ownership restrictions for firearms.
-He is another in a long list of stupid democrats. Remember folks our next election is in 2010, we can send many incumbents packing.

House Resolution 45, also known as Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009, is named for a Chicago high school student killed on a public bus in May 2007 when another young man boarded and started shooting, Rush said.

Holt used his body to shield a girl from the line of fire and was shot in the abdomen.

Rush’s legislation seeks to prohibit owning or selling a gun without a license issued by the U.S. attorney general. The bill also would make it illegal to keep a loaded firearm or an unloaded firearm and its ammunition where there are children younger than 18, according to the bill’s text.
-The first step to disarm families. By nine, I could shoot, clean and maintain a firearm. I have defended myself successfully in the past and plan to continue to do so. I do not buy weapons from dealers and own none according to any paperwork in anyone’s database. If it becomes illegal to buy and sell firearms, so what? Running red lights is illegal but it is still Florida’s favorite contact sport.

Sandra Bean-Hewitt organized this weekend’s gun show at Maude Cobb Convention and Activity Center. Responsible gun-toting parents instruct kids at toddler age the dangers of firearms, she said. “If the criminals know we can’t have firearms with ammunition,” Ms. Bean-Hewitt said, “we’re sitting ducks.”
-A great place to start bitching about ammunition shortages. When you can find it, the prices are outrageous. At least we (not me as I own no weapons, ignore giggling sounds) have enough to last a short civil war.

HR 45, modeled after HR 2666 which died before any Congressional vote in 2007, will give the attorney general authority to collect, investigate and study gun sales, production and other manufacturing data.
“My son lost his life back in 1999 due to senseless gun violence, and my nephew sits in jail today, convicted of fatally shooting someone,” said Rush in 2007 after he filed HR 2666. “Blair’s Bill will implement a nationwide program of licensing all individuals who possess firearms and require all guns to be registered in a national gun registry.”
-Raise better children. Chances are black teenagers will continue to kill more black teens than all the diseases, accidents and natural disasters combined. Taking away weapons from everyone else will not save a single teen from stupidity. When the gun grabbers can prove that violence decreases after gun confiscation I will lighten up, until them, I am packing enough heat to raise the number of dead gang bangers significantly.

The act also would strengthen law enforcement’s ability to trace firearms used in crime, according to the bill’s text.
-Pure bullshit, I have yet to see a single criminal register a weapon.

Shreveport gun enthusiast Daniel Wallace said he keeps track of HR 45 and other gun control legislation almost daily.

Wallace said a similar bill is pushing its way through West Virginia’s Legislature, and he thinks gun control advocates will continue to push for state-level laws as a way of pressuring federal lawmakers to act on their behalf.
-No one is fooled by calls to register weapons; it is the first step toward confiscation. Confiscation is the first step toward anarchy. Do not be like me, buy a gun and enough ammunition to have plenty to share, trade and fight with. Be sure and obey all laws now, ya hear?

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, congress sucks, Gun Control, patriotism

21 Comments on “Gun show visitors angry over federal firearms bill”

  1. memaw Says:

    Ronin: In the gun show did they have the one for handicapped person…the one you hold in your palm and shoot???? I know I’ve got to get me one and learn how to shoot it!!!!

  2. Ronin Says:

    Memaw I did not see one but shotguns are plentiful, easy to use and inexpensive. For basic home defense they cannot be beat. If you have neighbors you might consider one over something that will easily penetrate walls.

  3. I can see it now, MeMaw fires a double-barrel shotgun at an intruder and goes flying backwards in an out-of-control ride in her wheelchair! LOL!

    Go on, MeMaw. Tell Ronin about that time when you first shot MePaw’s shotgun…


  4. will the islamaphobe Says:


    If you are indeed wheelchair bound make sure you set your breaks if you fire a shotgun….

    And don’t forget your kevlar ‘dragon scale’ armor…

    As for myself a .357 mag w ammo and other weapons will do fine for my home defense…

  5. memaw Says:

    Ronin: Well MePaw has a strange sense of humor. We were living in the high desert in California and had plenty of wide open spaces to shoot a rifle or shotgun. MePaw was going to teach me how to shoot a shotgun. He did not tell me how to hold the shotgun tightly against my shoulder, so I held it about two inches from my shoulder, and when I shot it, it kicked back against my shoulder and I ended up thrown against the car…Needless to say if my shoulder wasn’t hurting, I would have knocked that smile and laughter off his face… It didn’t take me long to see that somehow revenge came in him trying to show off and shoot the gun from his hip and the lever that opens the gun pinched and caught between the stock and lever the web part between his thumb and first finger.So of course I had to laugh at that and felt vindicated! 🙂

  6. memaw Says:

    P.S. Will: thanks for the warning. Yeh, maybe I need a magnum 357. Hope you enjoy my shotgun story also.

  7. Ronin Says:


    When I was young my sister decided she wanted to go hunting with Dad and me. I explained first she had to learn to shoot. I loaded up a double barrel 10 gage (I was attempting to discourage her) and told her to pull both triggers. She did and went flying; it knocked her over onto her back. She stood up tears flowing and asked if she could have a smaller gun. We got her a 20 gage and taught her to use it. Good times.

  8. memaw Says:

    Ronin: are you sure you were attempting to discourage her? Poor girl! It appear she took it like a trooper tho’ and recognized her limits…and still got to learn how to use a gun.

    P.S. Will: Yes, I am in a wheelchair. I’ve have Rheumatoid Arthritis since 1987 and its’ taken its toll on me. For the last 13 years I had worked at the county jail as a social worker and for the last 5 years used my electric scooter to run around the jail and work with the inmates in the drug and alcohol program there, but this last year my health got to where others would have to take up the slack for me, so I felt it unfair to them, tho’ they never complained, and retired in July of 2008. I definitely miss working with the inmates. I loved it. So I’m still adjusting to home life, and at home, I’m strictly in my wheelchair, or chair by the computer which I find things to do. MePaw takes good care of me. We will celebrate our 49th anniversary this coming October and I love him more now, than I ever did! Believe me, it takes a lot to handle me and my impatience…just ask Dr. Bulldog!

  9. will the islamaphobe Says:


    I had a good friend as a child who had MS he was typically on crutches or in his wheelchair.

    As for me I have been married only 6 years. But my Grandparents were married over 50 years… More than likely married over 60 years. My own folks have been married since 1969. I joined the fray in 1971.


  10. memaw Says:


  11. senor doeboy Says:

    One of the first “laws” Hitler and Stalin enacted in Germany and the Soviet Union was of coarse gun control.

    Let’s see…

    Nationalizing industries…

    Private army of Goons….

    Gun Control…

    what’s Barry going to do next?

    Gulags for Political opponents and other undesirables of the population?

  12. will the islamaphobe Says:

    Thank you Memaw

    Too bad you don’t have your own ‘room’ here.

    As for physcial limitations.. I hear ya… I think of myself as the studly Marine when I was 19. Now at nearly 38 I let myself go.

    Nowadays I gotta play catchup w. 3 kids.

  13. will the islamaphobe Says:


    Checks on all 4 of your list….

    Nationalizing AND Inter Nationalizing industries / Corperations

    Private Armies

    Gun control

    Gulags are at the ready…

  14. az_conservative Says:

    Yes, Communist, globalist lefties the world over have severely underestimated our determination to remain free. It is past time to give them a lesson in liberty they won’t soon forget…not that many will have future opportunity to forget it. Or a future, for that matter.

    On the note of guns, loss of freedom, etc…
    Has anyone else received their Census form yet? I have been getting calls for two weeks from the Census Bureau (supposedly) claiming they have sent out my forms and it was returned several times. No one else I’ve talked to has received one yet….so I’m wondering if they are calling specficially targeted people (such as CCW holders) ahead of the regular census. The questions they are asking are OUTRAGEOUS. How many rooms in my house? what people have visited me, where they are from, how long they stayed? All kinds of financial questions more likely to be found on the 1040. VERY invasive and they claim it is all MANDATORY.The census is required, with legal penalties for refusing, but it took me 40 minutes to refuse to answer questions just about me. I didn’t have tiem to refuse the q

    I refused to answer most of their questions and declined to give any personally identifiable info. They are getting really pushy and even threatening about it. Anyone else had this experience?

  15. az_conservative Says:

    (woops–Ihit the enter button before finishing the paragraph)

    I didn’t have time to finish answering questions about the remaining 3 members of the household. She wouldn’t just enter refused on the questions–said she had to ask all the questions for everyone. This strikes me as a bit strange…I don’t recall the last census being so invasive. With Rahmbo running it, I figure they’ll change the prohibition on sharing census data and it’ll go into their databases about American citizens. I was surprised there were no questions about gun ownership.

  16. teach5 Says:

    Got this from a fellow, concerned gun owner this a.m.:

    Here they come, ready or not. Feel the water getting warmer?

    Are you ready for the House Bill titled “HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009?” HR 45 will make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C. As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL# and SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, and you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if a private sale. Each update will cost $25 and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms. This bill and its language mirror almost completely one defeated last year in the House of Representatives by soon to be
    Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Will we the citizenry be as lucky this time?

    Pass this on to everyone who believes in strict Constitutionalism and remember that laws only apply to those who obey them. Criminals by definition and nature do not abide by laws. New laws and restrictions only apply to the law abiding citizen and are not written with the criminal in mind. With guns, it is not about having laws on the books to prosecute individuals, it is about taking guns away from the people so that no one has them in the first place. One last item to note, when assuming power and creating a facist state, Hitler was a proponent of strong gun laws because a disarmed populace was much easier to control than an armed one. The kings of old also outlawed weapons of any kind in any region that they conquered to quell the ability of the citizens to mount an uprising against them.

    The Founding Fathers of this nation understood all of the above, and because of this they included the Second Amendment in the Constitution. In fact, they knew that at some point in every society’s life span that the need for the population to arise came about. To this end they made the right to keep and bear arms against a tyrannical state an absolute right that could not be revoked. They did this because the first thing tyrants and despots do is to remove a population’s right to defend themselves. When this is done, the tyrants have no problem with the destruction of society as we know it.

    Send this on to all true patriots! Protect your Second Amendment!

    The following is a summary of the bill as provided by the Congressional Research Service. If you read the whole bill, you’ll find it will effectively preclude the ownership of ANY firearms by law-abiding people unless licensed by the Attorney General. How long do you think THAT would take??

    Congressional Research Service Summary

    The following summary was written by the Congressional Research Service, a well-respected nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress. GovTrack did not write and has no control over these summaries.

    1/6/2009–Introduced: Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 – Amends the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless that person has been issued a firearm license under this Act for a state system certified under this Act and such license has not been invalidated or revoked. Prescribes license application, issuance, and renewal requirements. Prohibits transferring or receiving a qualifying firearm unless the recipient presents a valid firearms license, the license is verified, and the dealer records a tracking authorization number. Prescribes firearms transfer reporting and record keeping requirements. Directs the Attorney General to establish and maintain a federal record of sale system.


    (1) transferring a firearm to any person other than a licensee, unless the transfer is processed through a licensed dealer in accordance with national instant criminal background check system requirements, with exceptions;

    (2) a licensed manufacturer or dealer from failing to comply with reporting and record keeping requirements of this Act;

    (3) failing to report the loss or theft of the firearm to the Attorney General within 72 hours;

    (4) failing to report to the Attorney General an address change within 60 days; or

    (5) keeping a loaded firearm, or an unloaded firearm and ammunition for the firearm, knowingly or recklessly disregarding the risk that a child is capable of gaining access, if a child uses the firearm and causes death or serious bodily injury.

    Prescribes criminal penalties for violations of firearms provisions covered by this Act.

    Directs the Attorney General to:

    (1) establish and maintain a firearm injury information clearinghouse;

    (2) conduct continuing studies and investigations of firearm-related deaths and injuries; and

    (3) collect and maintain current production and sales figures of each licensed manufacturer.

    Authorizes the Attorney General to certify state firearm licensing or record of sale systems.

    Please be advised and pass this along: House Bill HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009 will, in my opinion, be the first of 2 or 3 steps toward confiscation of privately owned firearms.

    You can follow the sequence as it already happened in Canada and the UK. First, the government needs to register the guns so they will know where to find them.

  17. irishoaks Says:

    Hi memaw, I use a walker to get around–but it doesn’t stop me from using my guns. My husband taught me to shoot. We took the class, but never sent in our papers for conceal/carry. Now we will have to do it all over again.
    Senator Mark Norris, God love him, is really going all out to support gun owners. Check him out.

  18. Ronin Says:


    I have to admit I was a bad boy in my younger days but I made it up to her over the years. I have a friend in a wheelchair and he mounted a holster for a keltec 9mm on his chair and another bedside. He moves the pistol depending on where he is. With practice he makes it appear in a blink of an eye. They are small and with the right ammo a force to be reckoned with.

    I was wondering if your working with inmates was a result of Docs misspent youth but if that was the case you would not be impatient. J/k I know Doc was a good two shoes, most of those pocket protector types are, you done good maw, real good.

  19. CavMom Says:

    I am happy that Clinton’s replacement, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, is a gun advocate. —– From the AP

    Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who has drawn criticism from fellow Democrats in New York because of her pro-gun stance, says she keeps two rifles under her bed.

    Gillibrand says she and her husband, Jonathan, keep the firearms to protect their upstate home.

    “If I want to protect my family, if I want to have a weapon in the home, that should be my right,” Gillibrand, who has two small children, said in an interview published in Monday’s Newsday.

  20. memaw Says:

    In a sense I do have a room there, because “here is there” as we all get together through this website, we come to care about each other and enjoy the byplay with each other. Enjoy those kids, they grow up fast, and soon you may have 17 grandchildren and one great grandchild as we do. 🙂

    Irish: Thank God for walkers and wheelchairs, and that we can continue to use our guns even with limitations on our health.

    Ronin: No, Dr. Bulldog did not have a misspent youth, however some of the stories he has told me, since he has left home makes me wonder… 🙂 Actually, I’m a grandmother who went back to college, and had planned on working with women that had been abused and women’s issues, however when I did an internship at the county jail, I was wisely told not to limit myself and began working with the men. I found I enjoyed working with the men and felt ” a calling” to work with the inmates. (both men and women)After I got my MSW I was hired by the county jail as a social worker. I found it easy to look past the charges to the person and as I began to know each of them, the past, the abuse, fathers not being in the home, mothers on drugs, etc. I could understand where they were coming from. It didn’t make it right what they did, but I understood. I loved them and I received much love from them. I use to give them parties (candy, chips and soda and a movie) at the end of a 3 week class. Some of the men, begged me to bring in a scary movie and I’d said “I can’t stand scary movies. They make me nervous and I can’t sit still in them”. One of the guys stated. “You mean to tell me that you are afraid of a movie where it isn’t real, and here you are in a room with murderers, rapists, and whatever and you aren’t scared of being alone with all of us.” I answered, “No, because I know that if one of you came after me, there would be others that would protect me”, and the class and as a whole, said, “you know we would!” To some who were motherless, I became a mother figure as well as a social worker, or a grandmother figure. I got away with more than most social workers would because of my age, and I was able to give them a hug now and then, and even pray with them. And in working the last four years in the drug and alcohol court mandated program which was a 3 month program, I got closer to each one of those on my caseload. And Ronin, I did have much patience with them. I amazed even myself! My impatience comes from now being home and not being able to do the things I use to do. And when I want something done, I want it done now!! If something goes wrong with my computer, I call over to Dr. Bulldog, and he, knowing me, usually comes over like the loving son he is, as soon as he can to fix whatever is wrong.I do so hate having to depend on others as I’ve been an independent person most of my life, and even tho’ I was in my scooter at the jail the last 5 years, I still had a sense of independency. So, I guess God has a reason for this, in teaching me patience in a different way!

  21. tom long Says:

    any idea where to writew to complain about this or if any protest are coming up

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