Lying Afghan warlord shredded.

Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet,
machine guns ready to go
Are you ready, Are you ready for this
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust

My apologies to Queen

By HEIDI VOGT and AMIR SHAH 16 February 2009 (AP) A coalition airstrike has killed a powerful Taliban commander who broke a promise to renounce violence after village elders persuaded President Hamid Karzai to free him from prison, officials said Monday.
-Lying is a sin.

The Sunday night attack destroyed a building housing Ghulam Dastagir and eight other militants in the village of Darya-ye-Morghab, near the Turkmenistan border, the U.S. military said in a statement.

Dastagir was responsible for a surge in violence in the province in recent months, including a November attack on an Afghan army convoy that killed 13 soldiers, the statement said.
-For those of you that do not already know the surge is on, the Tenth Mountain Division is also kicking some serious Taliban ass.

“He was like the shadow governor of Badghis,” said Gen. Mohammad Ayub Nizyar, the former police chief of the province.

Dastagir had previously been captured and imprisoned in Herat province, but he was released about four months ago after elders of his home district pleaded with Karzai and high-level officials to let him go, saying he would not return to violence, according to provincial police spokesman Noorhan Nekzad. Karzai issued a decree ordering his release.
-In the 80’s we had a test to determine if an afghan was lying. If his mouth moved-he lied.

“The government trusted the guarantee of the villagers” and released Dastagir, said Badghis Gov. Ashraf Nasery. “Unfortunately, as soon as he was released he rejoined the Taliban.”

Sunday’s “precision strike” did not destroy any other buildings and nearby structures only had minor external damage, the military statement said.

Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi confirmed the incident, but said more people may have been killed. He said he had reports of up to 12 deaths.
-They will also claim it was an innocent wedding party and most victims were children.

Separately Monday, a service member with NATO forces died “of wounds caused by indirect fire” in eastern Afghanistan, according to a statement by NATO forces. The statement did not give more details or the troop’s nationality. The majority of forces in the east are American.

In the south, five people died when a minibus hit a roadside bomb in Uruzgan province. One other person was seriously wounded, said Gulab Khan, the deputy provincial police chief.

Explore posts in the same categories: Afghanistan, Body Count, Fighting Back, Taliban, Terrorists

2 Comments on “Lying Afghan warlord shredded.”

  1. ciccio Says:

    Right next door, Pakistan has just handed the entire Swat valley to the Taliban and allows the sharia law.
    Since it is the same tribe on both sides of the border there are going to be some interesting times ahead. If the West does not finance Pakistan, they are going to sell nuclear technology to the raging hordes. If they do finance them they will still sell it but advise the west that it was a rogue and give them enough info to find it.

  2. memaw Says:

    This brings to mind, the article in CNN News today on “Pakistani woman watches Taliban take over town she loves”.She and her children had fled “the Taliban’s bloody interpretation of Islamic Law in Pakistan’s Swat Valley, hoping one day to return . But now the Pakestani government has recognized Taliban rule in the region in exchange for a temporary cease fire. She warned this deal will have worldwide implications!”

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