MSNBC Poll – Grade Obama

MSNBC wants you to grade Obama’s performance…   Let’s have some fun and let this poll go viral on the Conservative websites!  Just go to your favorite Conservative blog and leave the link in the comments section.

Here’s the link to the MSNBC poll:

Personally, I think they need to create a grade below “F” just for him…


– Doc

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7 Comments on “MSNBC Poll – Grade Obama”

  1. az_conservative Says:

    Wow. 96213 responses
    A 17%
    B 6.7%
    C 5%
    D 11%
    F 59%

    But his approval rating is over 60%? I call BS–fixed poll. I’d be very surprised if it were even at 50%.

  2. PB-in-AL Says:

    What’s the likelihood that this will ever be seen again?

    10:26am CDT
    109395 responses
    A 16
    B 6.4
    C 5
    D 12
    F 60 !!!

    ….and the race is on!

  3. infidelmonster Says:

    I posted it on We Surround Them. Geting some good response.

  4. I just checked the poll. Obama now has 61% giving him a grade of “F”!

    Yup, putting the “bomb” back in Obama!

    I’m sure that when Chris Matthews checks the poll, the only “thrill” he feels “tingling” down his leg will be yellow in color…


  5. infidelmonster,

    Thank you for posting it! That’ll put a damper on MSNBC’s parade!


  6. pinky Says:

    Have you checked the poll lately? President Obama Rocks!!

    • pinky,

      Yes. And, I got a personal email from team Obama telling me to go to the MSNBC poll and give Obama an “A” and to forward the email to everyone on my “friends” list.

      After receiving that email, I watched the results of the poll Friday and Saturday as hundreds of thousands of Obamites came flooding in to rescue Obama’s “good name.”

      So, you Libtards are better organized than us Conservatives, but that doesn’t change the fact that Obama is a little commie bastard that is F***ing up everything good about America. He deserves to be expelled! Period.


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