Islamists Behead Christian Father’s Sons Because He Would Not Rat Out Another Church Leader

Again I say:  “Behold, the ‘religion of peace’ ‘respecting’ Christ and His followers:”

Somalia militants Behead Christian Father’s Sons
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 (1:03 pm)
By BosNewsLife Africa Service

MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)– Muslim militants have beheaded two young boys in Somalia because their Christian father refused to hand over information about a church leader, a Christian news agency reported Wednesday, July 1.

Compass Direct News said militants from the Islamic extremist group al Shabaab were still searching for 55-year-old Musa Mohammed Yusuf, after killing his two young sons in February.

His sons, Abdi Rahaman Musa Yusuf, 11, Hussein Musa Yusuf, 12, and Abdulahi Musa Yusuf, 7, were apparently abducted February 21 during an al Shabaab raid on their family home in Yonday village, 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Kismayo in Somalia.

Soon after, two of them were beheaded, while the youngest son apparently managed to reach the home again, crying. “I watched my three boys dragged away helplessly as my youngest boy was crying,” said Yusuf’s wife Batula Ali Arbow in published remarks. “I knew they were going to be slaughtered.”


The incident happened a day after her husband, who leads an underground church, was forced to flee as militants interrogated him about his relationship with Salat Mberwa, another church leader. Mbwerwa, who supervises a 66-member congregation, reportedly taught Yusuf about Christianity.

Yusuf eventually managed to reach a Kenyan refugee camp where he later met the surviving family members, Christians said. However they apparently were forced to leave their 80-year-old grandmother behind after burying the two sons.  Her whereabouts were unknown Wednesday July 1.


Explore posts in the same categories: Christians, Christians under attack, muslim Intolerance, Religiocide, Religion

6 Comments on “Islamists Behead Christian Father’s Sons Because He Would Not Rat Out Another Church Leader”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Militants, youths, civilians, blah blah blah. Lets call it what it is, muslims, kidnapping and performing satanic rituals on their innocent captives. ROS.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    Just like Mohamed would do. Behold, the religion of allah the moon god.


  3. Annmarie Says:

    I hate that so called religion of peace.. Fancy killing young kids to just get to their father..

  4. Shula Balu Says:

    You will vomit when you hear this. On the 4th of July I went to my daughters house for a party. She lives in a really rich area where there is a huge park down the street from her home.

    Across the street from the park is a Mosk, that area is full of Muslims there are like probably 20,000 or more just in that area.

    All the American’s were coming in groves the entire day to get their spot at the park for the great show in honor of our country’s birthday.

    The Muslims had a booth outside the Mosk
    where they were trying to promote their prapaganda.
    They were stopping American’s as they passed by trying to get to the park. The Muslims were trying to convert the American’s to the Muslim way of thinking.

    There was a huge sign out there in front of the Mosk that said “Ask a Muslim” it made us ill. There is also something else that is really strange.

    The owner of the Mosk lives right next door in a huge really nice house. They have one van that is about a couple of years old and one van that is much older sitting in the driveway. The newer van does not have any license plates on it, front nor back andit is driven daily on our streets. It has been that way since my daughter bought her house in the neighborhood 9 months ago. My daughter has reported it several times but to no avail.

    Now that is not the worst of it. They also purchased an older Hertz rental boxed truck you know one of the smaller moving trucks that is boxy looking.
    Now that truck has no plates either and to make it even worse they move the truck from the house to the Mosk they must be filling it with someting who knows what. They could be storing amo guns what ever, under that Mosk and no one is investigating them at all. We need to find out what they are up to.

    My daughter and her neighbors have called the CIA, FBI, the cops everyone they can think of to find out why these things are taking place and no one is checking into it. No one cares I guess but this is what leads to terrorist bombings.

    I got a ticket in Riverside for not having a front plate on my car it cost me 125.00 they drive with no plates and get nothing I am pissed off.

    I know they are up to no good all the neighbors know it as well. The Muslims do not want any thing to do with the other neighbors who are Americans.

    • Leatherneck Says:

      The FBI probably already knows, and is watching the moon god worshipers.

      Send them some pigs. They love that.

  5. Shula Balu Says:

    Yeah you are probably right that is why they are not letting any of us know what they are up to. I sure as hell hope so.

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