Blue Dogs Pussy Out

What?  Did you actually think that the castrated Blue Dog Democrats were going to suddenly grow a set and flip Pelosi the bird over the beast that is ObamaCare?  Dream on!

Blue Dogs say they’ve reached a compromise on health care

(CNN) — A group of fiscally conservative House Democrats announced Wednesday they reached a deal with the chamber’s Democratic leaders on a health care reform bill.

Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas, speaking for the Blue Dog Democrats, said the agreement calls for the House Energy and Commerce Committee to begin debating the bill later Wednesday, but for no vote by the full House until after the upcoming August recess.

Ross and the Blue Dogs had threatened to derail the bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee because of concerns that it costs too much and failed to address systemic problems in the nation’s ailing health care industry.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is one of three House committees that needs to pass the bill before it is voted on by the full chamber. The other two committees have already cleared it.

The Blue Dogs had presented committee chairman Rep. Henry Waxman a list of 10 items that they wanted changed in health care reform proposals. Neither side revealed what the 10 items were.

[Yup.  That’s right!  The “Blue Dogs” were just holding out so that they could stuff some more pork into the belly of the beast.  No one should be surprised about that!]

Waxman said his committee would take up the bill Wednesday at 4 p.m., with hopes of approving it by Friday.


Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Health, Obama Sucks, politics

4 Comments on “Blue Dogs Pussy Out”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Leftards are already admitting that seniors will necessarily be denied care, they are old after all. Besides, people who have made bad lifestyle choices need the help instead.

    Blue dogs, well I suppose running dogs could be the color blue.

  2. Leatherneck Says:

    Yea, right after they got money for their next election.

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