43 U.S. Troops Have Died Since Gen. McChrystal Asked for Reinforcements

Okay, I absolutely must step away from the APF investigation and get on with other things, like the fact that Obama has only talked to Gen. McChrystal one time in the past, yet has talked to the Olympic committee, what?  Over 30 times , or something like that?  Seems to me Obama doesn’t give a damn about our soldiers in Afghanistan!  It’s all just lip service with him.   Talk, talk, talk.   And then, a bunch of “Team Delta Farce Kumbaya” orders to hamper the effectiveness of our troops—guaranteeing the eventual defeat of the U.S. in Afghanistan.

Look here, Obama, I’ve had just about enough of your Kumbaya shit!  Either remove the limitations placed on our soldiers and fight this war to win, or pack ’em up and bring ’em home—alive!  (Unfortunately, I felt I had to clarify that point with you)—Do you think you can handle that?  If not, then resign, because this is obviously one of those instances where it’s looking more and more like it’s way above your pay grade!

43 U.S. Troops Have Died in Afghanistan Since Gen. McChrystal Called for Reinforcements
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

(CNSNews.com) – Another American died in Afghanistan on Wednesday, the final day of September–and exactly one month after the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan sent a confidential war assessment to the Obama administration, warning that more forces are needed–soon.

The as-yet-unnamed American serviceman who died on Wednesday was caught in a suicide attack in Khost Province, in eastern Afghanistan, press reports said.

On August 30, Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent Defense Secretary Robert Gates a war assessment in which he said more U.S. troops–and a new U.S. strategy–are needed if the U.S. is to defeat the insurgents in Afghanistan.

Since that Aug. 30 date, a total of 43 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have died in a war that is now the subject of much discussion–and apparently some confusion–in Washington. Forty-two of those casualties have been identified by name in U.S. Defense Department press releases, […] while the 43rd casaulty, which occurred today, has been confirmed in press reports, but not by name.

In his confidential report, which was leaked to the Washington Post on Sept. 21, Gen. McChrystal warned that defeating the insurgents will not be possible if the United States fails to “gain the initiative and reverse insurgent momentum” over the next 12 months.

McChrystal reportedly has prepared a separate request for tens of thousands of additional U.S. troops to be sent to the 68,000 already in Afghanistan.

Since Sept. 21, when the Washington Post leaked information from McChrystal’s confidential report, the White House has been on the defensive over its Afghanistan strategy.

As CNSNews.com reported on Tuesday, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to reinforce U.S. troops in Afghanistan, which he described as war we “have to win.”

As president – in March 2009 – Obama announced a “comprehensive new strategy” for Afghanistan: “I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to prevent their return to either country in the future,” he said. […]

But last week, Obama said he was not willing to send troops “beyond what we already have” until he was sure the United States is employing the right strategy in the region.

CLICK HERE to read this article in full

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Afghanistan

8 Comments on “43 U.S. Troops Have Died Since Gen. McChrystal Asked for Reinforcements”

  1. tgusa Says:

    The Olympic delusion, these people really think the Olympics will be a transformative event. Chicago, a city on fire, but they want the Olympics! I was once quite a fan of the Olympics, during my youth my parents sent me to a summer camp owned and operated by a former US gold medal winner. A fan until 72, after that I stopped watching till about 84 Sarajevo, really beautiful location but take a look at it now.

    The average lefty cant stand sports, they look at athletes as stone age cretins. Plus, the Olympics just don’t jibe with lefty policies either, massive corporate consumerism, carbon emissions up the ying yang, nationalistic patriotism. The Olympics wave a flag in our eyes in the hopes that we will forget about who we are competing with, we are who we play with I suppose.

    Nope, playing games in Chicago while the USA burns is not a priority for me.

    They will say, hey, we have to show the terrorists that they haven’t won. Oh yeah, go to Sarajevo and try that.

  2. Weaver Says:

    Even writing his own books was above his pay grade. Come to think of it, the only thing he is qualified to do is work for acorn.


  3. az_conservative Says:

    It would seem the WH now has a developing rift with the military. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of some private talks betwixt the generals…I’m sure thoughts of Honduras have crossed their minds. The rate Obama is going, if it hasn’t yet, it will.

  4. tgusa Says:

    I hope you all understand why Obama is Olympic hunting instead of speaking with commanders about islamist hunting. The networks are dying, their programming sucks, their philosophy is disgusting. So what it keeping them afloat to broadcast the never ending stream of anti American propaganda that has been getting troops killed.

    Sports programming funds all of the rest. Where do you think GE gets the dough to fund MSNBC? From the suckers that all they have to do is wave the red white and blue in front of their eyes and they appear to forget everything that has transpired.

    When will I know that we have turned the corner, when Americans decide that their country is more important than playing or watching games.

    • Go Cardinals!

      (Sorry, just couldn’t help myself…LOL)

      Actually, you are on to something. If I may be so bold as to develop and amplify upon your work:

      Obama needs to keep his propaganda machines running. What better way than to fatten them up via inflated advertising time slots during the Olympics. That, most certainly, would keep the prognosticators of the People’s Propaganda afloat for a few more years of loyal service to Our Dark Overlords.

      Not to mention the huge influx of dollars into the heart of Commie-Central; Chicago…

      Excellent train of thought you’ve got going there, tgusa.


      • tgusa Says:

        Go Cards. I know what you mean. Believe me, quitting watching sports was really hard to do. I was never one to let it interrupt what I was doing, many times I video taped what I liked and later watched it at my convenience. I don’t even do that anymore. I don’t go to games anymore the last one I attended I watched them searching through women’s purses, that was enough for me. At first it was real hard but the fact that leftists have over the years ruined every aspect of sports it has become easier and easier as time goes on.

        I’m not a fair weather fan I remember watching the first televised super bowl, alone, as at that time few people were interested. When I was a kid racing was huge especially in my area, land of the street rod, me and my buddies would watch and take note of the stickers on the cars and then write letters to STP and others asking them to send us decals and they always did, for free. In return we have used many of their products over the years. One other personal pet peeve of mine is the talking heads filling the screen, first one, then two, then four and eight I can’t stand it. Of course I have always have been one that would have the radio tuned to the game and the TV muted, I prefer the professionalism or radio broadcasters over the talking head no nothing has beens.

        What is the favorite question set of a sports interviewer to an athlete today? You know it, you have heard it enough, how do you feel, how did that make you feel, how will your kids feel?
        Cut to some global disaster and cue the violins, flute and soft piano.

        Make no mistake, sports franchises know who their golden goose is and it isnt leftists, if we call them on this they have the power to force change, then maybe if they clean up their acts, lose the morons and clowns, I will return.

      • tgusa Says:

        Oh and since studies have found that the Olympics is a money loser for the city involved I think that cements my point of blinding the masses, completely.

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