Help Wanted for Daughter’s Halloween Costume

Well, Halloween is almost upon us, and, as usual, Mrs. Bulldog and I are doing our Right-Wing political costuming motif.  My wife is dressing up as a prostitute, and I am dressing up as her pimp—complete with a video camera and a large ACORN medallion (Our costumes are an homage to Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe III, for those of you who have been living in a bomb shelter, or something).

The problem is, we can’t figure out how to fit our 2-year-old daughter’s Halloween costume into the theme.

I thought about dressing her as a pregnant child with a toy camera and a Planned Parenthood hat, or something like that, but that might be pushing things and many would not get the joke  (in the past, Planned Parenthood has been exposed in a similar manner).  Anyway I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to what we could dress her up as that would complete the ACORN motif.


Dr. Bulldog

James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles in Washington D.C.

James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles in Washington D.C.

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24 Comments on “Help Wanted for Daughter’s Halloween Costume”

  1. az_conservative Says:

    Well, dress her as a little Acorn (the nut), of course. Appropriate for a young child, but fits into the motif.

    • Excellent idea! Mrs. Bulldog and I love it! Now, we just need to figure out how to make the costume…


    • Alright, Mrs. Bulldog and I have figured out how to make the costume out of foam:
      Carve two 1 inch thick sheets of cold foam in the shape of an acorn to make the front and back. Glue the two of them together along the edges with some 3M “spray on” contact cement (leaving the bottom of the acorn unglued so that our daughter can slip into it), cut out the holes for the arms and head, put some wire loops into it to “poof” it out a little, and spray paint it brown and add the illusion of reflective highlights with white spray paint.

      We are thinking about buying or making the acorn cap seen here:

      Thank you for the great suggestion.


      • az_conservative Says:

        Excellent! She’ll look adorable. have a great time! Be sure to post a picture of the three of you (mask your faces for security of course).

        • Uhm… Errr… Uhm… Yeah…. 😳 Mrs. Bulldog is modeling her hooker outfit, right now…


          Smokin’ haawt!!!

          Uhm…I’ll be busy with… Err… Uhm…. Helping her get changed…



    • Argh! Just what I was gonna suggest!!

      Let’s take it one step further…

      Tell her that as a REAL acorn, she’ll grow up to be a strong, mighty oak, but the phonies at ACORN will always be just a bunch of nuts!

  2. tgusa Says:

    That is a great idea, of course she wont be able to say gimmie gimmie instead of trick or treat. I would imagine that there will be a lot of Jokers out there this year as well.
    I know I will hand out treats in that grease paint getup, why so serious?

  3. islams not for me Says:

    LOL DR B…. 🙂

    My eldest daughter is going to dress as a muslima for Hallows Eve… JUST KIDDING!!


    My eldest… Tinker bell
    My second daughter…. ?
    My one year old son… ?

    Ill figure that all out by the time she turns 6… On Oct 27th…

  4. AZ Nana Says:

    I share a birthday with your daughter,slight age difference in age.I,ll be 61.I don,t post as much as some of you because my daughter(az con.) and son-inlaw say it all so much better then I could.My granddaughter also poets here.I have a truely wonderfull family. Now that I,ve embarassed them I,ll shut up. Ha HA HA Thats what you get for getting me into the 21st century and on a computor.

  5. islams not for me Says:

    LOL AZ Nana…

    I feel your pain… 🙂

    My Momma, Brother, daughter and wife were all born in October. Just different years.

    My daughter 2003
    My wife 1976
    My brother 1972
    My Momma 1946

    Im a July baby so I wont see another birthday till summer 🙂

  6. NOBAMA_TEEN Says:

    lol brilliant minds think alike i was gonna say little acorn before i say that mom posted it.. me personally am going to be a whoopie cushion again 😀

    nana usually makes a great witch (good witch)
    and mom is the grim reaper *laughs evilly as i remember all the little kids she sent off screaming*

    i love halloween! everybody have a good one!! …even though its still like 3 weeks away ^_^

  7. memaw Says:

    Thanks for the preview of what you are going to be on Halloween. At least now when I see you then I won’t wonder how did I fail as a mother and looking for the police to be behind you. :)Love Memaw…By the way we’re enjoying our vacation.

    • LOL!

      Yes, I got my pimp hat, pimp cane, bling-bling, and diamond studded glasses today. We also picked up some foam and fabric for Our Little ACORN costume and some fish-net stockings and a boa for Mrs. Bulldog.

      Glad you’re enjoying your vacation. Tell everyone we send them our love.


      • islams not for me Says:

        I wish you could send us stalkers ER commentors a email pic of your family in thier hallows eve costumes.


  8. Gee. I just learned about how wrong things can go with a little typo…


  9. Hey Doc,

    Gonna post any Halloween costume pictures?

  10. Derik Says:

    Uh oh, seems James was arrested for his attempted illegal wire tapping… the guy’s pathetic.

    • LOL!

      He’s my hero!

      Do you really think I care about your opinion?

      It’s not like he was a pedophile, or taking bribes, or participating in a rape party, or driving off a bridge at Chapequiddick and leaving some poor girl to die…

      Later Libtard!

      • tgusa Says:

        Arrested by crooks, what a surprize. The message is clear, the left supports child molestation. Being arrested today is a badge of honor for the arrestee.

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