Kenyans Want Obama to Rule Over Them

If the Kenyans want him that bad, then by all means, they are welcome to him:

Posted by thelastcrusade – October 10th, 2009


He Belongs to Africa?
Maybe, He Does!
Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.
The Last Crusade

Residents of Kenya want Barack Obama to return to their country and to rule over them.

“We need an Obama here in Africa,” grumbled Humphrey Oguto, a 27-year-old engineer. “He’s done a lot in just a little time … Our leaders have done nothing for years.”

Photographs of the US President are omnipresent in huts, shantys, marketplaces, and businesses throughout the country. His image has also been plastered on buses and minibuses, known as matatus, in Nairobi, Mombassa, and other cities throughout the country.

Most Kenyans believe that Mr. Obama was born in their country and has more in common with them than with the American people.

Obamamania in this Third World African country reached fever pitch when the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s awarded their Peace Prize to the fledgling U. S. President for “his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms and defuse tensions through diplomacy.”

“When I heard it [the announcement of the award] on the radio I said ‘Hallelujah!’ ” says 65-year-old James Andaro. “It’s God’s blessing, this win is for Africa.”

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Explore posts in the same categories: Africa, Cult of Personality

3 Comments on “Kenyans Want Obama to Rule Over Them”

  1. ciccio Says:

    Kenya should suit him just fine. Although the average Kenyan manages to live on $1 a day, their parliamentarians are amongst the highest paid in the world. When I lived there, Firestone took one of their obsolete plants – newly repainted of course – and started making the crappiest tyres in the world in Kenya. The government, for a suitable consideration immediately stopped all imports of any size tyres they made. Those were the days I was still a reckless driver and I was certainly not going to risk my life so I had to go to Mama Ngina, the presidents wife, who had a nice little sideline in importing Michelin. I see a bright future for Michelle. Does anyone know if she knows anything about tyres?

  2. az_conservative Says:

    Kenya is welcome to him, and they can have his Cabinet and all the czars, too.

  3. Bob Says:

    Is that obambas mom and dad in the picture?
    I thought she was white…

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