The Nobel Committee Has Hung an Albatross Around Obama’s Neck

Thought for the day:

If Obama truly believed that he didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, he would have refused it, wouldn’t he?

O’s albatross
Misguided Nobel will weigh on rest of his presidency

October 11, 2009

Americans were justifiably proud last week of their many Nobel Prize winners. Eight of the nine honorees in physics, chemistry and medicine were US citizens, some native-born, some naturalized, a near total American sweep. And their achievements were glorious: better understanding how DNA works, the basis for enormous medical progress; developing fiber-optic cable, revolutionizing global communications; and advances in cell biology, with enormous implications for treating cancer. In each case, these breakthroughs, some made as long as 20 years ago, have proven themselves beyond the laboratory, and already made enormous real-world differences.

Next to these marvels, how to explain the Nobel Peace Prize, the most prestigious of all, to President Barack Obama, in office less than nine months?

The Nobel Prize web site says the awards recognize “extraordinary achievements,” but the Obama citation refers only to his “extraordinary efforts,” a dramatic contrast. Accordingly, President Obama was gracious and humble in his remarks after the award, but he would have done better to decline the award entirely, and invite consideration only after he fashioned a real record of achievement.

Unfortunately, this year’s Peace Prize follows a decades-long series of politicized decisions by the Norwegian Nobel committee. The committee has repeatedly rewarded its ideological brethren, the common theme being a desire to produce a more modest role for the United States in world affairs, and a larger role for multilateral organizations, or, as some describe it, “global governance.”

By contrast, our first two sitting presidents to receive the Nobel Peace Prize had real accomplishments behind them. Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 won recognition for negotiating the Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the Russo-Japanese War. Both the warring parties and contemporary analysts credited the former Rough Rider as the central player in resolving the conflict, bringing great credit to him and the rising global power of the United States.

Next was Woodrow Wilson for the year 1919 (not actually announced until 1920, along with that year’s prize). Recognizing Wilson’s Fourteen Points, his central role in the Treaty of Versailles and creation of the League of Nations, the Nobel Peace Prize honored the most important act of American diplomatic leadership in the world to that date. The Treaty of Versailles was defeated in the Senate, and America never joined the League, in large measure due to Wilson’s domestic political misjudgments and incompetence, but the importance of his work internationally cannot be disputed.

Next to these giants (Roosevelt being one of four presidents memorialized on Mount Rushmore), what has Obama done? Tellingly, no one actually argues that his international accomplishments justify the award. Instead, they contend that it is the prospect of accomplishments down the road that they are trying to encourage, and moral leadership. Some cite Mother Theresa’s 1973 Nobel Peace Prize as an example of such an award, itself a breathtaking comparison, given Mother Theresa’s life work was not simply a nine-month run in the Calcutta slums.

There is, of course, nothing wrong with encouraging hope and the possibility of future success. But it is otherworldly and in fact dangerous in national security matters to confuse emotions with reality. In fact, however, these vacuous aspirational justifications for giving the Nobel to Obama simply obscure the real ideological motivation behind the award: the Norwegian committee is promoting a cause, its cause. They seek to promote and encourage a particular kind of American, one who finds favor with European Leftists, who constantly ask, paraphrasing Rex Harrison’s musical query in “My Fair Lady”: “why can’t Americans . . . be more like us?”

n 2002, for example, in selecting Jimmy Carter, the then-chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize committee said the award was intended as “a kick in the leg” to President Bush, which should hardly be a qualification, let alone a public justification. Then, in 2007, former Vice President Al Gore’s selection for his global-warming work was widely seen as criticism of Bush administration environmental policy. Over the last several decades, moreover, the Nobel has repeatedly honored UN agencies or personnel, rewards increasing in inverse proportion to the organization’s effectiveness.

This year, one Nobel Committee member, Aagot Valle, of Norway’s Socialist Left party, said we should view the selection as “support and a commitment for Obama.” Indeed. Unable to vote in America’s 2008 presidential election, the Nobel Committee apparently decided to vote this year, making their ideological perspective unmistakable. Valle and the committee chairman, a failed former Norwegian prime minister, both referred to Obama’s hopes for nuclear disarmament. But they are just that: hopes. Ronald Reagan also aspired to a world without nuclear weapons. Where is his Nobel Peace Prize? Obviously, Reagan was not the right kind of American, not one appealing to the Norwegian and broader European Left.

Their message really is quite straightforward: “Jimmy Carter in 2002, Al Gore in 2007 and now Barack Obama. Do you Americans get the point yet?” It is precisely the preachiness and attitude of moral superiority inherent in these awards that many Americans find offensive, and which may, ironically, leave President Obama in a more difficult position here and abroad than before the award.

What, for example, what will be the world’s reaction if he agrees to his military commanders’ request to increase American forces in Afghanistan by 40,000 troops? What will be the reaction here if he does not? And this is far from the last hard choice the new Peace Prize winner will face during the remainder of his presidency, from Middle East conflicts, to Iranian and North Korean nuclear proliferation, to Hugo Chavez in this hemisphere. The president owes his best answers to his fellow Americans, not five miscellaneous Norwegian politicians.

The Nobel Committee, as its chairman proudly boasted, has engaged in “realpolitik,” directly intervening in American politics. It has thereby shown just how little it understands our country, it has gravely undermined its own credibility, and it has devalued the Peace Prize itself. Instead of preening itself on the wonderfulness of honoring Obama, the Nobel Committee should have worried more that it was actually hanging an albatross around his neck.

John Bolton is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, former US ambassador to the United Nations, and author of “Surrender is Not an Option: Defending America at the UN and Abroad.”

Explore posts in the same categories: Norway, Obama Sucks

16 Comments on “The Nobel Committee Has Hung an Albatross Around Obama’s Neck”

  1. ciccio Says:

    The Nobel rules are quite clear. For medicine, science, physics only experts in that field and previous winners do the nominations. For peace slightly different rules apply. Pelosi, Ayerst, Carter and their cohorts are by those rules qualified to nominate Obambi. The only question is how many of them did the nominations.

  2. az_conservative Says:

    Accepting this prize amounts to accepting a bribe and is forbidden by the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. Now, if we only had a Congress to initiate impeachment upon his acceptance…

  3. Solkhar Says:

    Accepting this prize does not breach Article 1, Section 8 at all. If he accepted the money, there may have been an issue. Dream on.

    I put an item why I think the decision to give Obama the Prize makes sense, it is in my blog and I will not repeat it here.

    But, I will refer to one thing, based on my own professional experience on international politics, diplomacy and the need for it to work.

    Basically John Bolton is probably on the top of my list of people who if given power or authority will bring harm to the planet.

    In the short time that John Bolton was the Ambassador the UN, the United States capacity to engage, conduct diplomacy and business with the rest of the world grinded to almost a halt. Though he has the education, he has failed to grasp what he has learnt and makes assumptions and considerations about what works “out there” that only fictional television series may think appropriate.

    With all respect to those Americans, and I do respect and am a friend to your country, Bolton is a true and obstanant believer that only the ‘American Way’ is the best way and that the rest of the world either follows it, and its style, or is a failure or an enemy. His assumption that “western liberal democracy” is the only solution to the world simply is not only wrong but an insult to the vast majority of developing countries that had it forced upon them and caused much of the mayhem that exists to this day.

    You may note, I dislike Bolton and had the pleasure of telling him so to his face once to thundress applauds.

    • Yes, Bolton’s time in the U.N. was a diplomatic disaster by no stretch of the imagination. But, let’s be honest; it was the U.N. It’s not like anyone takes them seriously, anymore. Just look at North Korea or Iran…


    • az_conservative Says:

      Uhhh, what exactly do you think he’ll do with the money? Donate it to ACORN perhaps? Reverend Wright’s black nationalist, racist church? That amounts to using it for political gain, does it not?

      Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 8 (sorry–typed the wrong section previously) prohibits more than emoluments:

      “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”

      I am a libertarian, and I believe America’s policy of involvement with other nations has not helped us. Call me selfish, but I think America should look after its own interests and people and let the rest of the world do the same. Foreign aid should stop, too. It is unconstitutional.

      The UN? Why on earth would you have any respect for that organization? They are a corrupt, thieving body that has absolutely failed to achieve their primary mission: prevent another Holocaust. The UN is an abject failure, having failed to stop the multiple genocides that have happened under their watch. How many have been slaughtered as the UN stood by? I noticed they were so quick to condemn Iran for shooting peaceful, unarmed protestors. /sarc

      The US, indeed any nation that values freedom and sovereignty, should immediately withdraw from the UN and STOP funding it. Boot their sorry arses off American soil, too. What a waste of resources.

      As for Bolton, why do you fear him so much? Is he that big a threat to the Islamic agenda? If so, we need to elect him to high office. Note to self: draft John Bolton for President 2012.

  4. Solkhar Says:

    Obama has a bank of lawyers that will ensure that he never crosses the line that may make him at risk to breaches of amendments. Thus the money will go to cancer or homeless kids, NBC news say it is to be given “anonimously”.

    The UN is a failure because it was designed and represents a different time and frankly speaking, another world. It has two main problems, the first being that its prime power – the UN Security Council is dominated by this past power system giving veto and permanancy to some countries and thus does not represent the real world. The other is that when it was created there were fledgling nations that were mostly subservient to the big former colonial powers and the cold-war players. Now that they grew up a bit, they employed their own “lawyers” and thus you have lobby groups taking over portions – for example the Islamic countries dominating human rights etc.

    As for Bolton, there is a lot to fear, since the conservatives were so wiped in the last election, many jump and support those that are the loudest againt the current administration. Limbaugh and Bolton are right now listed to and that makes both dangerous. If a hard-right conservative President is elected and choses Bolton as a Secretary of State then for my part, the world is at danger in having a “america-chauvenism” worse than the Bush Administration.

    A last comment/question – you said “Islamic Agenda”. What is that? Because as far as I see – there is none and I say that both as a Muslim and from a professional point of view.

    • az_conservative Says:

      “Obama has a bank of lawyers that will ensure that he never crosses the line that may make him at risk to breaches of amendments.”

      Now that’s funny right there.

      Republican is NOT EQUAL to conservative. One is a political party, the other is an ideology. Do not confuse the two. They aren’t the same. Conservatives weren’t wiped last election because there were precious few on the ballot. Republicans were wiped in the last two elections because they utterly failed to govern conservatively. They spent too much, grew gov’t too big, caved on social issues the government has no business being involved in and tried too hard to be like Democrats.

      Democrats took the House in 2006 because they ran conservative-sounding candidates in key races (many recruited by none other than Rahm Emanuel), and Obama got elected talking about tax cuts, free markets and liberty, ideas that are traditionally conservative. Had he talked about his real ideology- radical progressive liberal -he would never have gotten near the WH.

      America-chauvinism? You mean, having a President and adminisitration that doesn’t go around bashing America and apologizing for her? Leaders who act in the best interests of America and promote the same? That is what our President is supposed to do. He isn’t elected by other nations and doesn’t serve their interests.

      Now, I do not think we should be doing what you probably term “imperialism,” (I call it acting as the world’s policeman, or more simply, being a busybody). We lead best when we lead by example. But having a President who acts in our best interests above all others would be my idea of a good administration, whether you view it as “far-right” or not.

      Now, about the false right-left paradigm you keep bringing up. The typical political spectrum you probably know, the one where Communism is on one end of the line, and Fascism on the other? Fascism and communism are both leftist and totalitarian. You DO know that spectrum was created as Soviet propaganda to distance fascism from communism because Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back, right? How can you have extreme totalitarianism on both ends of a spectrum represented as a line? It isn’t a line; it is a circle. What is the line measuring? Shouldn’t the line measure increasing freedom as you head right from the leftmost end where totalitarianism/least free resides? That being logical, the far-right would represent the most freedom, anarchy. I don’t advocate anarchy, but more the center-right, where Conservative and Libertarian meet.

      • Solkhar Says:


        I use the terms conservative and Republican loosely and I take the points you made. The spectrum of left and right, communism and facism is well understood. The key to the references that you made about totalitarianism etc is in the end is the word (extreme and radical).

        My own political leanings is centrist and I think that I am a swing-voter between policies and views that are somewhate centre-left or centre-right.

        The term American-chauvensim is one used in Europe and is exactly that. It is more aligned with the “imperialism” but goes a bit further. It is not an attack on America or Americans and I certainly know a bunch of Euro-chauvenists as I know of the existance of a pan-Arab-chauvenism which I see regularly.

        American-chauvenism is basically a form of nationalism-come-arrogance that assumes if it is American then it is the best AND that the rest of the world must bow to it and admit it. Bolton represented that at the diplomatic level and it comes from those on the ultra-conservative side whom were part of or witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Cold-War and assumed it was justification of everything “American”. Again, the US is a great place that I respect a great deal, I have family in San Diego, Orlando and in Washington DC and have worked and even for a short time studied there, albiet a very long time ago.

        A last comment, I do not comment about the US President and what he does for your country but only make remarks on what I think affects me or the international climate. Thus for me, President Obama has done more for US international relations and building the framework for peace than Bush and in fact Clinton before him. I do not know, and I am assuming that the books are not closed yet, on what he has done domestically for the American nation.

        • az_conservative Says:

          “…totalitarianism etc is in the end is the word (extreme and radical).”

          Don’t redefine words. Totalitarianism is a “system of government and ideology in which all social, political, economic, intellectual, cultural, and spiritual activities are subordinated to the purposes of the rulers of a state. …” You can read the rest of the definition here

          I do not ascribe to the notion that definitions are fluid and can be changed to fit one’s argument. I use the formal definition. The definitions of fascism and communism certainly meet the criterion of totalitarianism. Conservatism, libertarianism and anarchy, do not. You are spouting leftist talking points about them without knowing what they actually are. Because someone told you they were “extreme” and “radical” you just swallow it without question? I expected more critical thought from someone who is as intelligent as you seem to be. Perhaps I was wrong…

          “American-chauvenism is basically a form of nationalism-come-arrogance that assumes if it is American then it is the best AND that the rest of the world must bow to it and admit it.”

          I agree with the first part of this, naturally. I love the ideal of America, what the nation truly is and was meant to be (not what is portrayed on TV, nor what my government has become). I do not agree with the second part, about having the rest of the world admit it. I believe the rest of the world should be free to determine their own course. That’s actually an extension of the American ideal of self-determination. The way it should be anyway. I will eb the first to admit that my government has stepped far beyond it’s legal, moral and ethical boundaries. A situation many Americans know of and need to fix.

          “…US international relations and building the framework for peace than Bush and in fact Clinton before him.”

          Framework for peace? By stepping up attacks on Pakistan, continuing Bush’s plan in Afghanistan and portraying weakness to one and all? Unfortunately, humans are not so evolved that nature no longer applies. Weakness invites aggression. That is human nature, just as it is in most other animals that have advanced social orders. This idea that humans are really peace-loving creatures that are made bad by external factors is a bunch of hooey. The capacity for both good and bad reside within humans, and you have to recognize and work within that reality.

          What Obama has done, in the real world, is destabilize key areas of the world and bring us closer to nuclear war than we have maybe ever been. He talks a good story, then he does the opposite. Rhetoric will not bring about world peace, and that’s all Obama has. Economically, collapsing the US dollar will not have a good effect on world stability and peace, nor will it have “peaceful” ramifications here. Having this country in chaos would not be good for anyone. There is no way to know where such a road would lead, or who would end up seizing power. Maybe John Bolton, or even Dick Cheney. I’d prefer Ron Paul, but I’m just one vote.

          Ronald Reagan said something worth pondering here, “Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong.” A point worth considering. Obama seeks to weaken this country, bring it down to the level of all others. How does weakening the US serve the cause of peace?

          • Solkhar Says:

            “You are spouting leftist talking points about them without knowing what they actually are. Because someone told you they were “extreme” and “radical” you just swallow it without question? ”

            No. You used the word “extreme totalitarianism” and I made a comment about extremism and radicalism being for my part hte great danger and concerns. As I said, I am neither left or right. It may be because my english is not the best and if that is the case, except my apologies for that, but be assured I know the theories and concepts of ideologies well enough.

            My own views are clear, as long as centrist and non-exteme views pursued and they are supported then there things can move forward in whichever direction is dictated.

            I do not support your views about human nature in the frame of the image presenting what is considered strength. The complexities of differing factors is far to great for that.

            My own view and I think that is from my professional experience is that strength is valued in differing ways by differing societies and at differing levels. For instance the US is looked at by most of the world not as the great military machine, but as the great economic giant that can break or make business.

            It is my view that the world since 1978-9 fell down and out of detente, not able to come out of the mistakes of the cold-war, the new realities and dangers. This failing created isolationism, unwarrented extreme-nationalism and polarization of political ideologies. Obama represents the effort by the leading player (the US is by economic and military definition) to attempt to come back into the balance. I do not see in an international perspective Obama being perceived as weak, caving in nor an appeaser at all. He has certainly not taken “sides” like past administrations.

            As I said, as for internal politics, I have no comment and I do not know if he is detrimental or not.

  5. ciccio Says:

    Solkar, as a Muslim, writing from Morocco, you do not see any Muslim agenda. You do not appear to see that that fascist government of yours has decreed that Moroccans born In Holland are Moroccans, whether they like it or not. Nor do you appear to see that your government has given to Holland a list of approved names for Moroccans born in Holland, a list of names that only list acceptable Muslim ones. Unfortunately a spineless craven bunch of leftist are currently in power in Holland, the Holland of the Stadtholders is no more. if it but were, those Moroccans would be shipped out of the country in 24 hours lock stock and barrel.

  6. Solkhar Says:


    I repeat it, what Muslim agenda? Your giving examples of one country’s political/social agenda, what has that, for example to do with Brunei, which is also a Muslim country?

    As for your example, remembering that I am not Moroccan but live and work here, the degree of what determines a Moroccan is a commonly used method, some do it for military service reasons (remember Greeks, Turks and Argentinians are nationals, if you are born there are not).

    The other example you gave is about the Dutch government, which I certainly did not support nor vote for, but have represented for 22 years in my work. The comment that if it was not for the “leftist” government, Moroccans would be ‘shipped out of the country” is frankly unrealistic, you are assuming of course that the alternative is the PVV of Wilders, whoes bigotted politics is about to finish when the court starts in January next year. His party, as it stands, would be barred if it was set-up in Belgium.

  7. CavMom Says:

    Side note: Pres. Obama was only in office for two weeks before he was nominated. That alone should make all sane individuals wonder as to the validity of calling the award a merited honor. The committee has completely devalued the award with their choice. (my opinion)

  8. George, Romania Says:

    I think this article say it all. Europe is going down to the left and cave in to islam. Can you imagine Yasser Arafat to receive the Nobel Peace prize? The terrorist who invented suicide bombing? What is the moral standard of those people who give the prize?

    • Solkhar Says:

      George, with all respect to your opinion, which you are free to have – I find it very interesting how people can make off-the-couff comments like cave into Islam and then do not explain themselves to justify the wide-reaching remark.

      If you said, or explained that Europe was caving into and not being strong against radical Muslim groups – then I would agree. It was, however, a process started in the mid 70’s and the situation in England (probably the worst) started under the Thatcher administration which was not “left” at all.

      If, though, your comment about caving into Islam refers to the religeon itself, then I will disagree with you and ask for your justifications.

      As for Araft, the prize, like the one to Obama, was not to the individual but the actions it represents – in that particular case the willingness to start speaking and engaging. I dislike Palestnian politics and they have been to a great degree their own worst enemy and have each time sucked other nations and peoples into their own delema, but in the case of the joint-win of Palestinian/Israeli leadership – it was worth it. To condemn Arafat for winning also takes it away from the Israelis.

      A last comment, if you make comments like ‘who inveted the suicde bombing, then you have to be able to back it up. In this case, you are wrong. The late leader of the Tamil Tigers was probably a better candidate but it came before both of them. The TLLE leader certainly started the suicide-vest bomb, driving trucks into building loaded with explosives was worked on by Partizans during WWII under Tito but certainly all terrorists have learnt to use “suicide” to its maximum advantage – noting that it is political and not really religous – since organizers and coordinators never do it themselves.

      Facts are the best friend or enemy to those that offer evidence.

  9. Leatherneck Says:

    The Muslim homicide bombers are taught to worship an evil false moon god called allah. The false god who wants individuals to murder in his name.

    I support the peaceful Muslims, who believe in the G-d of the Jews, fighting those who worship the evil allah.

    Arafat like little boys. A very sick man who was taught raping was OK. Pure evil.

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