UN Throws Out Almost 1/3 of Karzai’s Votes

Not looking good:

University Students in Afghanistan Burn Effigy of Obama---probably racists, right?

University Students in Afghanistan Burn Effigy of Obama---probably racists, right?

Nearly a third of Afghan president’s votes voided

By HEIDI VOGT, Associated Press Writer Heidi Vogt – via Yahoo News

KABUL – U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday threw out nearly a third President Hamid Karzai’s votes from the country’s disputed August election. The findings set the stage for a runoff between him and his top challenger.

It was unclear, however, whether the Afghan-led Independent Election Commission would accept the findings of the fraud panel and announce a runoff. Karzai’s spokesman said it was too soon to make a judgment based on the figures released by the panel.

That could mean a further delay in forming a new government that the U.S. believes is needed to help combat the growing Taliban insurgency. A protracted crisis could also lead to political unrest.


Gee, ya’ think?

Explore posts in the same categories: Abuse of Power, Afghanistan

One Comment on “UN Throws Out Almost 1/3 of Karzai’s Votes”

  1. Joe Says:

    Is this all these people know how to do is destroy and burn things. No wonder their country is a piee of crap.

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