Death is not the Worst of Evils

Is it just me, or does Pat Buchanan, like Obama, seem to see America in black and white?

Traditional Americans are losing their nation
Posted: October 20, 2009 – Patrick J. Buchanan

In the brief age of Obama, we have had “truthers,” “birthers,” tea party activists and town-hall dissenters.

Comes now, the “Oath Keepers.” And who might they be?

Writes Alan Maimon in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Oath Keepers, depending on where one stands, are “either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia.”

Formed in March, they are ex-military and police who repledge themselves to defend the Constitution, even if it means disobeying orders. If the U.S. government ordered law enforcement agencies to violate Second Amendment rights by disarming the people, Oath Keepers will not obey.

“The whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here,” says founding father Stewart Rhodes, an ex-Army paratrooper and Yale-trained lawyer. “My focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can’t do it without them.

“We say if the American people decide it’s time for a revolution, we’ll fight with you.”

Prediction: Brother Rhodes is headed for cable stardom.

And if the Pelosi-Reid progressives went postal over town-hall protesters, calling them “un-American,” “Nazis” and “evil-mongers,” one can imagine what they will do with the Oath Keepers.

As with Jimmy Carter’s long-range psychoanalysis of Joe Wilson, the reflexive reaction of the mainstream media will likely be that these are militia types, driven to irrationality because America has a black president.

Yet, the establishment’s reaction seems more problematic for the republic than anything the Oath Keepers are up to. For our political and media elite seem to have lost touch with the nation and to be wedded to a vision of America divorced from reality.

Progressives are the folks who, in the 1960s, could easily understand that urban riots that took scores of lives and destroyed billions in property were an inevitable reaction to racism, poverty and despair. They could empathize with the rage of campus radicals who burned down the ROTC building and bombed the Pentagon.

The “dirty, immoral war in Vietnam” explains why the “finest generation we have ever produced” is behaving like this, they said. We must deal with the “root causes” of social disorder.

Yet, they cannot comprehend what would motivate Middle America to distrust its government, for it surely does, as Ron Brownstein reports in the National Journal:

“Whites are not only more anxious, but also more alienated. Big majorities of whites say the past year’s turmoil has diminished their confidence in government, corporations and the financial industry. … Asked which institution they trust most to make economic decisions in their interest, a plurality of whites older than 30 pick ‘none’ – a grim statement.”

Is all this due to Obama’s race?

Even Obama laughs at that. As he told David Letterman, I was already black by the time I was elected. And he not only got a higher share of the white vote than Kerry or Gore, a third of white voters, who said in August 2008 that race was an important consideration in voting, said they were going to vote for Obama.

With black voters going 24 to 1 for Obama, he almost surely won more votes than he lost because of his race.

Moreover, the alienation and radicalization of white America began long before Obama arrived. He acknowledged as much when he explained Middle Pennsylvanians to puzzled progressives in that closed-door meeting in San Francisco.

[Unfortunately, Pat Buchanan has bought into the Lefturd lie that this is a “RADICALIZATION of WHITE America,” it is not.  We Americans have been radicals since the birth of our Great Nation, or have you forgotten.  Furthermore, we Americans are NOT one race of people.  No, this is not some radicalization of white America, it is more correctly a “galvanization of ALL Americans” who are willing to fight to the death all of the various factions which are now intent on destroying America. ]

Referring to the white working-class voters in the industrial towns decimated by job losses, Obama said: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Yet, we had seen these folks before. They were Perotistas in 1992, opposed NAFTA in 1993 and blocked the Bush-Kennedy McCain amnesty in 2007.

In their lifetimes, they have seen their Christian faith purged from schools their taxes paid for, and mocked in movies and on TV. They have seen their factories shuttered in the thousands and their jobs outsourced in the millions to Mexico and China. They have seen trillions of tax dollars go for Great Society programs, but have seen no Great Society, only rising crime, illegitimacy, drug use and dropout rates.

They watch on cable TV as illegal aliens walk into their country, are rewarded with free educations and health care and take jobs at lower pay than American families can live on – then carry Mexican flags in American cities and demand U.S. citizenship.

They see Wall Street banks bailed out as they sweat their next paycheck, then read that bank profits are soaring, and the big bonuses for the brilliant bankers are back. Neither they nor their kids ever benefited from affirmative action, unlike Barack and Michelle Obama.

They see a government in Washington that cannot balance its books, win our wars or protect our borders. The government shovels out trillions to Fortune 500 corporations and banks to rescue the country from a crisis created by the government and Fortune 500 corporations and banks.

America was once their country. They sense they are losing it. And they are right.

I.E. – It is no longer simply a conspiracy theory or misplaced paranoia, it is fact;  America is suffering a full on frontal assault by numerous factions who wish to destroy the USA and remake her in their own image.  Americans know this; that is why Americans are increasingly willing to fight to the death to protect America from the various factions which are attempting to destroy her—it’s in our blood.

As John Stark once said long ago,  “Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.”

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8 Comments on “Death is not the Worst of Evils”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Take a look at who Americans are protesting. Every single elected official that we see or hear from excepting Chairman O is white. So are these whites that are protesting whites racists?

    The one of twentyfour that does vote their own conscience will have to withstand an onslaught that would make Rush’s look like childs play. I suspect that many minorities are afraid of their own leftists and with good cause the truth is they are capable of just about anything.

    The people who parade around with the Mexican flag are delusional and I really don’t understand it. Do they want to trade places with us for awhile? We will build it up down there and later they can go back.

  2. ciccio Says:

    Relax, take it easy. Since his abortive Olympics trip his numbers have been shooting up. That is his presidential approval ratings, from minus six to minus thirteen today. A far cry from the plus thirty at his coronation. We know he had the vote of roughly 50% of the 60% that voted, I must assume that the positive view, 65% of all voters comprised mainly of his supporters. Now only 45% view him positively. That 20% drop is mainly his adoring fans no longer adoring. That also means that if the presidential vote were held today he would be unlikely to get more than 35% of the popular vote. Unless he manages to pull some giant rabbits out of his hat or ears in the near future his popularity will continue to drop.

  3. ciccio Says:

    The wonderfullness of his golden rule has inspired me to check the list of bank failures, something no one seems be able to do or quote. October has so far added another 4, total for the year now 98. There were 47 in the 8 years of the Bush presidency.

    • az_conservative Says:

      And if the federal regulators had not changed the rules for accounting around to allow banks to hide real losses, there would be many more. Piece of advice, free so you know how much it’s worth 🙂

      If you have money is ANY large bank (BofA, Wells, Citi, Chase, etc) GET IT OUT NOW! Deposit your $ in local credit unions or small banks that have adequate capitalization. If the fed stops allowing fraudulent accounting or pulls the support from the big banks, they will crash. They are all bankrupt now. Keep some cash on hand in case of a panic and bank holiday. It could still happen and you won’t have any warning.

  4. tgusa Says:

    No doubt Chairman O will always have around 30% and some of that 30% were in line the other day waiting for free money. O wants us to grab a mop and start cleaning up after them as we always have. They are playing the same tired game of challenging our willingness to get involved (clean up their mess) they say we need to work together, bs, the frog and the scorpion, that is what they always do to us when they get to the other side.

    Pelousy, the leader of house democrats was willing to smear Tea Party activists as if they were homicidal San Francisco democrats they cannot ever be trusted. Forget the polls, we don’t even have his grades, he received the prize for nothing everything about his is a big nothing and so are these imaginary polls. The word going forward is Trust no one in any position of power. Assume that they are lying because there is a 99% chance that they are, better safe than sorry.

    Oh and crank up the heat even more.

  5. az_conservative Says:

    Methinks Buchanan has been afflicted with the most dreaded and deadly of diseases: political correctness.

    He knows full well what the situation is, but he is afraid to say it.

  6. ciccio Says:

    az, I have just been looking at gold prices. Since March it has gone up by 16.9% in US $ and dropped by 9.8% in Euro. Even keeping you dollars in a safe bank is not the solution if the bottom is dropping out of the dollar. As you can see, Europe is letting the free market operate whilst those bastard Chinese have tied their currency to the dollar, the more it drops, the more the yuan drops, a massive state subsidization of exports. Chinese goods are about 25% cheaper in Europe then they were a year ago, it is getting to the point where may people are saying f**** free trade, we want fair trade. Those bloody yanks are perfectly happy to live with it, firstly because they are so beholden to the Chinese and secondly, anything that f***s up the European market can only be to the benefit of the US.

    • az_conservative Says:

      So true. Governments manipulating currencies and commodities to artificially inflate or deflate markets, screwing some nations to benefit others or themselves and their buddies. Crony capitalism at its very worst and most criminal. I’d even go so far as to call it economic warfare.

      Gold, silver, and certain commodities are probably the safest store of wealth, but they don’t spend well at the grocery store (yet). Real estate (agricultural, preferably) is a good bet but not just yet. Food is going to become a very good investment, as worldwide food reserves are at their lowest in 50 years.

      I moved all my accounts from BofA to a local CU a couple of weeks ago. I refuse to help he banksters stay in business any more than my gov forces me to via theft of my tax dollars, while they expand their monopolies and give themselves fat performance bonuses. Performance bonuses? For what? Mastering extortion, theft and fraud?

      We need a banking system; we do not need the banks we have now. Preferably a banking system where accurate and honest accounting means you can read a balance sheet and know their true condition. We now have a government owned and operated by the giant banks and mega-corps. A corporatist oligarchy.

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