Boehner: DemonRats in “Full-Scale Civil War”

I am reminded of what a prescient Glenn Beck said almost seven months ago:

“I wonder: Do Democrats realize they are in a civil war or are they buying the line from Obama that Fox News and the GOP are causing all the problems and the delays?”

“Let me leave you with this thought, America. If these are only politicians, they’ll do what they did in 1994 and migrate to the center. But if we’re right that these are Marxist revolutionaries who follow Mao and Marx, the foot will go on the gas and they will first eat their own: the Democrats.”

Well, now we know:  The DemonRats are Marxist revolutionaries.
Boehner says Dems in ‘full-scale civil war’
By Molly K. Hooper – 07/15/10The Hill

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that Democrats are in a “full-scale civil war” after White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged his party might lose the House in November.

The top-ranking House Republican told reporters “the panic that’s building among Democrats erupted into a full-scale civil war when the president’s spokesman suggested his party could lose control of the House this fall.”

But Boehner blames Democrats for passing President Obama’s unpopular government programs, including the economic stimulus bill last year.

“House Democrats are angry because they see the White House throwing them under the bus, but let’s not forget that House Democrats gave President Obama every dollar, every tax hike, every stimulus program and every government takeover that he asked for. The only thing that the American people asked the Democrats to do was to say no and yet, they didn’t,” Boehner contended.


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5 Comments on “Boehner: DemonRats in “Full-Scale Civil War””

  1. Appalled By The World Says:

    Good-let them bloody one another to the death. Maybe then we can get this country to shift back to the center-it’s been shifted leftward for far too long.

  2. tgusa Says:

    Democrats should be forced to pay for every program or victim class that is not constitutionally specified. They need to be forced to put their money where their mouth is and finance the stuff they demand on their own dime. We have a right to choose!

  3. tgusa Says:

    The democrats want change, the constitution means nothing to them so how about we give them some. I propose making Obama extra special by supporting a special election right now. For an extra special resident an election every two years is justified.

    • Yeah, I don’t see how Obama and psycophants could say no to that; it would be “historic,” after all…



      • tgusa Says:

        Sounds to me as if the democrats are unhappy with the events the followed the real civil war. Perhaps it is time to reopen that can of worms. Lets have a debate about it and then they can return to that time and we can move on in to the future. Thats where they want to be anyway.

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