Feeling Strong and Goofing Off

Folks today is Labor day, a day traditionally spent goofing off. Doctor Bulldog and Family are off doing family things and just enjoying each other. I hope they are having a great time they have earned a rest.

Old Ronin has just strapped down his kayak and will soon be bobbing around in Tampa Bay, pretending to fish. It is really just an excuse to get out on the water. Do not worry for the fish they have no problem avoiding my attempts to catch them. All I will get for my efforts is sore muscles, a little sun and a big grin.

Feel free to stop by and let us know how you are doing and I will check in on you a little later on. Consider this morning an open mike, keep it clean and do get out and visit friends, drink a cold beverage and spend some time together. Our best weapon against the world’s nut jobs is to show them that they will never change who we are.

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11 Comments on “Feeling Strong and Goofing Off”

  1. tgusa Says:

    Well labor day for me has always conjured up images of guys walking around with their fists in the air, carrying flags with pictures of hammers or axes and stuff on them. They’re usually well dressed, even uniformed, in some cases. So going along with your labor day nature theme, hers a question (and answer) to mull as you catch no fish.
    Canada Free Press; The Earth has a cancer and the cancer is man. Who said it? James Lee, Al Gore, Adolph Hitler or 1930s European fascists? These fascists hate tobacco too, so I hope you are not smoking cigars or anything in that kayak.

    • tgusa Says:

      BTW, its September 2 and I’m wearing a sweatshirt already. Coldest summer I can remember. Is the ocean still in the same place where you are? Heading out to check it now, have a good day.

    • Ronin Says:

      Nope, smoking is one vice that I do not do. Never have and never will. I just did a few miles this morning. It was a nice day but started clouding up so I am back. The yak keeps me young, the fishing keeps me p-ed off, lol.

  2. tgusa Says:

    Who we are vs who they want us to become. Its important to understand, who are we? Ironically, much of what we are today does lead back to WWII. First you have to put yourself, mentally, into the past. The greatest generation saved the world from fascism, but think about it, the world they saw develop after WWII was not what they expected.

    It was a world where Mao came to power Soviet expansion threatened new evils, Korea and other conflicts developed. This, in many cases led to a dissatisfaction in veterans, they felt their labors had in many ways been fruitless at the ;least a partial sellout of what they fought and died for.

    At the same time the children of WWII, the kids who would become rejectors of their own culture were watching this great generation save the world. thats what they grew up with, to be a serviceman was envied by all Americans. Later, as adults they realized that they could never match what had been done, they desired to be that greatest generation themselves but in doing so embraced much of the stuff their parents had fought against.

    So thats what we have today in our leadership circles. The kids who have tried and tried to match the greatest generation. And how? By being the polar opposite of what their parents were. In doing so they put us right back in the 1930s only this time with a different fascist adversary. I do believe that this is a mental disorder.

    • tgusa Says:

      If you are sitting around and have a Netflix account I recommend this movie, The War, which I have watched, its not you ordinary war movie, it gives some great insight on how people thought. Interesting point, the last video chapter, titled, A World Without War. Also The Civil War, which I haven’t yet, but will check out. The one I watched did have some of the libtard pc bad America stuff sprinkled in, its a PBS creation, what do we expect? I feel like telling the writer, it was war, a struggle for very survival you idiot. You know, like today. Just remember, movies are trying to tell you what to think, sometimes by posing questions, but you don’t have to listen, ask the tough questions to yourself.

  3. Leatherneck Says:

    I weed eat, and mowed the yard. Had a big sausage lunch, and a big nap. My yard looks like my haircut!

    It’s called squared away.

  4. islams not for me Says:

    LOL Leatherneck! 🙂

    Well as for myself my ‘little brother’ is home visiting our parents. He seems to have grown almost 6foot since he left us all for MO.

    Its good to see the guy… the last time we saw him was before my oldest daughter was born (2003). We talked about the past, bbq’d, he smoked – drank beer, we talked more, snacked and he got to visit w/ my parents, mom in law, wife and 3 kids.

    I’ve been gone from my usual online post all day and although its good to see him and hang out. Its also good to come back to this blog and leave revelant comments.

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