Letter to Obama from an Ex-Democrat

I had mentioned my 84-year-old grandmother’s letter to the Obamessiah in a previous post on this website.  At the time, she did not have an Internet connection to email a copy to us.

Well, she got so frustrated with Obama and the Liberal Commies that have taken over the Democratic Party (and, of course,  that hole in her pocket from buying all those stamps to mail out countless letters to politicians) that she finally couldn’t take it anymore and got hooked-up to the Web to flood the inboxes of countless politicians.  They are in for some scathing emails!

Anyway, she emailed us a copy of her much revised letter to Obama (i.e. – she toned it down).  She has given us permission to publish it here:

Senator Barack Obama
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Obama

I am an ex-Democrat woman, 84 years of age.  My parents were Democrats, so that’s what I was when I became old enough to vote. John F. Kennedy was the last Democrat I voted for. I lost respect for the Kennedy men after learning of their infidelities – then Bill Clinton who blatantly lied to the world about his relations with Monica Lewinsky, yet American people voted him to a second term. What examples for younger generations!  We’re supposed to be a Christian nation with rulers and leaders of Godly character.  Many say they are “religious”, but that’s not the same as being a Christian.

The direction you and Hillary have been trying to take America in your speeches is SOCIALISM. That’s NOT FOR AMERICA! There are already too many countries under Communism. They are who we’ve been fighting against for decades, and now the Islamic terrorists. Have we allowed too many of these followers into America?  It might appear so.

Have you and Hillary forgotten our Christian rights in your eagerness to let women continue to have their right to abortions to kill more innocent babies?  Are you forgetting that God views homosexuality as an abomination, yet giving them the right to same-sex marriage?  Have you forgotten the first written constitution, the MAYFLOWER COMPACT?  In case you’ve never read it, it begins, and reads in part:

“In the name of God. Amen…….Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith…….do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine…..”

This was drawn up and signed by the 41 Pilgrims in 1620 when they landed at Plymouth Rock.  That was the beginning of America’s Christian heritage – and it was re-enforced by other documents of the United States.  So quit advocating non-Christian  values.

Other cultures in America are allowed freedom of their religions and to worship their gods, but they SHOULD NOT be disrespectful of our Christian heritage and rights, nor be allowed to disrespect the United States of America which has let them emigrate and have freedoms here.

It is time our leaders and judges work to restore our Christian rights and return the Ten Commandments and Nativity at Christmas to public places, Pledge of Allegiance and Bible studies in school (The Bible was one of two books required for school children when our country was founded), teach children Creationism, remove books teaching children that the homosexual lifestyle, and that “two mommies and/or two daddies’ is acceptable.  IT IS NOT!   SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IS NOT!    ABORTION IS NOT!

Corruption and crime need to be dealt with aggressively. Heinous crimes by criminals shouldn’t be rewarded with life imprisonment  just because they plead “guilty”, letting them live off taxpayers.

Punishment should be execution so they can’t ever be released to commit more heinous crimes.  Those arguing it’s inhumane should ask if victims were treated humanely.

Regarding criticism of McCain’s seven houses;  How many know his seven houses would fit inside Biden’s “compound” where he has homes for his family?  Are you grasping at straws for any  “dirt” you can use in your ads and speeches?  How petty!

If  everyone else can have their “American Dream”, why not John McCain?  He deserves it!   How many houses, cars, planes, yachts (like Ted Kennedy’s) do other politicians have?  Vacation homes outside the  U.S.A.?  Maybe accounts in foreign banks?  Have you really earned what you have?

You’ve not even giving your constituents fair value for electing you, Senator. “Present” means “not voting”, something you’ve done more than 100 times.

If you were President, would  a “pat reply” for questions you didn’t want to answer be, “That’s above my pay rate” as you did when refusing to say when you believe life begins?

How much should your pay be?

We need a President who can give answers, not smart quips.  We need John McCain, not Barack Obama.

One of many McCain/Palin  supporters,


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14 Comments on “Letter to Obama from an Ex-Democrat”

  1. Just a couple of quick note:

    – Yes, I know that the whole Monica Lewinsky thing didn’t come out until AFTER Bill Clinton was re-elected, but I cut grandma some slack on that one…

    – Biden’s property is 4 acres. Yes, McCain’s seven houses can fit on Biden’s estate quite nicely if they were moved and placed there… But, McCain might have to demolish Biden’s 6,000 square foot mansion to make a little elbow room. Not a bad idea….

    – Obama’s mansion cost him $1.65 Million ($300,000 below the asking price). Later on, Obama’s wife paid $104,500 for a strip of the adjacent property (bought and owned by Tony Rezko) to expand their acreage. So, the total Obama paid for his mansion was $1,754,000.

    How many “middle-class” Americans could afford that price tag? When Obama talks about the divide between the classes in America, just keep in mind which side of that “divide” Obama falls on…

    – Don’t get me started on that shady Rezko/Obama real estate deal….


  2. memaw Says:

    You Go Girl!!!!

  3. "Islamophobia"=BS Says:

    Brilliant! 20 year old mushy headed dhimmocrats should be blessed with such lucidity-we’d all be better off.

  4. dm60462 Says:

    Living on the South Side of Chicago, you pretty much have to be a lifelong Democrat to survive. It’s like the Chicago jizyah tax. Dick Durbin and Barak Obama are my Senators. When the ubiquitous letters arrive asking foe campaign contributions I remind them that Dick Durbin himself, with his comments equating members of our Armed Forces with Nazis, drove me away.

  5. Ustas Says:

    “I lost respect for the Kennedy men after learning of their infidelities – then Bill Clinton who blatantly lied to the world about his relations with Monica Lewinsky”

    I agree

  6. Note: Ronin re-edited Ustas’ comment while I was typing this, but suffice to say that Ustas was berating President Bush with the usual Liberal lies. What follows is my reply to his original comments:


    What are you getting your panties into a bunch for?

    I would think that you would be proud that Bush killed all those young people.

    After all, you bleeding heart liberals help kill 1.3 Million innocent babies each year in the U.S. alone……

    You should be thanking Bush for reducing the population, thereby reducing the strain on the Earth’s ecosystem…

    Heck, you should be giving him a friggin’ medal!

    Of course, it must be that you’re upset that he didn’t kill off more Americans…

    Yup, that’s got to be it…

    He’s only been able to kill off about 5,000 American soldiers over a 7 year period v.s. the 9.1 Million innocent American children that you Liberals have allowed to be killed off during that same time frame…

  7. Ronin Says:

    Sorry Doc, I got to his post before you did.


  8. tgusa Says:

    George W. Bush (the hated) he will get his due just like Reagan eventually did, years later. Yes remember the gigantic protests over Reagan primarily among allies? Remember the lies, heck, they wrote songs about how the cowboy (California style) would start a nuclear war. Well we all see were that has led and I will put money on the fact that GWB goes down in history next to Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan. Yes, he stuck to his principles under great duress and did not waver, just like those I mentioned ahead of him. Carry on Sir George, live the good life with all the accolades that you are deserving of, we demand it. I’ll miss you Sir, God bless and keep you and yours.

  9. tgusa Says:

    Ya know, after reading and rereading the good ladies letter. I have to ask myself, was I once a democrat in the same image, long ago in times gone by? Just wondering, because of… you know… the similarity in our views?

  10. tgusa,

    The Democrats use to be much less Liberal than they are today.
    Just consider JFK’s short-lived presidency.

    “And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”

    “We stand for freedom. That is our conviction for ourselves; that is our only commitment to others.”

    But, I really like the “Cuban Missile Crisis JFK” – the ending to his Cuban Missile Crisis speech was magnificent!:

    “…Many months of sacrifice and self-discipline lie ahead — months in which both our patience and our will be tested, months in which many threats and denunciations will keep us aware of our dangers. But the greatest danger of all would be to do nothing.

    The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are; but it is the one most consistent with our character and courage as a nation and our commitments around the world. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.

    Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right; not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved.

    Thank you and good night.”

    — ——— —-

    You see, I’m not against the Democrats, I’m against the Liberal commies who have infiltrated the Democratic party and made a mockery of our U.S. Constitution.

    Obama is no Democrat in the classical sense of the word! He is, by all accounts and actions, a Liberal Socialist, i.e. – A Communist!

    Obama may have modeled his acceptance speech after JFK’s, but he is no JFK. Whereas JFK fought against Communism, Obama embraces Communism…

    JFK once said:

    “Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. ”

    I would say that the Democratic Party has become quite corrupt from within its ranks; now we as a Nation may ALL soon pay the price for allowing that to have happened…


  11. tgusa Says:

    Great post Doc, I completely agree. Yes I was just a babe as Ike moved out and JFK moved in. Here’s the funny thing about those days though, I can remember, distinctly, seeing, I like Ike bumper stickers it seemed as if every car in America had one. It is one of my first recollections of the signs around me. Kennedy, JFK, I have great respect for but I never saw a bumper sticker stating I like JFK, wonder why?

  12. tgusa,

    “…seeing, I like Ike bumper stickers […] but I never saw a bumper sticker stating I like JFK, wonder why?”

    Uhm… Because it didn’t rhyme? *grin*

    But, seriously, thank you for the compliment.

    Well, I’ve got to get to bed now so that I can get up early for Church. I’ll catch ya’ later.

    Good night and God Bless.

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