Feds Warn of Possible NY City Subway Attack by Al-Qaeda


Feds Warn of Terror Plot Against New York Subways
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 – NewsMax

Federal authorities are warning law enforcement personnel of a possible terror plot against the New York City subway system during the holiday season.

An internal memo obtained by The Associated Press says the FBI has received a “plausible but unsubstantiated” report that al-Qaida terrorists in late September may have discussed attacking the subway system.

The report indicates that al-Qaida terrorists “in late September may have discussed targeting transit systems in and around New York City. These discussions reportedly involved the use of suicide bombers or explosives placed on subway/passenger rail systems,” according to the document.

“We have no specific details to confirm that this plot has developed beyond aspirational planning, but we are issuing this warning out of concern that such an attack could possibly be conducted during the forthcoming holiday season,” states the warning, which is dated Tuesday.

While federal agencies regularly issue all sorts of advisory warnings, the language of this one is particularly blunt.

Intelligence and homeland security officials are working with local authorities to try to corroborate the information “and will continue to investigate every possible lead,” the memo says.

Explore posts in the same categories: Al-Qaeda, security

4 Comments on “Feds Warn of Possible NY City Subway Attack by Al-Qaeda”

  1. CavMom Says:

    The terror continues… Whether an actual attack or keeping the citizens on edge…

    We have discussed the possibility of groups, such as al qaeda, crying wolf over and over until citizens become complacent, ignoring all warnings as false alarms…

    And then KABOOM, we are caught off guard.

    I do not suggest crawling in a hole and hiding with each warning, but more so a vigilant eye to the people and events around us.

  2. Appalled By The World Says:

    I guess lighting up the Empire State Building in green for Eid and putting in more Koran classes for the kids doesn’t give NYC a free pass after all. Any more bright ideas on how to immunize a city from this sort of threat via more dhimmitude?

    Increasing dhimmitude leads to more contempt from the enemy which leads to increased hatred from them which leads to future attacks to gain more concessions. When will idiots realize this?????

  3. Leatherneck Says:

    The Mosques in New York are filled with loving Muslims for this nation. Right State Department?

    Condi?, Condi, are you still upset with sitting in the back of the bus? Why not help destroy America by allowing millions of Satan worshipers who hate this country to settle down here, grow in number, blast call to Lucifer prayer, gather weapons, and plan harm on Americans who helped you sit in the front of the bus.

    CFR idiots!.

  4. az_conservative Says:

    I hate to say it, but I hope they do attack again. It’s the only way any of the sheeple will ever open their eyes, even temporarily. America needs a sharp jolt out of its selfish, ignorant, blind, weak stupor. Plus, it might spur some action on securing the borders (I know, wishful thinking).

    Too many blacks never learned that version of history (you know, the true one). It’s been rewritten to promote the race-baiting reparations agenda. We now have a bunch of angry blacks who honestly believe they are oppressed, deserve something for nothing and should be given special rights and privileges. Pretty counter-productive, I think, but it’s a fact of this black “liberation” theology. Many of them just think they deserve to be completely liberated from responsibility.

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