Webster Redefines Marriage

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4 Comments on “Webster Redefines Marriage”

  1. tgusa Says:

    I don’t see a lot of difference between chuck wanting to get hitched to dan than I would if chuck wanted to marry rover. Thirty years ago homosexuality was classified by the ama as a mental disorder. I personally believe they were right and back then and way off base today. Frankly if there was any sanity left in the world they would be treating homosexuals as they do smokers and raising taxes on them for their unsafe lifestyles. Who do you think pays for their aids drugs, them? There used to be a joke that went, how come you cant get lost in SF, cause they have aids on every corner. Look’s like we could interchange SF and DC these days, wow, what a surprise. The fact is the homos pissed me off with their brownshort tactics after this last election for the final time. If they need sympathy or support I suggest they try the Taliban, not me.

  2. tgusa Says:

    Everything is being redefined these days. Illegal invasion, the new patriotism. Anything that comes out of the SF sanctuary or Nancy Pelousy’s mouth ought to be flushed. Yep, she’s the one the dems picked as their leader. Diversity in perversity, now! I’m wonderin where I go if I need some sanctuary? But I really don’t need to ask it’s apparent that they would like us all to go to hell.

  3. irishoaks Says:

    I understand that we can not call a terrorist a terrorist any more. So they are assertive other-nationalists?

  4. teach5 Says:

    So, we refuse to buy or use Webster products. Poor Daniel and Noah must be spinning in their graves!

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