Capitol Hill Allows Porn Sites, but is Blocking Conservative Websites!!!

Like we didn’t see this coming…

Breaking: Capitol Hill Censoring Conservative Web Sites
Posted on 23 July 2009 by Guardian Council – TheDCWriteup

Capitol Hill offices have censored at least two conservative-leaning Web sites without providing a public justification, The D.C. Writeup has found.

The Politicizer, a site that bills itself as “A Fresh Perspective On Politics and Society From the Internet Generation,” has been inaccessible every day for the last two weeks on Capitol Hill. For the entirety of that period, users from a variety of other locations – including other D.C. government buildings and nearby offices – had no difficulty loading the site.

While the Politicizer does not claim to be partisan, the site’s content is mostly ideologically conservative, including recent articles such as “Obama’s Small Business Problem” and “Oppose Obamacare.”

The D.C. Writeup has also been inaccessible from the Hill since July 10. Like the Politicizer, the site is not explicitly right-of-center, but features a significant amount of content critical of the Obama administration.

Prior to July 10, the site loaded properly, suggesting that either an automated system or a government official decided to prevent it from functioning.

Neither the Politicizer nor The D.C. Writeup contains objectionable images or excessive language, especially when compared to other sites that remain functional.

Numerous extremely gay pornography sites, such as and, as well as straight pornography strongholds like, load without incident.


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7 Comments on “Capitol Hill Allows Porn Sites, but is Blocking Conservative Websites!!!”

  1. tgusa Says:

    It has long been known that IT is filed with leftards, couple that with the fact that due to EOE (no white guys need apply) the civil service is loaded with them too. After all we have seen who is in and who is out for quite awhile. No matter if these leftards get their way if the road we follow is paved by them in the future we will see the internet as we know it all but disappear. They will not be visiting pron sites, femi sites, music or movie sites, they will all have their heads sawed off instead. Morons. As I have said tossing the incumbents only goes so far there are but 535 of them, there are probably 5 million or more unelected moonbats working for the people (barf) as well. And they are firmly entrenched. Hey leftards, be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

    • tgusa Says:


      Whites need not apply is not exactly correct. If you are white and you are a homo, transgendered, serial adulterer, tax cheat, eugenicist, well, you can see where this is going, you are a ok. But that brings up a question what if a white guy becomes a white woman? Does he/she/it qualify for special treatment? I think the answer to that is a resounding , yes. Get your sex change now, before the rush.

    • “As I have said tossing the incumbents only goes so far”

      Besides voting all the bastards out of office, we need to implement term limits so that a stream of politicians will continually rotate out from the common society and into positions of political servitude; thus rejuvenating our government with fresh ideas gained from experiences amongst the common man.

      And, this should not be limited to just the politicians. We need to implement time limits on unelected bureaucrats and government office workers.

      I yield to Thomas Paine for his analysis in the pamphlet, “Common Sense:”

      “[…]that the elected might never form to themselves an interest separate from the electors, prudence will point out the propriety of having elections often: because as the elected might by that means return and mix again with the general body of the electors, in a few months, their fidelity to the public will be secured by the prudent reflection of not making a rod for themselves. And as this frequent interchange will establish a common interest with every part of the community, they will mutually and naturally support each other, and on this, (not on the unmeaning name of King,) depends the strength of government and the happiness of the governed.”


      • tgusa Says:

        This is becoming a pattern.
        It appears that everything has been said before.
        Warnings from the past abound.
        Our leaders used to be a lot smarter.
        A lot.


  2. Wow…

    2 racist @$$holes in one day…

  3. First bill black and then antichrist… Yeeessshhhh those jerks need to start thier own forum elsewhere.

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