Senators Remove “Death Panel” from Health Care Deform Bill

For over a week now, the commies in Washington have been trying to convince the American public that there were no Death Panels in the Health Care Deform bill; calling Sarah Palin a liar, saying it was all a bunch of hooey sparked by those “angry, Astroturfing, Right Winger Tea Baggers,” etc.

So, I have a question:  If there was no “Death Panel” provision in the Health Care Deform bill, then how can you remove that which does not exist?

Score another hit point for Sarah Palin and the Tea Party protesters!

Sounds to me like the Lame Stream Media and the Commies in Washington owe Sarah Palin and We the People a BIG FLAGGIN’ APOLOGY!!!!!

Senators exclude end-of-life provision from bill

Thu Aug 13, 1:55 pm ET – via YahooNews

WASHINGTON – Key senators are excluding a provision on end-of-life care from health overhaul legislation after language in a House bill caused a furor.

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement Thursday that the provision had been dropped from consideration because it could be misinterpreted or implemented incorrectly.

A health care bill passed by three House committees allows Medicare to reimburse doctors for voluntary counseling sessions about end-of-life decisions. But critics have claimed the provision could lead to death panels and euthanasia for seniors.

The Senate Finance Committee is still working to complete a bill.


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7 Comments on “Senators Remove “Death Panel” from Health Care Deform Bill”

  1. Kevin Says:

    They aren’t removing the provision because it exists, but because it has been so completely misconstrued by the general public. The whole death panel thing was a lie in the first place, and now people are so angry about it that Senators like Republican Chuck Grassley are conforming to the angry, misinformed base. It’s called politics, you dumbass.

    • Retard,

      Yeah, right. You go with that.

      If it was all just a big misunderstanding brought about by those evil insurance companies, then logic would dictate that you educate the public. Also, one has to ask oneself what the heck that was doing in the bill in the first place if it was so unimportant that it could be removed? How many more “unimportant” items are in that bill?

      The fact of the matter is that I READ those sections. Sure enough, they equate to a “Death Panel” that will decide who and what procedures get financing.

      When this commie-power grab POS legislation finally gets rammed through, I guarantee these “Death Panel” provisions will eventually work their way back into the legislation. They have to, because when rationing begins—which it will, as it has occurred with EVERY NATION on the face of planet Earth that has Socialized Health Care—there is NO WAY to avoid implementing cost cuts via a “Death Panel.”

    • PB-in-AL Says:

      …and speaking of dumbasses, Kevin, can you provide the details of how it has been misconstrued, page & section?

      Nice way to have a conversation about the issues, call someone a name. Standard liberal methods: don’t have a constructive or logical response, so resort to invective. Way to go, Kevin.

      • PB-in-AL Says:

        I’ve noticed on this and other blogs that the trolls seem to be out in force today.

        • Yeah, I noticed that when all that money went out to the Libtards and Lefturds to push the Health Care Deform bill, the trolls started kicking in!

          Seems like Obama and George Soros are the ones who are feeding and controlling the trolls…


  2. irishoaks Says:

    As the old commercial used to say: IT’S IN THERE!!!!

    Another line that bothers me is the one on page 59 where the ‘government’ will have access to one’s personal bank accounts. When I called John Tanner’s office D-TN, his office phone answering person told me it was the same as direct deposit. I then asked how then is deposit the same as TRANSFERRING FUNDS??? Deposit is leaving money in an account. transferring funds is having the ability to remove funds from that account. She was unable to directly respond other that to say I didn’t understand. When I told her I had a college education and was fairly well read and understood a great many things and was a 26 year Registered Nurse; my ability to understand the difference between “deposit” and “transfer” was not a difficult process. She became flustered and told me I had read it wrong. When I read it to her, she just couldn’t answer at all. I asked to speak to Tanner directly since she obviously couldn’t answer, and she informed me he was unavailable. I told her I was going to make sure he would be unavailable after the election in 2010 as well.

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